Fuck all these coomers, lets have a comfy thread. How's your day going Sup Forums? Is it snowing where you are...

Fuck all these coomers, lets have a comfy thread. How's your day going Sup Forums? Is it snowing where you are? If not why do you live in a third world shithole?

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I wish it was snowing, but central US is bipolar as hell and the snow always goes around us. Besides that it's 30 fucking degrees outside and sunny. I hate it.

Maybe it's time to move to a less shitty place

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Once I can afford to, my friend. I'm tired of all the sunshine. I love rainy weather, and I hate when it's below freezing outside and there's no snow but only the sun shining down, not warming anything but instead blinding me.

I live in Spain and it hit 3 degrees here today. No snow, but I'd much rather live here than in the US or fucking Russia.

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I'm spanish too. Perfect pic. Ah coño, y por que no te estoy hablando español?

I got incredibly depressed yesterday, but seems to be going fine today. Kinda hoping it stays that way.

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Hablar español está estrictamente prohibido en Sup Forums pues rompe la regla número 1. No hablar estadounidense va en contra de la ley.

Para que los salvajes entienden.

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My grandpappy made a bad decision when choosing a new country after the war, so it's 85°F here. But the AC works, I have almost a month of vacations from work and I still have 4 beers in the fridge so shit's good.

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Florida isn't a third world shithole.

it's 75 degrees where i'm at in the south.

thinkin about boar scum

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>making a thread you want instead of making a thread just bitching about porn

I live in Washington but it's not snowing this year, I live in a small warm pocket so it doesn't snow here as often unfortunately.

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Whatever you say beaner

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>why do you live in a third world shithole?
Because i can't move out when my country's incredibly inflated economy is getting worse by the day. I'm from Brazil btw, that's how fucked i am

Argentinian here, I feel you my dude. I still have hopes of moving out of this shitty place someday.

Holy fuck. You mean there's actually internet in Basil?

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Your damn right! user from fucking Russia

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I'm white and live in a gated community. I haven't seen a beaner in months actually. Y'all don't know how segregated it is down here I guess.

Sadly no, we have to mingle with our help unfortunately

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found the mortadela

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I finally came back from work and i need to finish a big college project. I have 2 days :c

It's fucking raining

>How's your day going Sup Forums?
Well, I woke up about an hour ago, so far it's alright, had breakfast, read the paper, go through Sup Forums aand now I'm about to play some vidya after this
>Is it snowing where you are?
No, in australia we don't get snow unless you live in canberra and I live around sydney
>If not why do you live in a third world shithole?
Because it's better than a fourth world pissgrave or a fifth world cumpool

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So your lungs are being destroyed from the ciggy air.

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Austria, but no snow and around 40C. I wish we had snow so I can make snowballs and throw them at my neighbour's cats for killing our birds. Also, icy nights are beautiful because I live away from the city where I can see the milky way once it's freezing and there are no clouds.

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Same day as usual. Mixing household chores with /b breaks

Destroyed, my lungs are fucking annihilated

No. 4 degree Celsius. Don't wanna get anyone twisted. It's not August yet.

Sydney sounds like a hell of a place

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