we need to unite and spam their threads with gay porn

fight fire with fire

make their threads unpleasant

Sup Forums used to infiltrate so many websites, now it can't get enemies off its home turf??

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I will help with spider man photos, godspeed user

You have a containment board, schizo. Go back there.

I just want to thank you in advance for giving me more material.


There's no hope for this shitty board.

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suck my dick nigger

pornfags r creeps and losers

Is there a image starter pack? I don't have any saved gay porn unfortunately

google images

I thought Sup Forums was the schizo board

Coomers are mad

were you the one who tried to derail some tranny thread?
i nearly died laughing reading that one.

But what about gay porn threads

You can not purge overpopulation! Same situation as africa:
>people tried to fight hunger
> so they sent food
>"nice enough food for another child"
> surprisedpikachu.jpg as there are now more people starving

You can not fight porn with porn. Let them circlejerk as long as they want and ignore them until they see the same fcking repost the 100th time and leave for one of the million porn sites. You can't fight it. Just ignore it.

shill detected, stand and fight bretheren!

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Gay porn > straight porn
We're evolving
You can never stop me from COOOOOMMMMIIIIINNNNGGGG

I don't even like porn. But you know what I like less? Puritanical faggots like you.

Sup Forums is the undisputed heavyweight champion schizo board

That's not how this works, nigger. Sup Forumstards are immune to discomfort and pornfags all watch gay porn on the regular and just don't admit it.
We did this before, it was the Emu Wars, and it was beautiful. Sup Forums was chemoed of porn for a full half a day, not a single trap posted in this shithole. It didn't go further because everyone who was on board with it was too busy posting pics of emus and toyotas non-stop on every new porn thread, to actually make new threads and get things going.

Now we may have enough numbers to pull of, so get your emus and engage the enemy.

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You would have to be retarded to think Sup Forums is going back to doing raids and making decent content.

All this board is good for anymore is pron

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No. Post gore in their Threads. It's the only way.
Posting gay porn will just make them realize they're actually gay, and Sup Forums will be even worse

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No, gore is white noise for Sup Forumstards, you want to do something remember where you are.

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You anti porn fags are no better, rekt, gore, hate threads are fine but please no naked people.


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It isn't because it's because, it's because they've been spamming the same shit all day for 3 years with no consequences, take a bullet pill retard.

No, take an emu.

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*It isn't because it's porn. the problem is the spam

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The word you're looking for is emu.

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Sup Forums has always been overwhelmed by porn.
It's the lifeline of Sup Forums and all the incels, neckbeards, losers, and general faggits that are it's denizens.
Coomers are just the most recent addition as the zoomer generation starts contributing it's jizz into the mix.
Sup Forums was never good. Sup Forums was never a nuce place.
Sup Forums was always a bunch of kissless virgins pretending to be chads.
Sup Forums only had 2 claims to fame. Anonomous and lulzsec.
The greatness has left us behind.
We are left only with general faggitry and an empty sadness. (and jizz stains on our keyboards.)
Long live porn.

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im onboard

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You cry like a little girl. Don't like then don't look at it. Just cause you can't get it up... ya know

This is now a monroe thread

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Any new porn thread, before they start posting porn, you dump the emus and keep going. As more people join in, we can reach maximum image capacity in minutes, and after a while they'll give up on making new ones. Emus work.

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nice idea but its not going to work
they don't give a shit

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