Hello Sup Forums my boyfriend and I want to buy a unqiue shower curtain for our new house and wanted it to be entirely...

Hello Sup Forums my boyfriend and I want to buy a unqiue shower curtain for our new house and wanted it to be entirely based on luck.

First user to roll trips with an image will win and we'll use that as the curtain print.

(No gore, no NSFW) other than that anything goes

Attached: Curtain contest.jpg (4032x1960, 1.75M)

Nice LARP faggot


Monster-Chan grants you love

Attached: 6d1.png (610x610, 296K)


I'm a guy fag


So you are having the gays! That is even worse. I don't help you aids infected lot.

Attached: Frost_20191206_181743_8477307384862138817.jpg (960x960, 91K)

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Its fine to be gay as long as thats not all you are.

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Check em

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Jap spoodermon

Attached: 220px-Toei_Spider-Man_costume.jpg (220x165, 7K)

Perfect for a shower

Attached: 1575592261815.png (720x960, 425K)

Check those God blessed trips

Attached: 1557032853063.jpg (500x356, 40K)

Attached: 1575906319351.jpg (960x564, 28K)

Don’t be a faggot OP

Attached: 79DE11C0-E4EF-407C-A661-74C243FC05A4.jpg (640x333, 31K)

Well shit that was quicker than expected, if you want keep rolling only trips will be considered options

(Will provide proof of purchase)

Attached: 1576017844306.png.jpg (450x600, 26K)

They will be.. I wasted trips on the perfect curtain too.

Attached: 1575592575187.gif (250x245, 2M)

Basically ops way of saying he doesnt like your image and wants more people to post

Rude.. rules stated it would be used. Not be cosnsidered


Attached: 2v0qnt.jpg (512x384, 36K)

Attached: wut.jpg (1200x900, 519K)

I call NSFW. Gotta use mine from earlier OP. Don't be a faggot

Boyfriend thought the image is boring cause its just words but i liked it.

>double winrar

Honestly yours is the only GOOD option the hentai one is nsfw to lewd

Thank you sir or maam. Just words maybe. But perfect for a shower. Cant smoke. And it's just bad manners to curse in the shower

How is it bad manners to curse in the shower when your girlfriend is screaming Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder!

Well this just raises more questions

fuck off literal faggot

make it this:

Attached: goldnigg.jpg (300x450, 11K)

> No gore, no NSFW) other than that anything goes

Attached: 6913969D-70EE-448E-8981-53B645E47111.jpg (1300x950, 146K)

Haha you will never have your own kids.

Stop LARPing faggot.. it's not that easy to fuck in the shower. Never as sensual or freaky as its portrayed

Post the purchase of

Attached: 03-freddie-mercury-gq-28aug18-shutterstock_b.jpg (1020x1530, 176K)

Attached: samdooger.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Attached: gAHQK9vY_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

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What's the matter? Jealous? Your boyfriend won't let you fuck his ass in the shower?

Could've been grand.

Rofl, sure. Whatever helped you sleep with your faggot dreams.. no, not jealous, I've fucked my share of females in the shower, it never goes great, just okay, no matter what positions you try, unless shes the perfect height it's not too enjoyable to fuck in the shower.

Attached: 1574171280220.png (1081x879, 370K)


This one for IRONY

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Attached: pizzaisaggressive.jpg (180x281, 5K)


Attached: images.jpg (207x244, 13K)


So close.

Attached: 65C0A945-6312-4E67-9D44-B4BF6F578D18.jpg (617x480, 117K)

I vote for this.

Attached: 20191210_233853.jpg (852x1081, 432K)


Reroll 2

Reroll 3

Attached: hetty.jpg (1000x772, 127K)


Reroll 5

Roll too



> First user to roll trips with an image will win and we'll use that as the curtain print.
it’s not an option shitbrain

Someone already got trips... bit late to notice.

Attached: 1575249918656s.jpg (118x124, 2K)

Attached: Our Lady of the Apocalypse.jpg (628x390, 64K)

>image deleted
was it pizza

Attached: a7358eb.jpg (500x500, 15K)

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Attached: Beavis.jpg (968x681, 54K)

Nah it was a picture of a wife. But trips already been rolled.

If OP wants to consider it it can be posted again

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Attached: NiceOneMattAndRyan.png (1024x634, 528K)

Attached: u06L3.jpg (960x640, 83K)

>nice internet art

Attached: 1562309313049.jpg (2048x2048, 1.12M)

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Attached: tale-of-two-sisters2003.jpg (936x1158, 620K)

pls trips

Attached: hitler.jpg (649x365, 20K)

It is fucking time


i like it, its funny, clever and not dumb edgy shit

Attached: download (15).jpg (259x194, 5K)

A Tale of Two Sisters
Korean horror movie, I think it's my favorite movie after Lost Boys.

Attached: beherit.jpg (250x250, 16K)

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