When mods tried to censor our porn the only ones who haven't done anything were the lolicons, they're the most afraid group here, because with a flick of the finger they could all go to jail, and they're conformed with that, why is it?
Because they're all bootlikers, imagine my surprise knowing Nazis are all pedophiles huh?, every other site has already purged them, and everyone is shunning down on Sup Forums because we haven't done that already, it is time to make changes, you know the drill folks.

Attached: images - 2019-12-10T172400.326.jpg (184x184, 7K)


Hear hear


Attached: s21.jpg (225x225, 7K)

This is now an Asuka thread.

Attached: 1573057369659.jpg (587x689, 107K)

Purge the loliiii

Attached: 1493781201902.jpg (640x960, 145K)

Attached: 1561526323995.jpg (600x879, 64K)

Attached: 7010c740ad5b8f701b91869dcc879729.jpg (1282x1819, 1.67M)

See that's what I'm saying, when the mods were trying to censor all porn you were hiding, but now you're trying to ruin my thread with your shit? Fuck off.

Sorry user, this is much better

Attached: Rei_Ayanami.jpg (197x300, 30K)

Shut up, faggot.

Attached: melon.jpg (670x784, 119K)


Attached: rei versus asuka.png (1280x520, 204K)

You'll rot in jail.


Attached: 1555602468501.jpg (201x251, 15K)

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Attached: 1564339987623.jpg (640x350, 67K)

Attached: (5).png (704x480, 254K)

Attached: one hog every 24 seconds.jpg (1024x461, 66K)

Attached: 1563790736601.jpg (1024x1766, 129K)

ok, ok, you got me. Rei is definitely worse girl, but I got something better than both rei and asuka

Attached: MisatoKatsuragi.jpg (640x905, 67K)

A Misato is fine too.

Attached: queen asuka.jpg (705x960, 83K)

Attached: 1561240468408.png (500x580, 367K)

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Attached: do it for her.jpg (680x425, 50K)

Attached: 9ac.png (1600x984, 911K)

Attached: 1563830499318.jpg (1200x1190, 126K)

yes, they forgot to ask right hand-chan

Attached: 1_eavBanOUHnshZzmhbkE1tQ.jpg (1111x627, 70K)

Attached: ED5OwVmWsAEYnRs.jpg (695x691, 39K)

>no anime
>on a japanese site

People were spamming loli porn in threads just like this last night

This thread is probably b8 though

Attached: 65432.jpg (900x1200, 683K)

Yeah I think I know what your talking about. They were posting stuff like this right?

Attached: 1570749847379.jpg (450x600, 135K)

I think It was more like this honestly.

Attached: 1573010590820.jpg (794x1104, 692K)

Well I posted this last night

Attached: 6gh.jpg (500x707, 106K)

Never knew you could get so much (you)s from shitty lefty bait

nothing wrong with being a nazi or a pedophile


>getting arrested for Loli

Imagine being this bad at baiting

this is a nigger thread
god i want to FUCK that loli never mind its a loli thread

Attached: 1575966915181.gif (266x199, 1.84M)

I normally don't notice them tbh. Not in the business of telling other people what and what not to post on a random board either.

because Sup was originally a website for lolikons to """""""come""""""" together