Segregation was a horrible ide-

Segregation was a horrible ide-

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This now is a butthurt thread

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>only happens in cities over run by niggers
cope harder unfortunate one.

>no context
ok, racist.

I would be looking under the black pussy dress lol he he love it

it's only good for the blacks. also there's still segrigation but it's exsists in the economic level. god have mercy and save any white or asians or those half black and half what ever race child that go to predomiatnly black school. I have heared some fucked up stories

also fuck the racist whites they make things worse

This is what i dont get

Black people during segregation
>well dressed
>wanting to work and prove themselves

Now when there’s not segregation and they’re acting like Apes.

Shut yo bitch ass up
you too bitch

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woulld be jacking off to black upskirt cameltoe cunt

Jesus. Just stare at a compost heap.
(fewer flies)

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>we should have shipped the negro to China

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gay basement faggot

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i met black people they are good people but everyone has like a horrible story.

Like one black co worker i met her dad would fuck around he had like 10 kids or some shit from all different dads. The girl was pretty she had a white step dad. she was smart

met another black woman she's friends with my moms shes a nice person but her sons a crack addict has 8 kids all with different moms. was homeless for a while.

met this guy at work from africa he was fucking this white girl behind her boyfriends back. the white girl wanted to get with me i set her with the black guy she was fucking behind her bf back. They broke up quick

met this nice black lady single mom the boyfriend was a gorila like man 7ft tall 300 lb of pure muscle he was in prison she was in trouble for armed robbery

i think black people have some kind of problem

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they do

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Fuck you. You need to learn pride in your race you silly cuck. Being white is great.

This is stupid

it wasn't like that blacks were still niggers back then

only blacks you see are the maybe the rich blacks blacks were still niggers go read what mlk jr said about blacks he hated them. Blacks were known for fucking outside of marriage working shitty jobs or not working being violent and all that shit

most civil rights blacks leaders hate niggers and blacks they want blacks to be like whites like how obama was like. They want to assimilate but we get the blacks we get now

They alwasy been Waz Kangz

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This why they dance in school on tables in classrooms.

They had farms, but that was about it

i am not white i am asian i do get asked if i am mixed with white for some reason most blacks think i am white or eastern europen lol

i am just watching the shit show that is the west these days

Remind me who ended it again?

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I can't believe she is only 15. Damn

Yea we got niggers now. There should be segregation for niggers and normal black people get no segregation

I literaly thought OP posted this

Just curious....what do you think the word segregation means?

I think you mean de-segregation, brainiac

Yeah she looks like a busted old lady

OP is a 17 year old who gets picked on by the black kids at his super smash tournaments

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The Africans that made ships and roads etc were the ones who colonized the planet...



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>tfw when you will never be a Rhodie and pop some niggs
Why even live?

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As someone who takes dicks, you have no idea how primal and filling this feels.

The sad thing is that Im sure after this vid, the guy was beaten up, declared a racist and beaten up more for having to tolerate their niggery ape shit.

based as fuck

Around blacks, never relax.

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