
I’m gonna be honest, I first started coming to Sup Forums in 2016 so I never experienced the old Sup Forums, but I don’t think Sup Forums is a porn board. I don’t want to fight with you coomers or whatever you call yourselves. If we can fix a new board where all porn is okay, will you leave this one?

How can we make that happen?

This fighting has been proven to be ineffective so I think it’s best if we just try to get along and talk with each other.

Please pornposters, we just want a place to shitpost. We can help you get a board where all porn is allowed if you promise to leave this place after that.

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>why dont we just make a porn containment board
m8 there's like 10

Yes, but the pornposters wants to post loli

shut the fuck up, cancer-fag.

Attached: 1568207465426.png (446x361, 49K)

I just want to shitpost without a seeing a bunch of porn


At least the loli posters have a reason for posting here because their porn isn't allowed on the hentai boards. 90% of the other porn posts are better off on /s/



Some of the first boards were for loli wtf do you expect to happen on Sup Forums? It has always been a part of the culture.

I understand your concerns and they deeply concern me too OP, however, as a middle-ground, and don't get me wrong I'm not suggesting you should try this, but have you ever considered the merits of suicide?

Most of these fags should fuck off to /s/. I'm surprised Furries don't get their own board.

As for Loli, either other boards need to make room for them or Sup Forums has to deal with it, I really can't see a dedicated Loli board happening.

loli should be on /aco/

Yeah, that's cool. Something like /bp/ - random porn

I agree too, OP.
Second I think we should reduce the porn to certain amount

aco is for western
crap choice

Most of the loli porn people post is Eastern
Do you even know what /aco/ is?

I know what it is.

any other cartoon board

why should pornposters leave? they were here first, you go fuck off to some other board if you don't like it

Whats a coomer?

/l/ used to be a board but it was apparently... problematic

A funny name for all the people turning Sup Forums into a porn board.

looks like you couldnt handle the coomer style

>they were here first
Isn't how things work anymore. Now, everyone has to cater to whoever complains the loudest. If you don't comply, you are a literal Nazi.

yeah i don't think how things work have changed that much. if people want a SFW random board then petition ricemoot for one instead of sperging out trying to get people who have been here for years to leave

how about this: add a nsfw tag to thread creation the poster toggles it if he’s making a porn thread, then we can just hide porn threads with one click.

what about rekt?

i’ve never seen more than one gore/rekt thread at a time but sure, why not

You "shitposting" isn't any better than the "pornposters". I hope this thread isn't bait also fuck you faggot.
It's meant to be random, purposely shitposting isn't random, you should go to /s4s/ which is meant for that. Fucking retard
Also b always had porn so idk what ure trying to fix ya retard

a degeneracy and a cute board would house most of the b porn that doesnt have a place

and perma-ban the faggots that abuse this.

less porn more oc is what Sup Forums was about not porn. porn was just to fill the time when other shit was slowed down. fuck all you pornfags go to xhamster and fuck off.

Time for the final solution to the porn problem

So tired of these god damned literal cancerfaggots coming here and shitting up this board
If you came here after 2010 (and that's being fucking generous considering 2010 was a year of cancer as well)

PROTIP: Sup Forums was never good
there were never any "good ol' days"
Sup Forums literally started its life with porn (kiddie porn if you want to get even more specific, and not the hand-drawn variety)
This website would not exist without porn
you could not shitpost without porn

You have two options:

1. Lurk the fuck MOAR

>So tired of these god damned literal cancerfaggots coming here and shitting up this board
>If you came here after 2010 (and that's being fucking generous considering 2010 was a year of cancer as well) YOU ARE THE CANCER KILLING Sup Forums
>PROTIP: Sup Forums was never good
>there were never any "good ol' days"
>Sup Forums literally started its life with porn (kiddie porn if you want to get even more specific, and not the hand-drawn variety)
>This website would not exist without porn
>you could not shitpost without porn
>You have two options:
>1. Lurk the fuck MOAR
>2. GTFO

So tired of these god damned literal cancerfaggots coming here and shitting up this board
If you came here after 2010 (and that's being fucking generous considering 2010 was a year of cancer as well) YOU ARE THE CANCER KILLING Sup Forums

PROTIP: Sup Forums was never good
there were never any "good ol' days"
Sup Forums literally started its life with porn (kiddie porn if you want to get even more specific, and not the hand-drawn variety)
This website would not exist without porn
you could not shitpost without porn

You have two options:

1. Lurk the fuck MOAR

Oh and friendly reminder that Sup Forums is a NSFW board unlike 75% of the website where you can go be a tremendous NEWFAGGOT elsewhere