Give it to me straight Sup Forums

Give it to me straight Sup Forums.
Am I destined to never get a gf if I'm unattractive?

I'm fairly popular with guys and I'm fairly popular at my college at least on a social level, but I can't get the opposite sex to give me the time of day. I have tried literally every trick in the book to get girls since middle school. I've tried chasing them, ignoring them, playing the nice guy, the bad guy, the serious guy, the funny guy, being myself, etc. I don't put them on a pedestal and I don't act like a beta around them (trust me, I know all the strategies).
Even a lot of girls like being around me and like talking to me, but none of them seem to want to actually date me, so the only logical conclusion is that I'm physically repulsive in some way.
I am not fat, and I'm in above average shape. But I think my face is a turnoff, weak jawline, or both.
>inb4 post pics
Nah. Just assume I'm ugly.

tl;dr: Am i doomed to be forever alone if I'm ugly? Or can I salvage it somehow?

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post pics or you're a faggot

Forego the path of attempting to gain a relationship and redirect your efforts at getting a fucking hobby, faggot.

If you really are such an ugly fuck then why try? If you aren't and you can't see it then you'll still be fucking lonely bc you've been trying 'every trick in the book' and fucking needy people disgust others.

That's what it feels like to me: love u user - no homo.

I have hobbies. You have a lot of time to develop interests when you don't have a girlfriend.
And I'm not needy. I don't go out of my way to pursue girls. I learned that was a waste of time a while ago.

How are we supposed to know if you're ugly if you don't post pics?

The question I asked in my OP wasn't "Am I ugly?" It was "Can I still get a girlfriend if I'm ugly?" Just hypothetically assume I'm ugly.

Also whenever I put my face through those "What celebrity do you look like?" things I always get Mexicans or some shit like Benicio Del Toro, even though I'm not Hispanic.

I'd just double down on the hobbies then - or if you're at college and actually fucking enjoy your course you could do some really ambitious shit and see if you can't be contented with pursuing that.

Who the fuck wants a gf when you can get a fucking sick publication record

I've seen a lot of conventionally unattractive dudes get a gf. Maybe try aiming a bit lower, OP?

We have to know if you are really ugly or if it's in your head
Also we need to know if you're ugly are you fat, of color, short, look like a prepubescent etc
It probably isn't as bad as you think I'll give you an honest review

But to answer your questions if you really are extremely extremely ugly you are most likely never going to get it off with an attractive girl and only have chance with mediocre but high chance w generally considered bad looking ones
In extreme cases maybe never even meet a girl that is attractive to you but I doubt it

Again pics needed

Why do you fags obsess over having a gf? All the misery in my life is because of women. You have no idea how trash women are.

What do you want me to say fag? Yes you're doomed because you're ugly? You're still going to try regardless because you're young. But yes you are doomed.

You see ugly dudes with hot girls all the time. It takes confidence. When you hit on girls, be funny and keep sex in the conversation. Dont be rapey though. Hit on as many girls as it takes. You will eventually be fucking plenty of girls and you will meet a gf

Ive seen balance couples before when it comes to attraction. This is a guy I know and his girlfriend..

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That's not something I lack. I have too much of it because I stopped giving a fuck years ago. I thought giving off the "I don't give a fuck" vibe would make me mysterious and attractive, but it really doesn't.
People tell me that's one of my best qualities, but that doesn't get pussies wet. I know how to be funny, and I mean actually funny, not spouting memes and quoting other funny people level of funny. And I learned that that doesn't get girls to want to date you or fuck you, no matter how hard you make them laugh.

So far you sound like you see yourself as the best human with no faults besides being ugly as fuck. Girls do not like when a guy is narcissistic and they pick up those vibes HARD. its creepy

Literally need pics.
You might need to just go out and stay untill last call more than once tbh.

You cant just make her laugh like haha knock knock you idiot. Funny only works in a niche or sexually, the latter if attractive. If your humor hits her from the former youre in

I have lots of faults, but my personality in dealing with people is not one of them. I'm generally well liked and people like being around me. I have a variety of interests and I'm able to adapt myself to many different social cliques. It's something I learned through trial and error because I realized when I was like 12/13 that I wouldn't be able to coast through my life on my looks.

You have to keep sex in the background when you are talking to new girls. If you are already confident and you dont give a fuck, hit on tons of girls. It is honestly going to be a numbers game. Go to the bar and start hitting on girls. Once you get the hang of it, pussy will be easy

I wouldn't stress it. If you're reasonably educated, clean and employable things improve from around 25 onwards. Once people start having actual responsibilities and bills to pay their priorities of what they're looking for in a partner start to shift.

Louis CK puts it well:

Blah blah blah share real examples you mongoloid. This why chickss dont dig you. You say shit like “im crafty”, rather than “i built a birdhouse because ...convo goes on and on. Not just listing things people wana hear. They see thru it. Ur boring.

I can't give my life story in a Sup Forums thread. What kind of examples do you want?

I dont want any and chicks dont want a “this is what I am”. You have to say shit about yourself that makes them go “thats who HE IS”

Remember biology class. To attract a mate you have to OFFER SOMETHING.

Shit, they taught apes sign language and the femals just kept signing “serve me” for sex.
Prove your a man dont just fuckin say it

OP there are some sucky woman out there HOWEVER.

Make sure first that you aren't a blimp, how some kind of purpose to your life your not just smoking pot and watching tv and your not air humping every female.

Take me I sat in a waiting room today and 5 woman checked me out at various points, I literally didn't care that any of them were there.

Also OP if your under say 21/22 don't even bother all the woman are going for gym guys and rich guys so your probably just wasting your time.

You are desperate, insecure and overthinking things, and girls smell that a mile away. Also, I get the feeling that you are referring to hot girls, who are probably out of your league. My best advice to you is not to act superficial, very few men can get away with that.

My standards are pretty low actually. I just want a girl who isn't fat and is somewhat fun to be around but apparently that's too much to ask for.

>fun to be around

If you're ugly you're never going to be able to cold approach strangers or pull girls from outside of your social circle which it sounds like you're trying to do, but if you were actually popular you wouldn't have trouble getting a girlfriend from within your social sphere regardless of your looks as women are attracted to social status and if other guys like you, girls will like you as well. If you honestly are popular and have a lot of guy friends who don't have trouble themselves, ask them to introduce you to girls and sell you. Something tells me all your friends are also virgins or you might be "that guy" in your social group, which isn't a good sign.

Talk to them more like you would talk to a friend. Make jokes, tease her and such. Try to forget you are talking to a girl for a while, and if you get any flirty signals just return it. Don't think about it too much.

I don't randomly approach strangers. I learned a long time ago that doesn't work.
>you wouldn't have trouble getting a girlfriend
Which is why I am probably ugly. I talk to girls regularly and hang out with them and they go out of their way to message me and talk to me. But none of them show any interest beyond that.
My friends are 50/50, some have girlfriends, some don't.

Dude, I know all this shit. I know to not treat her like she's a girl, I know to treat her like she's one of the guys. I understand the psychology behind this stuff and none of it works. Ergo, I must be Quasimodo tier ugly.

>That's not something I lack. I have too much of it because I stopped giving a fuck years ago
OP I'm gonna have to give you some harsh feedback here; you're not anywhere near as confidence as you think. A guy who's confident for real wouldn't even care if he had a girlfriend in the first place, let alone that he gets rejected by women. But reading up to this point yes you do come across as needy and insecure. I'm gonna have to guess you're young, like under 25? If so you need to work on yourself and forget about women for awhile. Your lack of personality and confidence is the real issue here, not your looks. As the other guy said, ugly dudes get pussy all the time. I guarantee you unless you're deformed your looks are not the problem. Which is good news, because then it's something you know you can work on.

have you tried making money?

I am confident though. I take risks a lot (I could explain why but that's another story).
Also, I don't want a girlfriend for a status symbol or arm candy. I want one because I want someone to go on this adventure through life with. I don't care how cheesy it sounds and how cynical you guys have become, I still think that there has to be at least some good people out there.
And I don't have a lack of personality. Why do I have lots of friends? Or are they just playing an elaborate prank on me hanging out with me as a joke?

I'm trying to look at this from the most objective way possible and you can interpret it as insecurity, or arrogance, or whatever. But people who are willing to admit they might be ugly are usually people who are willing to face reality for what it is.

you seem too proud to take advice, despite asking for it. what are you trying to achieve? anyway, pretty difficult to diagnose the problem without actually seeing you around women.

I don't know why you have a lot of friends. Maybe you're just a cool guy to hang out with. The thing you have to understand though is that what males find in their friends, and women for that matter, is vastly different from what women find sexually attractive in men. I don't know you personally so it's straight up impossible to know what you're doing wrong. If I had to guess though you're probably either trying too hard, you're too clingy or you go all in on the first woman who pays any ounce of attention to you. I say that because that's what 95% of guys your age are doing when they don't get laid. In other words they act too feminine and turn women off with their behavior. But again this is me wildly guessing because I don't know you. If it's that important to you though just keep trying. Eventually you'll get laid and/or a girlfriend solely because you haven't given up completely.

You can have a gf as long as you are sociable.

I already said multiple times in this thread that I don't do any of that. I'm not trying hard (I know to have no expectations), I'm not clingy (that's just a waste of time), and I'm not putting them on a pedestal.
On paper I'm doing everything right. I am not the desperate guy and I try to take it slow with people. There have been times that I was 99.9% sure that based on the signs she was giving me, it was ok to ask her out or make a move and time after time I am rejected or ghosted.
So if you put yourself in my shoes, when you have been rejected so many times even though I'm responding to the right signals, the only logical conclusion left is that I have to be ugly.

Go places where people share your likes and hobbies (real PLaces not online).
You'll find someone with time if you're not all beta as you've been saying.

If you're looking for quality you have to wait. It took me 6 years to find me wife of 10 years and while it sucked the wait was worth it.

Hey dude. I have aspergers and a wicked case of psoriasis. I can tell from experience the singular key to being liked is confidence. Even if its fake.

Do not avert gaze.
No awkward pauses.
Bass and volume in your voice.
Dont speak too quick.
No arrogant opinions or too much of any opinion.
Act agreeable to whatever the bitch says no matter what.
Pretend youre rolling in cash if shes some superficial type.
Get some reliable jokes that seem like conversation.
And maybe look the part. Snappy but not over the top or youll look like some bling bling nigger.

Thats really about all.

Dont let these board losers bother you. Their lives are squandered and theyre trying to make it your prob.

Like everybody already said but you don't want to hear then, you '''are''' insecure man. Probably at least a little depressed also... I am happily married to a pretty wife and have a kid but it already happened to me, this year, for girls like 23yo, brunette , long hair, nice body, nice tits, pretty face to yk, try to flirt with me? Yeah... But I turned 40 this year, am overweight, not tall, not very pretty, normal to a little smaller dick size? Not crapping money either not anything awesome also... I am just genuinely happy with myself? I think that if you are looking for someone, isn't it more interesting to be around someone who is truly happy than a depressed, cringy young guy like what you are showing everybody else? Idk man, last thursday me and wife went to do our 1st yoga class on the club and there was like 8 old women there and the only guy was me and then when I went to do the second class yesterday and there was like 20 women there and I just looked and wow... got to say something... Ok" good afternoon" And I hear they saying together "good afternoon", then my wife comes after me and say "good afternoon" and no one answered?! And I was like: Laughing inside nervously... (Wtf did I got into this time...shit) Really... There was a lot of women dude... old, older, middle age, gilf, milf, young and I was like wtf... And I am only here because i am starting to feel sciatica pain yk... And yk how this yoga classes go right? Shit man, can't look at any side because i end up seeing someone with her ass up in the sky? And my wife right in front of me? Shit man... Idk... ANYWAY, You should think things more logically, be more sincere with yourself, get a grip, change your attitude yk...

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You need to aim for the fat chick with 2kids.