Whats the problem with this country (España) threads?

Whats the problem with this country (España) threads?

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Arriba España cojones

go to Sup Forums or /bant/ stupid spic

Socialism, communism and feminism. Apart from that there's a bit of a spread of low IQ, originating from Africa and spread out from Andalucia to the north. Cities have the same IQ problem in immigrant areas.
Results are high debt, degenerate behavior like not keeping promises and quite rampant corruption.
Solution: With current immigration levels this place ain't going anywhere. Ever.

you sound like a butthurt fellow

Up with the spain, balls

>degenerate behavior like not keeping promises and quite rampant corruption.
All these things are done by the right, so you can't blame the commies, how many communist president have we had genius ?

Dont bother, you cant expect any kind of logic from this kind of """""people""""""

Your socialists are more communist than the average american communist. I have a business in a town run by a communist mayor - political party and it's hell.
It's eating your country from the inside out. The funny thing is the average spanish IQ is too low to realize this.

>Your socialists are more communist than the average american communist. I have a business in a town run by a communist mayor - political party and it's hell.
>It's eating your country from the inside out. The funny thing is the average spanish IQ is too low to realize this.

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Oh my, is the SJW generalizing here?
The exact problem is that your slightly below average IQ results in rampant ideological nonse that destroys the economy and freedom. and results in rampant corruption, which you are willing to forgive as long as it suits your political ideals. You're bad at life, and it shows in everything, if you compare Spain to northern Europe you will see this. From your filthy grimy streets to your dirt roads in developed areas. From your obviously corrupt politicians to your failing ghettos and your substandard hygiene.

You may have a socialist mayor, I repeat, we have no communist mayors in any big city in Spain I know of. unless you live in Marinaleda, think that's the only one.

Whats your opinion on spanish women?

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Basado Sofiposter

not the original sofiposter tho

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Cordoba bitch

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>call us low IQ
>But he believes that in America there is a left party.

lmao subnormal

Imagine being tied to a sinking ship.

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I don't understand your post...
>if you compare Spain to northern Europe you will see this. From your filthy grimy streets to your dirt roads in developed areas. From your obviously corrupt politicians to your failing ghettos and your substandard hygiene.

those comparisons... it means that you have never lived in the north of Europe or in Spain. lol

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Now thats what I call sofiposting.

Look, if your arguments were real. Right now I would be offended, wishing this thread would be removed without bumps. But you show a complete ignorance of European geopolitics and Spain.

>failing ghettos
We live from the construction, all the infrastructures in Spain are new.
>substandard hygiene
We live from tourism, cleanliness and safety in the streets are a priority.
more ignorance of the situation

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Al final Hacemos un thread o estamos comiendo polvorones?

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