Would you be turned off by how chubby my tummy is if you got this in real life...

would you be turned off by how chubby my tummy is if you got this in real life? i’m so embarrassed about it but working out is taking forever and my new bf is gonna see me soon in bed :( help, i need advice!

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more for bump

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Fuck off porn fag

Be honest or show him before. My gf is a little chubby. I wouldn't care if every other week she didnt complained about it. All in all if the guy isnt a omega chad, he will just be happy to get his dick wet.

no, looks fine

last one

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nah it's fine.

Also, learn what positions hide your embarrassing features better. I know if an enthusiastic girl is riding me she can look like Steve buscemi.

haha yeah you’re right. i always worry about riding because it’s very like... tummy centric

Not even that bad tbh, I wouldn't mind. Any of you standing nude so we can see that angle?

i don’t have a full length mirror unfortunately

So real talk girl. I cum super fast. Like 1 minute man is my hero. So if you notice him looking down grab his hands and move them to your boobs. Eye contact etc. You can always bend down and bite his neck ( or kiss if hes a little bish) btw sorry for spelling mistakes I'm on my phone.

Nah, would smash. He almost certainly won't care. More pics would help make sure though.

I love a bit of chub! You look great don't even trip

Im not sure if my reply worked. But the key notes if you ride are
1: put his hands on your boobs to distract
2: lean down to bite/kiss neck
3:if hes confident and always has his eyes open assert dominance and stare back. I know it's hard to believe, but if a guy has decided you are breed worthy. He WILL put his dick in you.

thanks for the advice, guys! i never thought /b would be encouraging but hell yeah. i think i just need to work on my self confidence more than anything

Hey. I've answered some if you have any other questions or want advice let me know. I do want to ask a few questions though. What is your age, hair color, height, and weight (if you want to).

Honestly I haven't been on here in like 5 years. I did not expect any of this either.

28, brown hair and eyes, 5’4 and 173

Thanks! Not sure why I asked that. I guess I was just thirsty hoping you were a redhead. Well, I'll be checking back every so often if you have any more questions hollar at your anonymous internet friend!

My exgf always tried to hide her tummy and i kind of turned off by that

Why this thread works.

OP posted tits first thing, and exposed her vulnerabilities. /btards are douches but respect a good set of tits.

Second, she is owning her chubbyness, and really, /btards know that chubby chicks are much more fun than skinny bitches. FUCK Skinny bitches and their insecurities.....skinny bitches dont post on /b and as if they are too skinny....because skinny bitches suck.

OP was not a fag and delivered several times...and in all honesty, there is some /btard that is fapping to your tits, appreciating them and wishing they were squeezing them.

Take note that most /btards here would gladly pound you unless you are a trap.

Your boyfriend is one lucky dude.

>"Holla at you anonymous internet friend"
Being this much of a beta

If being a beta makes you happy a beta I shall be. :)

Dude... Gay.

Don't worry so much, if he's actually in to you, he's not going to care about that

thanks based user!

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i am definitely trying to avoid this, i’m shy irl but trying to be more uh... confident and sexually awakened in the bedroom.

If this is op. You are gorgeous dont worry about your tummy at all!

thank you T_T everyone has been so nice, I really appreciate it!

>Cute face
>Chubby waist

Literally the best combo, you've got nothing to worry about aesthetically.

Hey user, if you're serious and not just trying to get a rise from Sup Forums short term I would say don't worry about it. He's into you and he has eye, he can see you're got a few extra pounds.
I think he'll really appreciate that you're actually motivated and actually doing something about your HEALTH.

Secondly: Working out and eating right (not just starving yourself) takes time. You WILL get there as long as you are CONSISTENT. A mediocre workout plan done consistently will yield a far better result then the best plan done sporadically.
By getting fit your helping yourself in more ways than just looks, you'll live longer, feel better, have more energy, be more motivated, mental strength with grow along side your confidence.

Even if you lose a bit of weight and hold on to some unwanted fat (girls SHOULD have a little fat on 'em just healthier that way) it can be seem that you are strong as your body will hold a good form, and so will your mind ;)

Now show more tits.

What a fucking white knight.

dude, a guy will put his dick into most things, and we will regret it later. I don't agree with your last point.

true dat. I was with him up until after the first line.