What heartless monster doesn't like this hyena?

what heartless monster doesn't like this hyena?

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kill it

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why are you such a fucking faggot?

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i don't like the penis
please don't give any attention to my thread, spiderman rustles my jimmies hard, and also i wasn't about to go to bed

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I'm upset Ushari died :(

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you're mentally ill. seek help from a razor blade across your jugular you permavirgin cunt

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i mean, i wanted ushari to redeem himself, but yeah, they surprised with the death, happy to see another watcher of the show
>calls me mentally ill
>instructs me to kill myself
that isn't very sane of you, user

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>eatz ur thread LOLO

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fuck off you spamming nigger.
we need more spiderman to drown you cunts out.

Fucking faggot.

kill your self faggot

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Ushari should have redeemed himself. I liked him as a Squidward character and I thought he'd stop being evil.

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Hey faggot hyena poster. What do you think of the porn band?


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dude dont try talking to them they just correct spelling and point out flaws no one cares about

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We need more spiderman posters everytime this autistic faggot starts a spam thread.

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nigga im one of you talking to them does not work ive tried

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Become the hero you seek

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you can tell he's abandoned the thread because normally he responds to every single post like a fucking autist

A Spiderman thread?

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Yet you post something that would have a penis, were it a real hyena, and not a drawing, you sad bitch

Just incase he's still here/

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