imagine thinking dinosaurs existed, just lol.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>That flag
Kek. Did satan plant those bones to stir evil thoughts in your mind?

slide thread. get in here

what bones? fragments and bits and pieces that a bunch of shady characters claim are from ~dinosaurs~ and sell for huge amounts of money? you understand that an obscure imprint made in mud can be considered a "dinosaur fossil," right? and people just lap it up without questioning it

Yes yes yes, they didn't exist. If they did, why were they not recorded as being on Noah's ark?

>imagine thinking dinosaurs existed, just lol.

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>dinosaurs existed

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*recorded being



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Labcoats BTFO

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shitposting or unironically a retard?
they can lift their tail up

Dinosaurs were never recorded until the mid 1800s...

Giant humans on the other hand...

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It's a masonic hoax look into the first "bones" collected and toured around to collect sheckels!

>Giant humans

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>>Giant humans

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>Giant humans

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>Giant humans

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>Giant humans

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There's no way to tell. Some faggots sincerely believe this, just like some believe in a flat earth, we wuz kangz, etc., etc. There's no reasoning with them because their belief isn't based on reason to begin with, just cope.

Exactly, and also what are mud floods? why were their huge orphan trains in the 1800's? Most history is a wash imo,and true esoteric knowledge is hidden from 99% or the people

>Giant humans on the other hand...

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Look at the feet of birds.

>Dinosaurs were never recorded until the mid 1800s
Complete bullshit. The ancient greeks and romans new about them, as did Europeans well before the 19th century. They just didn't know what they were.

humans 1,000 years from now will mock us for thinking we're smart and believing the dino myth.

dinotards think they have it all figured out

you are brainwashed

>Exactly, and also what are mud floods? why were their huge orphan trains in the 1800's? Most history is a wash imo,and true esoteric knowledge is hidden from 99% or the people

Theoretical science is an oxymoron and everyone is being tricked

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They do it butt to butt.

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>What is a dragon in an area that has no large reptiles

you can't deny one thing based on the date of its discovery and then proclaim something else to be true; something that has been discovered on a similar date. wtf user

dragons were real

dinosaurs never existed

>new about them
>They just didn't know what they were

Ok cool, any source on that?

>they can lift their tail up
lol... pic related

Attached: dinoTAILS.jpg (600x380, 61K)

Not a single piece of dinosaur bone in any museum display is real.
Let that sink in.

>Giant lizard was real but giant lizard never existed

If you track the earliest exhibitions of dinotardism and follow the family lineage you will see smoke! When there is smoke there is usually...

Attached: typical science.jpg (1070x733, 240K)

lemme know when you see an ancient reference to a "tricerotops" or any other made up dinosaur

it's actually comical all the new kinds of "dinosaurs" they try to push on the populace

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Whoever made that strip needs to be strangled or sterilized

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Fucking lying cunt.

It has truth. A lot of Dinosaurs consist of one or two bones that where discovered. They simply make up the animal.


dinocucks seething itt

prove it

Why are all these Nickers saying that they don't exist right after he corrected himself and said they did but died during the flood?

who cares about fuentes

i was woke on the DQ way before he was

Believing they died in the flood? Based.

t. nick fuentes

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Why would they have called it the exact species that we call it today? Why wouldnt they just be like oh shit a dragon? Why wouldnt they have a bunch of different species?

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Imagine a wizard kike existed.Imagin talking snakes existed.

nah they never existed

i've watched like 30min of fuentes' show cumulatively like a year ago so i don't really know what he thinks besides what i read in an earlier thread

>you can't deny one thing based on the date of its discovery and then proclaim something else to be true; something that has been discovered on a similar date. wtf user

I could believe in a wooly mammoth or a large reptile, I just have problems with all the fake shit being circulated.

You will never see a skull-less dinosaur, even though they dont 100% find skulls...thats an art project and should be documented as such

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So are you going to post anything interesting or are you just going to keep saying "dinocucks lol"

dinocucks lol

Shame they dont exist.

Would love to go T Rex hunting.

Ben Stein's "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed"


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that's common knowledge.

(((dinosaurs roamed earth millions of years ago)))

Lmfao imagine believing this shit

you're worse than a flat earther, at least they put effort into their threads

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it was a BIG bang!!!

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This world is so dull and devoid of wondrous things. Perhaps Lord killed them as a punishment and set us this gray land.

At least we have butterflies.

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Why is god creating dinosaurs that hard to believe? He's done a bunch of other miraculous shit.

because the bible is retarded. congrats you're retarded.

it's more that you can't just make up an imaginary animal and be sure that it existed SIXTY-FIVE MILLION years ago


Checked I could believe that
and moths

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and birdies

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>it was a BIG bang!!!

lol big bang THEORY

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Dinos are fake, and people get really mad when you say that. Watch the toe blogan podcast when he interviews a raging dino expert. Dude looks like a literal clown

There is no way they was real. Them say dinos was around like 65 million years old. How the fuck would them know that? People wasnt even around then. There isnt no dino highrowglifics or cave paintings. This all just Hollywood bull shit.

It's true. Pretty good general audience account may be found here:

this but unironically

None of you are, real, this thread isn't either, retards. Scientific consensus says so.

Go back to /x/ schizo

Nigga, don't tell me you a growed-ass man don't know what a fossil is.

What I started so long ago will end with you posters

I am disappoint

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Congratulations, you solved it. Dinosaurs aren't real, the earth is flat, everything is a lie, and you're the smartest man alive. Now what?

they still exist inside the hollow earth

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Fuck off, Reptilefag! Only Pleiadians can post here! >:(