Anyone knows what this is?

Anyone knows what this is?
2nd day its like that and i started doing some salt water mouthwash
Never had something similar

Probably the worst place to ask but hopefully someone has a serious answer

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Strep throat/tonsillitis. You’re going to need antibiotics. Go to the doctor.

I had this chronically and had to get my tonsils removed

Stop sucking cock


Could be tonsil stones, google that shit.

oh fuck

Its herpies. were you sucking a cock OP?

it's a finger in a mouth.


its where moot stashed all the Sup Forums porn

tonsil stones. cut your nails very very short and press against the tonsil. enjoy chewing the stinky yellow surprises that pop out.

You can put antibiotics ointment from a doctor on it but itll usually go away after a few days. Saline helps too. I get this too, it sucks.

you don't get sores in the back of throat it occurs on the epidermis

yep this

Not tonsil stones.. too far forward in the mouth.

Actually go to a doctor.

If you live in the united state good luck.

Cut head before it spread to the body

Definitely tonsillitis. I had it really bad last year and my tonsils swelled up a lot. I refused to go to a doctor until I realized how large they got because it was becoming harder to breathe. Go to a doctor, OP

tonsilitis, gargle with salt water, get lots of rest, avoid alcohol and if it doesn't clear up in a few days then you will need antibiotics. Sometimes its just your body telling you to slow down. Also I dare you to squeeze the puss and have a sniff...

I just waited and it went away after a few days.

Can you eat it? Not like just eat ... Rather: Is it tasty?

yes it can be eaten, but no it is rank

Neverlucky :( je pus too isnt exactly what id call tasty

strep throat you goofball mcspazotron

your breath must stinks like sewers


Do this

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fuck I hate you

Its a mouth ulcer ( aphte )

oh that was gross and all, but have your parents ever told you that they love you?

yes why ?

Its a tapeworm, looks like it's finding a nice new home.

I would be cautious about whether its going to lay eggs inside your tongue, i remember someone that happened to and all everyone could see is little worms wiggling around on the tongue as they burrowed out the tongue.