Look at this fat dumbfuck standing like a retard whats his fucking problem

Look at this fat dumbfuck standing like a retard whats his fucking problem

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probably trying to hide his erection

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He is a fat dumb fuck retarded idiot. Didn't you already answer your own question?

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>fat dumbfuck
>a retard
ahh yes the tolerant left

He's about to shit on the Dems.

Samefag. Just vote for Trump so these faggots get angry

I don't have to tolerate lumps of shit

sure, kid

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Op his problem is this. He's still your president and you know Jesus loves you.

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Its scientifically proven that OP is gay. and ms13 is gettin whacked

Technically Obama accomplished that one.

Not. My. President.

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putins people are gettin whacked

Too bad he is, baby boi.

niggers think the fist will save them hahahah take a loan out and go kill yourselves with it

No, he isn't cuck boi.

Sorry that fact hurts you, but repeating it doesn't make it true.

>Thinks America is the only country in the world.
The absolute state of burgers.

he sure is

lmao you're so triggered libtard. rent free

I am American and the point still stands.

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na man he's definitely your pres if you live in the US. Facts man, facts

If you're replying with "not my president" on a subject about Trump, that heavily implies you're American, dipshit.

cry more bitch

lol fuck your feelings

>He's about to shit himself.

It is retard. Holy shit imagine being this dumb.

>It is retard
yes, indeed.. USA is retard. Well put.

Yes, he is a cuckboy.

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>Look at this fat dumbfuck standing like a retard whats his fucking problem
His problem is that he's a fat dumbfuck. The question answers itself.

It’s the weight from wads of cash in his front pockets and huge cock making him lean forward you fag

The guy is the ultimate snake oil salesman, who doesn't actually know how to sell snake oil. He has that helicopter beside so he can appear as if he's someone who is always on the go, and stands like that to hide his voluminous gut. He treats the running of a country like a business deal he can win with his wiles & charisma. He's a failed businessman several times over. Only a brainlesss fuck would ever support him

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Stormy said his penis looks like a tiny mushroom.

.....and then I said, THOTS never lie

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>Taking a whore at her word

Ok boomer

I mean, he obviously has a tiny cock. No one with a large dick has to compensate with everything they do + tell people about they large cock..

Dont be mad that your boyfriend voted for him.

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If you're not an American that is true.

Did you just post a trollface "triggered" meme?

You should go outside one time user. It can be nice out there.

Press F for user.

What a swindler. You gotta respect his bs game and his cult.

if only i were a burger

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

It’s literally photoshopped. Late night television hosts didn’t even check to see if it was fake before airing it, because they knew if they did, they’d easily find the original.

>Look at this fat dumbfuck standing like a retard whats his fucking problem

He never ran for political office, decided, "I wanna run for President", and 17 months later, he actually did it.

You post on Sup Forums calling him a retard.

Who's the REAL retard?

They're probably the ones who photoshopped it to begin with.

>Look at this fat dumbfuck standing like a retard
OP, I don't think you know this but you just described every single american in one sentence. I don't like the guy either but you got to admit he is the perfect representation of america that has ever lived. He just embodies every american stereotype ever, he's fat, he's dumb, he's rich yet still bitches about his life, he thinks that there country is number one when that's hasn't been true for a couple of decades, he styles in red, white and blue and all he's missing for his cosplay of an america flag is bald eagle to live on shoulder and a cape with Lincolns face on it, Doesn't take responsibility for their own actions and rather blame on some big boogieman, and most importantly loves his free speech and guns

i don't know why, but for some reason i got the impression when i was really young that a "truss" was some kind of thing old men had strapped to their back that hooked and went up their ass for posture.



It looks like one of the poses stand-users make.
Is Trump a stand-user? That's a question for the ages.

If so, I hope he finds away to mass-produce stand arrows

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Are you an American citizen? If you answered yes, Donald J. Trump is in fact your president.

Deal with it, cunt.

he will never be my president

Denial is not a very attractive or mature way of dealing with it, sweetie.

He doesn't want to block the sound. Hes a super genius.

You have the problem. you're poor and went to common core, and think like a jew faggoter because of it.

>keeping back in the power C position
Let's see your slumped over shoulder faggoto

fearless leader xD

No one has to tolerate dumbfuckery

He is about to shit on everyone

I don't like him, but who gives a fuck about how someone stands?

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One of those two statements is fictional

The old man has some lower back problems. Could that be it?

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Why? Did his big black pecker give you gay feelings?

you gotta admit it's extremely strange. I can't even began to unpack the psychology of the body language he's using.

I couldn't imagine being so emotionally dysregulated and feeling so much ass blast towards a man that doesn't even know who you are.

He'll be impeached soon enough, user

>lumps of shit
It begins.....

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Its classic! There are so many dumbfucks on here defending his retarded, fat stance...they cant even look at that stupid pose and admit he looks stupid as fuck...

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Thots lie less than Con men. Hell even trumps butt boy Tucker admitted that trump is a pathological liar.


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No, it's because he legalized gay marriage, numb-nuts.

Triggered much? lol

Instead of a logical argument about why trump is bad, democrats always resort to childish insults.

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Oh, so you can get married now?

fronting like and alpha, go at him beta

You must've missed the hearing

This mad over not getting the joke, huh?

He said logical, not made up fantasies.

the one where nothing happened?

cry more, faggot

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No, just pointing out you are closeted for bringing it up in the first place

No the other one that lead to articles of impeachment.. not the email Benghazi stuff

Speaking of fantasy. Backwardsland misses you and wants you back

I didn't bring it up, retard.

I am not an Ameri-fat, but If I had to rule a nation of fat rednecks so they can stay fat and happily ignorant AND stop the Russians or Chinese from fucking with them, I'd look like that within a year or so.

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Missed me with that bullshit, user.

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I wasnt talking to you dumbfuck

In backwards land that means I hit you right in the face....so, you are welcome

Yes you were.

Who is this?

he stands like that to hide his beer gut, and his jackets are that long to hide the outline of his diapers. i wish i was joking.

His walk is just a tilt forward to begin momentum, then the steering with all the subtlety of the Titanic, that's why he often wanders into the wrong direction...point ,lean move forward.

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