Attached: trump soybot.png (650x872, 1.33M)

Why am I supposed to hate this guy again?

Lol is this shopped? He looks like he’s 350 pounds here

It looks like she's wearing a mask

If I pulled it off would she die?

Because he's a fucking moron.

He forces his "physicians" to lie about his weight. He's always conveniently 1 pound under "obese" when in reality he's easily 350-400 lbs.

She is. It's called plastic surgery.

why does this fat orange cheeto stand like such a fucking retard

>Why am I supposed to hate this guy again?
It was her turn.


he is getting fatter bros :(

rent free

He's actually 400 pounds, you starving shitskin

So much salt

His wife is such an ugly plastic whore. Good match. They will divorce in 2025, though.

Based President

>Piece of shit President

Donald J Trump just wants to Make America Great Again and Keep America Great!

He has sacrificed more than any other President in history to save America and save the World!

onions trump

Attached: soytrump.png (406x355, 326K)

Why is he making the onions face?

Attached: basedjak.gif (224x224, 3.8M)

>accidentally clicked one of the porn banner ads

Am I fucked lads?

Attached: 82DD32E7-28B5-4211-9CEF-BCA75C8E55B5.jpg (750x1000, 77K)

He's doing a parody

A woman is coming to take your virginity

he didn't start WWIII

He's trying hard to do just that, you fucking fool.

it would be extremely painful

It triggers Sup Forums whenever you criticize him, and that's all you should care about.

couldn't we make a thread dissing war movies without mixing in trump derangement syndrome? They are kind of unrelated topics. Trump is a normie regarding history and probably has boomer taste in movies, but Hillary was the pro-war candidate.

source: CNN and Washington Compost's brilliant analysis

>It triggers Sup Forums whenever you criticize him, and that's all you should care about.

Attached: 9CE0AC81-98AD-4246-BC9E-EEC1839BBB91.png (215x235, 46K)

He’s goofing off for kids it was an Easter thing

God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and guest starring, Satan.

Oops Halloween

Attached: 0EFBE4DB-8170-4918-AFCB-CC849976188D.jpg (634x951, 138K)

He's fat. Fat people are disgusting.

Can someone trace over his face and make a soijak?

Based on what?

Proof Drumpf is evil, he's got the damn minions working for him!

Nope make your own memes leftshit

Attached: 1476385063310.jpg (1417x1417, 701K)

>Proof Drumpf is evil:

Ross Perot

That's one massive brapper.


>Because he's a fucking moron.
nice quantitave evidence you got there

fpbp and checked

Attached: praise kek.png (720x1019, 511K)

>implying God and Jesus would hate a man trying to help based Christianity
you're correct about Satan thinking Drumpf is evil though

>Because he's a fucking moron.
Like most of the people you elect. Hard to choose which moron you want running a country of morons

>It triggers Sup Forums whenever you criticize him, and that's all you should care about.

Attached: 1009-10095058_post-crying-wojak.jpg (820x838, 181K)

Satan isn't always wrong and he hates it when a human invades his territory.

^he thinks Trump doesn't hate Jesus Christ
Everyone laugh at that user.

You shouldn't. Trump's actually a great guy. Charming, funny, intelligent and mostly honest. It's a small fraction of his supporters that are cringe alt-right incels, but God has punished them in his own way.

none of these Sup Forumslaks even know kek comes from lel and that kek is from people spamming some russian cake treat called "tasty keks"
its so funny how only like 10% of the people on Sup Forums must remember lel being spammed everywhere before kek

>bankrolled by Russian mafia
>stiffed his contractors out of payments
>divorced 3 times, abandoned a child
>ex-friends with Epstein

you fucking liar lol

NiggaTrump lied about how many floors Trump tower has


>muh russia
>muh floors

>This thread was moved to

Attached: 2bde52557afb7355ba755e8664128be3f.jpg (451x517, 35K)

because CNN says so

you said he was honest but if he lies about something that simple...

fuckin fag lol

your retarded hes what 6'3 275
big motherfucker
but not obese
healthy weight

put little beta bitches like you in their place

Attached: trump looks.png (632x767, 703K)

LOL at that fatass faggot dumbnigger

Dude, he is 6'. He lies about his height. It's been proven over and over.

3 years of your horrible autistic screeching down, you have 5 to go.

Are you going to KYS next Nov 3rd?

Attached: !cryingloserliberal2019.jpg (589x588, 87K)

>insecure manlet

Attached: nnnnnnPPPPPPPPCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.jpg (239x249, 4K)

Jeb Bush is 6' and got on his tip toes to match big Don

>not knowing that kek came from World of Warcraft

for you