Who's the biggest autist on Sup Forums ?
I start easy
>I spend most of my free time modifying code in video games files and testing it

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I wish I could code

>literally dont leave my room unless i have to
>havent talked to most of my friends for 2 months
>there are only 2 friends i regularly talk to every 2 weeks or so

beat me?

>don't eat anywhere but home

i didn't beat any of you but i'm pretty good

most autistic fgt on here?

thats just being really introverted
what do you do in your life ?

I don't shit in public places.

no one does you're normal

>i post about my personal life on a hatian bonzai tree forum
beat that

>left college after half a semester
>staying in parents' apartment
>stay in bed all day
>play doom and other vidya all day
>talk to 3 friends who all think im gonna kms
>drink alone
>cant go out, let alone put myself out there
>haven't met someone new and connected in 3 years

i know a lot of guys in your situation actually
get out there

>Can't pee in urinals when others are present
>Can't pee in a stall when others are present, because they can hear me

How do I stop this? I have a fairly big dick (7.5"), I've even taken the step to let friends look at a nights out to take away the 'shame' factor but I still couldn't pee...

A 30 year old cokehead without friends, family. a job or education maintains a free app to pretend his life matters.

I got a part time job where I sit at a table with . like 4 other guys
I always just listen to an audiobook or watch youtube vids with earphones so I dont have to talk to anyone

Apart from that I basically sit at home playng vidya and masturbation

That's not autistic, that's just depressed. Still, sorry, bud.

I spend most of my day on Sup Forums. I have no life (NEET). I win.

i've got the same problem, you can't beat eat haha

not autistic.

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>I know a lot of guys in your situation
he said anxiously sipping a soda bottle he found in between the filth on his table that once was his glorious battlestation. "Aaah, it's not convincing enough, they will see through my sharade! They will dead-on spot my shriveled existence, me, the king of the pile of rubbish that is my hill. I have to add something."
"GNnnngnnn, they still see it. These demons see through it all. Time for my last, most knavish trick of them all: I can call out this other pathethic person, to go out and see people, just like I do. Alas, like I do in my dream world, how I want them to think I do in the real world. Haha, got ya now little bastards!"
>get out there

>Spend all my time in room or uni library studying
>Go out to make friends bc lonely
>Make friends
>Ditch them after short period of time bc I don't like them
>Thinking about doing the same rn with group of friends I made in lectures

Why don't I have friends, user?

It's on the spectrum for sure

>You can't beat eat

No, its just sad.

okay you win the autism contest for now

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It is indeed just sad. Trying to blame it on 'autism' makes it even worse... Pff, interesting to see how even the lowest of life-forms clamp on to their breaths

Was trapped in PS VR game for 21 hours trying to find an exit back to my room.

Only drink alcohol

that can't be real

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Don't be an arse, I have a lot of sympathy for those lowly life-forms, having been one of them for the most of my life.

I apologize

I had to piss twice but luckily there was a toilet inside the simulation.

I tell lies to a bunch of anons to laugh alone in an place called Reddit

I inflate my ego by ranting on big idea topics (global politics, space exploration, the currency state) only because I’ve stopped being social and contesting my ideas so now I only have neurotic thoughts about the void and how nothing really matters because (as any student of mentality will tell you) it genuinely doesn’t. Our obsession with death is healthy as it’s the only thing to counter our life. We need the dark to understand the light but I myself just can’t come around to being okay looking on the bright side. It doesn’t make sense to me to drop it when in reality it’s the only constant and thus comforting. I’ve also tried talking to higher power and fell in love with it for some time. I would look through people and project my wildest fantasy that they already knew me and wanted to be around me as much as I wanted them to. Problem is they liked the attention I Gave them and it blurred the line between my mind and the reality of it. Need I say more?

I'm working on an entire jRPG style game by myself.

...I'm about 30% done with it. I've been working on it for years.

How are you sure that death will counter your life ? Since you have never experienced the void
the only you is the you that is alive

lol we're not gonna die faggot
adult stem cells, technological augmentation, storing yourself in a computer and controlling your "body" (or legion of "bodies") from near complete safety.
Put it underground with a generator and some nanobots? The only thing that's going to end you is the end of the Universe, the end of time itself.

We shall become eternal

can you show a bit of it ? just post small screens in low res if you're afraid someone will steal anything

Seems like you've entered Kierkegaard's final stage. Maybe, just maybe, you will be autistic enough to create a fourth state, accessible only to those worthy by extreme autism.

We? I'm pretty sure YOU will not be included in our eternal plan

no because it's just some shitty rpg maker game, nothing impressive

Have you considered applying for a job at an actual game-development company?

Implying you've got a stranglehold on anything you pathetic vermin
you can't even get a hand on your dick properly, quit larping on Sup Forums


you must love eso

Ooo-wee, we got a naughty boy over here. Mommy told you not to rage that much, it's bad for your heart, remember?



>>literally dont leave my room unless i have to
>>havent talked to most of my friends for 2 months
>>there are only 2 friends i regularly talk to every 2 weeks or so
>having more then one friend
Casual. I talk to this one guy once in a few weeks.

Now time for my autistic stuff.
>constantly anxious and fidgety
>dont leave my bed for 18-20 hours a day every day
>play games(bdo,leauge,smite) for 95% of that time
>avoid talking to people all i can and hate it when people touch me to the point where i dodge them if they try
>talk to animals more then I do people and better(imo)
Ok rate me.

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OOoOOoOoo WeeeEEeeEeee

Am virgin