Hey let's start another philosophy thread Sup Forums
Hey let's start another philosophy thread Sup Forums
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Source on that image. What is it?
ever heared of google image search?
Spines. It's spines.
how can someone think we actually have free will?
I want to grow my soul.
one word Christianity
>inb4 50+ """"""enlightened""""" souls come to spew their bs and try to passively show off why they're the oldest, wisest people of Current Year
I have not believed in free will since I was 10 or some shit
ok boomer
absurdism 4 lyfe
I'll take anything over unenlightened jesus freaking christcuckery
Free will stems from the uncertainty of quantum events that occur in the matter that make up your brain and therefore your though processes
But christianity is the fucking best dude
No shit, but what kind of spines, from what
Da fuck. Just post philosophy. Not religion. Stuff like l, where we came from, what's the point of life, did Hitler anything wrong, etc, etc.
God is in your ass.
That doesnt posit free will. It only challanges the concept of nomological determinism
there is no prooof that people influence quantum events that is why they are uncertain it is random not a willed choice
Just live in a pot, mastubate in public own nothing but a wood bowl and tell people their retarded- life of diogenes
and eat shit
Every human has two eyes.
based brother;praise the lord
nerve gas
but men have three
I hate nigs
christ was a cunt
Anything is possible at any time in any place no matter how improbable even this post being a bunch of retarded nonsense
What is the actual chance mankind is a cancer and doomed to die out because cancer always kills the host?
Literally, you be's a dummy.
Take a history class you doofus.
Religion is philosophy, unless you are from the ccp. Then, there is only mao and the 4 other russian founders of china.
free will is an illusion that keeps our ego believing it's real
I believe those are squirrels
there is a whole book that says otherwise
Compatibalism best explains our concept of free will. Free will is a facade thats fronted to us to make us feel like we have a say in what we do.