Why did their lives end up so differently?

Why did their lives end up so differently?

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guy on the left probably sort of normal parents

>Good parents
>Coalburner mother
Left beat a minor to a bloody pulp lol

Dude on the right is Hapa trash.

My god, they are so fucking ugly

Also that jaw is fucking repulsive.

The Roge was part kike on his father's side

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a few millimeters of bone

also this


>tfw look like the guy on the right
life's good

white women crave melanin

It's the blue eyes, obviously. Chicks dig blue eyes.

White men are stronger and taller on average than black men. Black men are good at face, and that's it. They're fake. To quote a black man I know after waiting in the drivethrough for thirty minutes and getting attitude from the window worker (jamaican):
"Eets always deese fookin niggahs! Dey nevah on time, alway dey late, den dey act gangstah an bad wen dey all bitchass mofuggahs!"
And it's true. When white people go on marches, where are all the black people? Inside. They only fight when they outnumber the other guy, and beg like pussies when a stronger man (me) stands over them. Always the same shit, they talk shit, expecting to get away with it, then I stand up and walk over to them and they start waving their hands 'naw main, calm down main, i jus jokin'.
Nothing better than fucking virgin black girls too. The shy, skinny ones from the country. They are always so nervous, they try but have to be guided, it's the cutest shit ever. They all love me because they see me, my muscles, and realize I am stronger, smarter and richer than any black man they are ever going to meet. Absolutely submissive. Most black guys turn fag a few years after I destroy their 5'6'' 'swagguh', they seriously thought they were the same as that mixed race monster they see at basketball games.

great my nigga. time to get white bitches

yea and?
the guy on the right murdered a bunch of poeple after being mental disaster his entire life.

Guy on the right had penis problems

Meeks has good looking white features and black masculine sexual aura.
Literally a god tier combo.

Meanwhile Elliot got the worse features of Asians and whites.

shrimp dick

One was a manlet hapa autist.

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Elliot Rodger was a good looking guy, he was just mentally ill, feminine and girls don't like Asian guys. If he had gone to China, he would have slayed.

Yes Hapas are known for their small dicks, thanks for clarifying what he just said in a term that even niggers can understand.

>ER thought 4 inches was average
>Meanwhile Meeks has a large cock going by his dick pics
No wonder he ended up a mass shooter

Elliot was not ugly. He is a Asian 7 in looks, but that's not enough in California and in the USA where things are rigged against men.


sometimes he can look handsome, but it doesnt matter. he had an ugly personality. No one wants to hang out with some try hard weirdo who complains all the time

Mullato Men > Hapa Men

Hapa Women > Mullata Women

truth. height and looks aren't super important to most girls. my brother was a manlet. no taller than 5'4, and he slayed so much fuckin pussy. he had charisma, wasn't afraid to approach girls and chat with them, and had a sense of humor and confidence. that shit goes a much longer way than so many incels imagine.

Cut your nails

Complaining and having a bad attitude doesn't help, I agree, but let's not try and claim those were his main problems. His problems were mental health, being a manlet, being an Asian hapa, and things being rigged against him in a Western country where even ugly chicks think they're hot shit.

one is handsome, the other is just "cute"

he reminded me of some robot who tried to act human.
>im wearing a fancy hat & the humans still dont accept me.

everything about him was weird.


>There are people who are defending an incel and actually saying he is 7/10 by looks

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First time I can laugh with a pajeet and not against one

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Its hilarious how the ugly incels of Sup Forums will call models ugly and always find a way to insult people's appearances.

Go ahead, post your faces, let's see how good you look

Dude, there are guys who have raped babies who have women sending them love letters while they're in prison.

The guy to the left has a better jawline, looks more masculine, besides of his lips he looks more Caucasoid than the guy to the right, etc etc. Plus he looks intimidating. That is why he looks like a chad.

Who? (Ктo?)

>b-bro this sub8 incel who never got layed and is dead now was totally not a sub8 he just needed to take a shower

it wasnt that funny

Yeah not for a hapa like yourself

ok whatever you say

people defending him are hapa muts themselves

upvoted pajeet-bro kek

Those guys are ugly af, every mixed person is an abomination

Dude on the left committed a lesser (but still nasty) crime and so wasn't demonized by the media.


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Step 1: Be attractive

Something tells me young elliott fooled himself into thinking he was going to be guarenteed a 10/10 Stacy. He should've settled for a 6/10 or 7/10 Beth or Danielle. Pussy is pussy.

but this would mean the avg incel has actually no other excuse than to be lazy/scared of approaching women thus they prefer to complain everything on themselves.

They are like fatties "muh genetics"

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Step 2: Have both eyes be the same size and >= 10 fingers...


the guy on the right was a fucking arrogant weirdo that thought just cause he has money he could act like everything (inc pussy) "just" belonged to him without even doing effort. That was his main problem: mental damage.

Stale as fuck Bolognese

>no other excuse than to be lazy/scared of approaching women thus they prefer to complain everything on themselves.

no shit.

One has blue eyes, the other doesn't.
Also, one is a delusional sociopath, the other is Jeremy Meeks.

I.. I dont get that referrence

My god you're an ugly person trying to cope by putting on a facade of moral superiority to incels. Just shut the fuck up, you're tiresome.


Pretty much, guy was good looking and rich, he could easily have scored better girls than we could if he wasn't obsessed and crazy.

Elliots parents where normal, the only weird thing about them was the obsession of the father for non-white women

Yes that's enough, he would have had plenty of gfs if he bothered to ask them out and if he had normal standards.

Read his book, he tried everything to get a girl except talking to them, he expected some blond model to just fell on his lap while he stayed passive.

one lived long enough to understand that everyone are assholes & to just take what you can get and the other died throwing a tantrum

Height. Left is in the 6 foot range while Roddy was a manlet.

Wow, maybe you shouldn't talk before letting everyone here know you're a massive faggot.

eliot's big mistake was being a straight boi
He would be a qtπ gay boi but instead he was a unimpressive straight boi
He's a chad

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The funny thing about elliot is if he had just sold drugs instead of killing people he would have found a girl.

Elliot didn't want to accept the fact that he was a faggot

I do think that hapas have potential for anger and identity issues. But yeah, elliot seems like all that was on top of his insanely unrealistic entitlement. I am gonna yell at my kids and remind them that they are entitled to nothing from anyone.

Remind them often that a 5/10 with good personality, nerdy hobbies, and the ability to cook and clean is much better wife material than a 8/10 who's lazy and has entitlement issues from everything being handed to them inl life because they're good looking.

Elliot really isnt that ugly. My friend is ugly as fuck and hes got a girl

elliot didn't play sports because he's a fag

what jaw?

Mullatos are more well adjusted than HAPAs, specifically those from white fathers, asian mothers

Americans worship negroes
Americans dislike asians
They were both raised in america

autism and asian genes

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Post arm and timestamp.

Whenever the guy on the right gets posted, there are always some racist try hards trying to say he is "SOO UGLY".

Just objectively speaking and thinking what a female might find attractive, he has light eyes contrasting a darker skin tone which is always intriguing to women. He has nicely sculpted lips and jawline.

If he lifts and maintains a good weight, he is easily a 7-9 level chad. Not to mention women love "Bad boys" or edgy guys so their panties get wet off that.

I mean the guy on the left.

he could be slaying asian pusspuss but he was obsessed with blondes stacys

This post reeks of insecurity ironically. I mean you typed a wall of text filled with tough guy speech over an obvious trolling shitpost. You get really triggered by black males. Its sad.

Most Asian and Indian guys I've met have an unhealthy obsession with white women. Not just white women, but blonde white women like you said. Its weird and also very limiting given their low order on the sexual desirability scale for women.

This. Rogers was a massive narcissist.

it's just that there are so many better looking dudes, and people magazine or some other faggot sheeple shit called him possibly the world's most beautiful man. just fucking figures they decide on a dangerous half-nigger with neck tats and a prison tear

Why are they so bad ass pol?

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>it's dumb when white people do it
kiss everyone's ass faggot

Lots of girls would unironically have no problem with right. Especially now with K-pop becoming popular.

Unfortunately sometimes it IS your personality.


the left one looks like ancient WHG
the right one looks like ANE

yeah and he's an absolute alpha chad for doing so, imagine the women who witnessed were fucking soaking and schlicked to the idea of receiving his seed for days afterward


left was a criminal, got famous by sheer luck.

right had everything going for him, but had autism and some sort of mental illness.

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no its bone
cant you see the bone

The one on the left has a huge bbc, plus white women find him attractive and come quick from his bbc.

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in california we have gangs, not just beaner and nigger gangs but asian, white, and everything in between,
the nigger on left is a crip from central california who lives an exciting life of parties and blasting niggers with a sawed off
the guy on the right is a nerd
thats pretty much the TL;DR

His dad is a white nationalist?

Femanon here.

I like most white females am only attracted to black men not asian men causing whites and asians to make up the majority of the incell community.

Because the other guy have better genetics, that skull makes him look strong and masculine, and Elliot looks like a weak manchild.