Beginning Thread

Beginning Thread
Anons its been almost 3 days since I last ate. Im fucking starving. 30 y.o. construction worker and Its been really slow at my job. Havent worked in 5 days. Do any kind anons have it in them to donate a quarter or nickel each? Boss is saying we might work friday but holy fuck if we do work I might not make it until then. My job is physically demanding as fuck. Please help a fellow user. AMA I guess.... also if it matter I have a pay pal.

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Op here. Fuck... I meant BEGGING THREAD.

I have no way of sending you money mate. If you live in the country side try setting up some snares for small game or try fishing. Good luck

go to a church. you don't have to be religious, they won't ask and they don't care, they'll help you

how do you expect to get money if you don't link a paypal?

Dude believe it or not Ive been to 6 churches already and NONE of them have food pantries or whatever you call them. The lastbone I went to was about 4 miles away and it looked promising but to no avail they were not able to help me.

or even in the city
rats, pidgeons, and squirrels are good eating
>but muh disease
ffs cook them you nigger, don't eat them raw

I've never done this before. What do i even link? Is there a number or link that I'm supposed to post? Please be patient kind user. I can barely think right now as it is.

you need to post the email associated with your paypal

Fellow constuctionfag here. No paypal? Venmo? Patreon? Cmon man how we supposed to help a bro out if you don't have this stuff

Post e-mail. You seem in need. Google how to do it. By the way, will the PayPal money help you in any way? Can you use it to buy food? Where I live you couldn't.

Are there not churches/Salvation Army nearby? They can get you food

What's your zipcode, we can google local resources for you.

Take this as a lesson to not spend everything you make right away. You're 30 and should have acquired this skill in your early twenties. You corporate whore

Hey, since this seems to be the dedicated beg thread...

I want like 25-30 bucks to get a D&D book for Christmas. I wanna get it as a gift for our whole group to enjoy.
I'll take any and all donations, even a dollar will bring me closer to my goal. I only have about 6 dollars to far lol
(or [email protected])
Heck, I'll even take giftcards like on steam or whatever, I can just buy tf2 items and resell them on third party sites for actual money. Yes, I'm poor and desperate lmao...

Thanks and merry Christmas!

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before I care to give you money answer the following
> do you own a new smartphone that was released within the last year?
> how many streaming (Netflix, Disney, Hulu, etc.) subscriptions do you currently have?
> do you own a switch, PS4, or xbox one., along with online subscription service, and how many games have you bought (physical or digital) in the past 3 months?
> how many times a week do you eat fast food?
> how many times a week do you go to Starbucks?
> how old is car, what model, and what are your monthly payments?
> what extra premium cable or satellite packages do you pay for every month?
> how often do you pay for grubhub or Uber eats etc deliveries?

When did you start construction?

Actually your right. I didnt think of that. Ive seen squirrels and pigeons that will just about let you pick them up in the city

> i wants a d&d book duh duh duh

Ok, so to clarify for those wondering. I am 30, a single father to 8 yr old son. Shared custody. I moved to look for employment opportunities in a different county. (Ventura) if that matters. All my money that i WAS supposed to be making is going to child support and or gas for my work vehicle. Right now since its been a while since I last worked I dont have any cash or gas. I uavent ate because i sent 400.00 to my son for food, clothes and to help my ex baby mama pay for utilities. It doesnt get anymore responsible than this. My pay pal link is

A month and a half ago. Shit got SLOW really fast after I moved here.


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That's a rookie mistake. Construction slows severely in the winter. I suggest taking a part time job.

You didnt post paypal. Nice story though. I pray that you find food. If there was a card company that only donated food stamps I would donate. Maybe a good business idea?

LOL, the mirror

> do you own a new smartphone that was released within the last year? No. Its a hand me down samsung sj7 that i bought for 30 bucks a year and a half ago.
> how many streaming (Netflix, Disney, Hulu, etc.) subscriptions do you currently have? None. Because I sleep in a shed. Most of my entertainment comes from YouTube.
> do you own a switch, PS4, or xbox one., along with online subscription service, and how many games have you bought (physical or digital) in the past 3 months? None of these either.... I'm working to support my son. Thats it.
> how many times a week do you eat fast food? Litteraly none times a week. I cant afford it. The last time i bought any semblance of groceries was a week and a half ago and that consisted of beans, rice, water and some ground beef. I think i spent exactly 20.43... thats Long gone by now.
> how many times a week do you go to Starbucks? None. Im not a beta sissy.
> how old is car, what model, and what are your monthly payments? Car is a 2002 Silverado 2500hd single cab long bed. I own it. Gas is about 150 a week. I got maybe an eight of a tabk to a quarter tank left.
> what extra premium cable or satellite packages do you pay for every month? No cable user. Just YouTube.
> how often do you pay for grubhub or Uber eats etc deliveries?litteraly zero times ever. I just cant afford it man. Hope that answered your questions....

learn to greentext nigger

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Dude.... Im litteraly fucking starving here I cant think straight so Fuck off.

>Im litteraly fucking starving
you should have thought of that before being born as a shitskin, Oscar Rodriguez

I sent you some. Spend it wisely.

Cool man. I hope you never have to go through anything like this. Have a nice day user.

what currency do you take user? paypal isn’t letting me send you usd

Bumpan for free shit from Santa~!

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If ypu can help with a quarter or nickel I'm good with that. I am but a humble man. Thanks all you kind anons for anything that you may bless me with.

Whatever you can send user. Ive never used paypal before.

Thank you user. I dont see it but if you say you did I will keep hoping it goes through.

sent ;)

show results on paypal, also send pic from home i dont buy it

sent you something user, let us know if it goes through. have you verified your phone number/identity yet?

Will that be good enough, my good man?

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It did.


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You fucking faggot you got me xD

Thats too much user. Just do like 5 bucks. Im not selfish and am grateful for anything.

Heh ;3

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Someone sent 40 Brazilian but then cancled it. Im not sure how much Brazilian money is worth.

Lmao if you're not trolling, I'm sure go won't mind. Construction guy, take all the money you get. But get a hold and try not to rely on Sup Forums. We gladly save a Sup Forumsro's ass, but it would make me much happier to see you eating regularly.

Please nobody give money to this lazy wetback, thank yous

Oh okay then, you won't get shit.

Someone sent 40 Brazilian but then canceled. Not sure if that was you user...


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it refunded automatically, tried to resend it just now

Yeah Im definitely trying man. Id rather be busting 14 hour shifts than have to resort to this begging.

best solution = neck yourself (livestream it)

if you keep yourself hydrated you can go well over a month without having to eat. it's called fasting.

>Oscar Rodriguez

>kind anons

expecting that was your first mistake

I believe you sent 8 american and or 40 Brazilian. Its pending but i got it. Thank you kind user. Many blessings to you and yours. Now i can eat.

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What about just a couple dollars then?

Fuck no.

you didn't have to send him your whole life savings bro

What about 666 dollars and Ill pledge my sould to the devil?


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Since everyone is being a cunt (I mean I get it, it's 4chins), I just sent you $50.00
This is probably a scam. I've been on here for 10+ years and should know better. But either way, I don't need the money. Best of luck user.

Do for others when you can. Karma is real.

This reminds me of that one time some user got his gf to timestamp tits, and a water bill or eviction notice. The dude got like 3 grand before it got out that he was trolling for cash. You're all gullible clowns.

it kinda feels genuine then again scammers would be good at faking that so yeah probs just financed someones pot addiction or paid rent for an indian family

Gimme 50 bucks too, it's not a scam, I just want free money ;3

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Next time just put fifty dollars in a bucket and burn it. All you did was pay for OPs liquor and cigarettes for the week.

This isnt a scam user. I just bought myself a bag of rice, a bag of beans and some gatorade powder for hydration. I wouldnt wish this on anyone.

Sorry to burst your bubble user but i just checked and there aint no pajeets here.

Whatever you say man. Can't wait to see you in another week when you pull more cash out of these guys pockets.

cooking doesn't eliminate all parasites or disease
all of the critters you just listed carry diseases which normal cooking will not eliminate

So prove it then. Screenshot the receipt or all the shit you just bought. But hold on, you replied 4 minutes after homeboy sent you $50. Damn you must be able to shop quick.

Im sorry you feel that way user. Just pray you never find yourself in Op's position regardless of how well you save or invest your money.

Bump again .-.

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$50 homeboy here. Don't be critical. Love one another.

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user I just got your transfer. Please know that you'll be feeding me for a week because of your generosity. I might have aome money for gas on friday as well if we work after all.

This should not surprise anyone. Churches are not in the charity business. They lie about that in order to justify lying to idiots for tax-free cash.

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You're an idiot. Do what this user says next time

pic of beans and rice with timestamp bro


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That's great man. Like I said, when you get on your feet, do something nice for someone. Karma exists. Even if you're faking this whole thing, I don't care. You need it more than I do. Best of luck.

>Karma exists.
pajeet detected. go poo in a loo, shitskin

Some bs elaborate story to beg for our hard earned cash.
Fucking spics

No, I'm a white boy southerner. I just read a lot of books, some are related to Buddhism. But lol nonetheless

enjoy your patron' and pall malls
shame you only got the 50 but oh well

>white boy southerner
then why are you giving away money to a filthy mexican? liar


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>I just read a lot of books, some are related to Buddhism

dont forget to cuck out and pay more welfare next week

right, lemme guess, LibArts major?
lmao fag

Op here. For those that donated to help feed me, thank you for your generosity. Brazilian bro thanks for the 8 bucks. 50.00 user thank you for such a large tip. You're an Angel in disguise. And to those who said they donated, even thi nothing came, thank you. I'm going to delete the thread. There's LOTS of anons here who would just like to watch the world burn. In all honestly some of yall made me geel like absolute shit about having to resort to begging. I mean I was asking for quarters and nickels for fucks sake. When that one fag was gonna send 595.00 I said no because that was WAY to much. I just wanted to put some food in my stomach. Ill be able to do that now. Peace everyone. Ill see yall around. I stay lurkin. Been here since 2008. Peace.

if you're not full of shit and trying to get some money for steam games, look into making money online. there's tons of websites that pay by paypal for easy shit, just search around on youtube. get the fuck off this site and make some money.

That's legal where you live ?

kill yourself, spic

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But you should care. You should care where your money goes. That's great that you have disposable income, but you bought snake oil user. Do you get good karma if you give someone money for them to go drown in a bottle with?

Nice set up for your next begging thread spic. See you soon buddy