When Andy Sixx is constipated

When Andy Sixx is constipated

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SAD. Not many such cases.

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Y'all niggas need LOGsus

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While I dont directly support these threads, I do recognize your candor. Being able to bring out new and fresh material (pun intended) continues to amaze me. I get that a large part of it was because he whined and complained about him being on Sup Forums but the other part, I have no idea about. Continue on with your work you beautiful autistic bastard.

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Thanks, give his hogs a try sometime.

Here's a nice list of ideas

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unemployed! job destroyed!

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Unemployed. Throat destroyed

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:__ (

look at this neck, enormous like a kebap pin

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Looks normal sized to me

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>food job in the night

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>jealous because shilling isn't employment

LOGFAGS, go spam porn threads

nah. we dont much like porn threads, or spam, so we'll just stick to our own log threads that youre welcome to not click on (if you can resist, which apparently you cant) :D