You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American.

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Every European

An Albanian


2 Americans


Indian ?

the rest of the world


this person

Half of an american

Rogue alt right janitors



If they're so dumb, how did they get all that money they're going to send me once they receive my Social?


an african american?

Lol, all of you took the bait like Champs, the answare is, all of you faggots are dumber.

The polish

twitter and redditors


Eurofags who keep making this thread.

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A Jap calling white people racist

Fuck you know that doesn't exist

Anyone who votes labour

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Ooooh tennoheika banzai must kirru this rittre baby for gory of empire

An Australian

a male feminist

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A nigger, from any country

checked and based

A coomer

any female

Your mom

You clearly haven't been in England

An muslim

As a person in Indiana...I cannot tell you their are any fuckers dumber than these inbred asshats.

A woman.

An you clearly

You my friend need to travel. And its north africa. All of them are cousin fuckers. Never see any tards their cause they kill them right away. But theyre all idiots.
