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How so? Its one age a part dumb fuck

That's not even pedophilia, you retard.

not even interesting
it's within a year, who gives a shit anyway

Get cancer asap

Try larping as a 12 year old maybe people here will give a shit

Yea, and thats a big maybe.

The only real amusing thing here is the immediate
>pic is of me playing guitar
As if it would be of anyone else, and that playing a guitar is a personality

The intel agencies have provided solid evidence that OP is indeed a faggot.

Because everyone here is a Pedophile

cool, I fucked a 17 yo broad when I was 18. hell its legal in most states if theyre one year apart. get a life op

OK virgin

And the media agrees. OP is gay.

>flirting with men on the internet
Well, you certainly are the OP

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ah yes, the unit of time; "1 age"

keep telling yourself that OP, also have fun on omegle ya fucking loser, nobody here seems to agree with you for a reason.

underage b&

Lol. The best part of being a drug dealer during my first 2 years of college was all the 16-17 year old puss that would come around.

19-20 year old dealer with his own place is like cat nip to trashy highschool girls.

Kind of girls who are like sophs or jrs but whos parents arent even calling if the come home.

Was great. the smell of cheese pizza

Attached: cheese.jpg (1000x1000, 168K)

get a load of matthew mcconaugay over here

I'm 32 ages old

Pick one, retard

Well, he wasnt wrong. Nothing better than an uninhibited little slut who is just discovering herself and doesn't think of consequences yet.

I shudder to think where some of those girls are today.


Ok Gandalf

god that looks good. mmmmm uhhh yah. cheeeesessey.
i like em fresh from the oven


1 age lmao