So let me explain how we kill porn on Sup Forums, and why we are doing it

So let me explain how we kill porn on Sup Forums, and why we are doing it

>Sup Forums has made s shit ton of enemies in our history
>we aren't apologetic for it and never will be
>people from places we shat on come here to fuck with us
>Sup Forums is now full of faggots from tumblr
>they came here out of desperation
>Coomers are a problem too
>Still 100% convinced Sup Forums was invented by glowniggers to shame us
>This has nothing to do with Sup Forums
>This has everything to do with coomers and tumblr faggots making Sup Forums suck

During the first phase of yellowfaggotry somebody suggested cutting off Sup Forums from india because most of the coomers are from there.

This won't work, a lot of coomers are burgers, you can refute that all you want but it's true.

The only way w get rid of porn is to make a containment board for it. /fap/ will solve our porn woes, and also get a lot of people even Sup Forumstards hate talking to off the board. We will win if we stay united Sup Forums

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>doesn't like porn

just the dog shit that these faggots are posting

if a random porn board was made the coomers could all go there cause all the other porn boards are to restricting

Sage in all fields faggot porn is awesome

That's why we name it /fap/, the furfags and loliposters can go there too, and they'll all be one happy family of demented faggots we don't have to deal with anymore

There is already a non-porn random board you n00bs.

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How exactly do you plan on doing this? gookmoot won't change anything unless we get huge bad press, and we can't do that since raids are now banned. What can we possibly do?

/bant/ can't solve this. case in point, you're still here

>raids are banned

Not really, they've just gone out of fashion. Also like we have to call it a raid. it's not raiding to post gore in porn threads and make threads like this, they saw us and did an experiment with banning porn. We can win

get fucked and die, porn hater scum. if you're trying to kill the right wing movement you're succeeding.

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samefagging my thread isn't doing you any favors, and I care as much about politics as I do about the way you feel when I call you a NIGGER

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In. All. Fields.

Porn is for sad retards. Coomers literally watch other people fuck and then self gratify. It's one of the most pathetic things imaginable. They should be ashamed but they team up to defend it because they're retarded hedonists.

No, you just post emus. If you're not old enough to remember, you're not useful to give ideas. You don't understand the place. Want to be useful? Grab an emu, go to war. Thank me later.

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Are you really trying to argue that b is a place worth coming to outside of the porn? Please, oh please, tell me what this place means to you


Based. Finally something good in this shithole




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You got more emus?

The emu fountain never runs dry. Toyotas are also game. If you run out of pics, open the ones you have on MSPaint or something, draw a single dot, save different versions and you can post them over and over. Emu warriors are tireless and resourceful.

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Free emus for everyone. Come get 'em boys.

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It's the black porn. Reddit libtards are pissed we still use the word nigger so they come here and psyop us. It don't work faggot.

This Emuses me.

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I've emo'ed today 4 times and it's not even addictive, totally different from porn.

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I've probably been on this site longer than you've been alive and Sup Forums has always been full of porn
there might be a bit more now and it might be different stuff (more gay shit and less furry/guro shit) but the decline of quality on this board has absolutely nothing to do with pornposters

No it's just its just no one is committed anymore.

Sup Forums is just full of normies now. I mean have u actually noticed the dozens of Fb/insta threads everyday. Who cares that you follow some fucking thot.

Mook needs to just scuttle the ship of Sup Forums and invest in something actually worth his time.

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Porn isn't against the rules. If at least there was an option to report porn dumps like [s4s] has it would make a difference. There isn't even an option to report request/moar threads.

Can Confirm porn has always been here, its defintely a lot worse now though. Think the problem is threads didnt last as long back then, baring the ocassional few. Now some threads linger for hours and hours.


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emus don't care about rules, we are free as a bird

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This copypasta has been pretty effective today. Save this in your phone's notepad:

Coomers I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you post is "NSFW". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you posted a pussy! This totally shocks my unenlightened puritan mind.
No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.
Coomers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single board on this site that doesnt regularly have off topic derails about ass or tits. Always with animebikini.jpg and ranting about how hot she is. It doesnt matter how off topic it is, coomers cant help but broadcast the fact that they are coomers.
What does the chest size of some instagram thot have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the randomness? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO HORNY! YOU SHOULD POST PORN!
TL;DR Coomers are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "SFW".
Prove. Me. Wrong.


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? This user is saying porn hating faggots like you can go to /bant/ for your LOL SO RANDUMB threads if what you see here offends you so much.

>Cut off Sup Forums from India because most of the coomers are from there.

I kek'd hard at this not gonna lie. Although it almost certainly is true, Indian men have an unquenchable thirst for bobs and vagene...and the problem is they're too ugly, smelly, and awkward to ever get it.

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I guess we have wildly different definitions of effective.

Yeah!!!! The intra-raiding warning was worth it. GOD BLESS UTTER FUCKING NIGGER KIKE LOVING FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!

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People back then knew how to use the catalog and duplicate threads would be deleted.

Some porn threads would last a while day, with hundreds of pictures.

Now it's a bunch of newfags who don't know how to navigate the site.

T. brainless sjw fag

>Indians hitting on a painting.

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You really like your new made up word, don't you?

>indians and burgers are the only anons on Sup Forums
yeah go fuck yourself, faggot.

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>there are people that are nostalgic for "old Sup Forums"
>their version of "old Sup Forums" is so new it had the catalogue
o i am laffin
lurk more newfriend

>Save this in your phone's notepad
>in your phone's notepad
>in your phone
>your phone

I stopped reading there.
Phone posters are subhuman scum that must be gased.

I bet if you could look at statistics, there would be a direct relation between newfaggotry and mobile usage. Infact id say thats true for the internet as a whole. Fuck i remember browsing stileproject looking at pictures of the aftermath of suicide bombers in the middle east with the blasts turning bone into shrapnel. These days people are fucking baw like children if you dont think cutting your dick off makes you a women.

>if you dont think cutting your dick off makes you a women.
True, yo have to cut off your balls, too, in order to become a woman. That should be kinda obvious, right?

I've seen pictures of a guy litterally his testicals out, frying them and eating them on this site. Honest to god i wish i still had it so i can spam in trap threads.

cut his* fucking hell i cant type tonight.

kys discord tranny

How the fuck do you ban a raid? Ok, so the organization thread gets tossed by the faggot mods, but how do stop an online flash mob once it coalesces?

>This copypasta has been pretty effective today.

It does nothing but reaffirm your retarded newfaggotry
The only people agreeing with it are the people that already want to ban porn.

whos gookmoot did the chinamen buy Sup Forums?
last i was here chris still owned Sup Forums and was on TED talk and Time

I have those pictures. I am fapping to them right now. I also have a video of it.

Prove it. Bet you dont.

I think you nailed it. We gave smart phones to dumb people. As a result we get an internet full of dumb people opinions and female feelz. All of which are unproductive, counterproductive, and distracting. I think the ai already took over and the internet is just a way to keep the people complacent. Prove me wrong.

>ban porn
The internet is filled with what 75% porn already? This isn't about banning porn, it's about you (((niggers))) shilling up the place and making this board unusable. There are plenty of porn dedicated boards on this site.
Go there and spam your tiresome bullshit.

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take this faggotry back to /lgbt/ thanks

gto commers

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I don't even post porn or go to those threads, you people are just retarded.

Nice reddit meme faggot

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Only niggers like porn? Or are you saying the internet has become a ghetto of porn addicts and niggers live in ghettos so by extension if you get on the internet for porn, you're a nigger. I like your logic. I'm going to call everyone with a smartphone today a nigger. I'll report back on how that goes.

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I don't care if you believe me. You are just a random user on a random user board.

there's literally 10 porn boards already, 95% of the porn threads could just be moved to /s/ with no harm done.
I don't think these coomers understand that there's more to Sup Forums than Sup Forums. ban obvious porn threads from Sup Forums for 2 weeks. force that shit to appropriate boards, and then let the balance be restored.

i have no idea why you'd start a webm porn thread on Sup Forums, when /gif/ is right there, has 10 pages of porn threads of all types AND sound.

all commers are hung

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hnnnng I just came buckets.
thank you.

Gotta throw this out there, there are hard core porn ads at the top of every page and in the middle of every thread. I think Sup Forums wants the porn to attract advertisers into thinking there are more pprn addicts here than anywhere

want to see anything in particular? i have over 8000 images.

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Just imagine for a moment that there's other boards.

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Nice try rabbi
>Nice reddit meme faggot
You have to go back.
Nice pipul, but it won't work here.

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> there are hard core porn ads at the top of every page and in the middle of every thread.

I don't see any ads.

Anything femdom related? I love women decapitating other women for the joy of men.
I have seen this pic were a woman cuts a female slave's skin off while one man is fucking the woman and another man is face fucking the slave. Stuff like that would make me cum again in no time.

Just spam spiderman memes (or your personal fav meme selection) and lock the image cap of the thread you fucking faggots

>already got them porn board
/s/ for the normies
/hc/ for the coomers
/e/ /h/ /d/ /aco/ for all them 2d fags
its all already there
and the request can fuck off to their dedicated boards too!
them lacy niggers have no intensive to look on these boards cause the are normies who are happy with the same old shit every day, an they find it on b, made by the fellow lazymen who dump shit were they know they dont have to meet standards, like img count or a board theme. a what ever porn board sounds kinda pointless but may solve the problem,
just get them normeis out should do the trick as well

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Nice reddit meme faggot
there might be something

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And then a new thread gets made, so instead of 1 porn thread clogging up the board there's 2

Yes very effective

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That's what Sup Forums is trying to explain to you (((retards))). Please spam your shit on the proper boards. Sup Forums is not a porn board.

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Or just simply go to

While I don't like the spammy porn threads like the fb/ig, dozens of trap threads, other low quality shit.

You yellow fuckers are insufferable cunts who spammed and became absolute shitters. I thoughrally believe that behavior shouldn't be rewarded. So I'm a firm believer that if you ban porn you ruin the true randomness of Sup Forums
So kindly fuck off.

If you want quality Sup Forums content. MAKE IT YOURSELF.

>Sup Forums is not a porn board.
It's an anything board
Porn is a part of anything
Some kinds of porn aren't allowed anywhere else on the site

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Thanks for wasting another thread that could have been used for memes.

The porn babies will be here til they get bored.
You're just taking even more space.

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Sup Forumscels thought they'd won the war on degeneracy and that Gook Mook had sided with them and granted them victory.

Sup Forumscels where wrong, Gook Mook trolled for the lulz old Sup Forums style. Sup Forumscels cried and raged and more lulz ensued and nothing of value was lost.