Abuse of Power

Abuse of Power.
Obstruction of Congress.

It's Over.

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keep saying it demmy dem. if you put your mind to it, it happens! C: x3
-charlie xoxo


>Russia collusion
>Raped women
>Obstruction of Congress

Nothing. Nil. Notta. Never.
Get fucked libtard.

I mean, when have you ever been right about anything


luckily, the Senate will vote not to convict without even looking at the evidence.

the American people have spoken. We have a Republican majority in the Senate, where it truly matters.

Yes congratulations you have received articles of impeachment.
Too bad fuck face because the senate is republican majority and they need a 2/3 vote for impeachment. This whole thing is a waste of precious Congress time we could be passing better things than this

why didn't they hit him with violation of the emolument clause? How about obstruction of justice? Jesus....goddamned clownshoes

keep saying it, user. If you believe hard enough it'll happen

meme magic

Even if dumpy isn't removed impeachment achieves its goals
>letting dumpy and his magats know he can't solicit foreign governments for election help without consequences
>demonstrating conclusively how big a pile of shit the repugs will eat to put party over all else.

If life were just, it would indeed be over.... but the senate is controlled by corrupt republicans who will lie, distort, and obfuscate to protect their party-power over the best interest of the nation. I fear Trump will avoid justice here.

Hopefully the 2020 election isn't too tainted, despite Moscow Mitch's deprivations, to prevent another 4 years of Trump's despicable criminality.

Bah. The House is doing it's 'regular' job just fine. It's the Senate that is the roadblock here. Moscow Mitch and his crew of reprobates are blocking any and all possible progress.

Because the Democrats, once again, are so terrified of seeming "pushy" that they'd rather just by "pussy" and only drop the barest minimum of charges.

Is abuse the new one? Lol you guys are pathetic.

So, your down with dereliction of duty. That's why we're here, because lawless scum like you exist.

>the American people have spoken.
Yeah, and they are saying "Impeach and remove". Sadly modern Republicans are completely bereft of morality and have sold their souls for the sake their party of the interest of the nation.

I see this thread is full of fags who will gleefully suck off a President who has now gone full 'they dindu nuffin' after a saudi shot up a military base.

Three years of your screeching down and you have five to go

Do you have a preferred method of suicide chosen for when Trump wins his second term?

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Yup, Trump has been committing evil throughout his life and avoided justice... you and your party of villains have had a long winning season.

I hope the fall comes soon and brings a cold, cold dish for you-all to sup upon.

Youre right OP
The 2020 election is over already
You autists have guaranteed this.

Russian bots are out in force tonight...

>ITT Americans crying like the paranoid faggots that they are
>Always the same

You yanks need to wake up and learn shit instead of believing your favourite news media channel, and go outside and actually talk to people.

All you do every day is come on Sup Forums and cry like bitches about shit you can do nothing about.

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And here you are crying about them.


Oh oh look who is upset and making assumptions..

>"sniff sniff you are talking about them.... so... so.. you have to be crying...sniff sniff"


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Holy fuck but I cannot wait for November 2020. The saltiest of tears will flow when Trump gets re-elected.

Yup. If they actually impeach, repub's stand a good chance of taking the house back.

But it wont happen because democrats are in charge now which means they can bend the electoral colleges just like the republicans did at the end of Obamas tenure.

Welcome to your "democratic" political system, where the corporates in the conrgess and senate can deem who wins no matter who you vote for.

Says increasingly nervous man for the 371,292nd time.

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>All you do every day is come on Sup Forums and cry like bitches
>And here you are crying about them.
>Oh oh look who is upset and making assumptions.

Kill yourself. I mean it you worthless little internet faggot cock sucker.

keep saying it if it makes you happy OP.

Well if he did it's only cause the Dems avoided evidence.

Apparently you haven't learned from Russiagate yet. Get your hopes up again, it will be funnier when the impeachment fails and we get Trump for 4 more.

You may not have been paying attention during the 2016 primaries, but the Republican Party did not want Trump. There was massive butthurt that he got the primary vote. Not as massive as the butthurt from the Dems that november, but still.
Also the Dems only have the House Of Representatives, part of the Legislative Branch. There is no "bend the electoral colleges". The number of Electors is determined by the total number of Senators and Representatives but it's not the Senators and Representatives who do it. Also they've always been able to vote differently from their state's popular vote if they want but they rarely do. It's called a "faithless elector", like when four or five Dem electors in 2016 changed their vote during the recount from Hillary Clinton to Colin Powell (who wasn't even running).

Lool nigger as much as I dislike trump. Your shitskin, spic, nigger filled party is not different. In fact is worse, you faggota live off of the government and constant hypocrisy. If a civil war were to break out tomorrow? Id join the republican party, just to cleanse the faggotry your party has allowed this country to become. Until then, quit acting like you are superior, because on the scale? Your party aint shit.

Yeah they didn't want him in, but they used him to stop Clinton getting in, they had hoped to get rid of him mid term for a choice of their own that would have been better but had no chance of winning against Clinton.

But it backfired and he has made a mockery of them and the US. That's what they get.

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Good fuck trump and russia

>get rid of him mid term for a choice of their own
That's not a thing either. If the President goes down, it goes to the VP. If something happens to Pence, it will go to the Speaker Of The House. If something happens to Pelosi. If something happens to her, it goes to the President Pro Tem of the Senate.

It is day ??? of the never ending downward sprial world tour!

Trump raped a 13 year old child, his modelling agency was shut down for child sex trafficking, he's pretty obviously Putin's little stool pigeon, his charity was blatantly padding his own pocket, he defrauded the government out of $400 million in taxes,

at this point, there's literally nothing trump could do that would cause him to lose support.

Don't you remember everything they tried to get him on anything at the start of his term?

The backseat republicans tried as much as possible without looking like they were proactively doing so, which in turn made Trump paranoid about his own staff, hence why he started firing them left, right an center.

This year there has been more Republicans openly criticising him and trying to get him out.

To be honest I doubt he will win a 2nd term, as much as people think he will, he wont. The corporates in the senate and congress will put out the threats to not fund Trump or risk losing support to other businesses etc. Wouldn't be the first time they did that, they did it for Reagan's 2nd term also, but in this instance to ensure he got back in because he was the corporate dream.

What a whopping amount of sources and evidence.


None of that has anything to do with the fact that the Republican Party replacing the President mid-term simply is not a thing that can happen. The Republican establishment *never* liked him, but that didn't stop the people from electing him. And it won't stop the people from re-electing him. He doesn't actually need the support of the Party elite, he only needs the voters, and the voters like the fact that he's not part of the party machine.

>this thread in a nutshell

>Tfw there is no objectivity in American politics
>Tfw people excuse the shitty deeds of one person because someone else did shitty deeds
>Tfw these conflicts are more about spiting the other of the 2 shit parties rather than the issues themselves
>Tfw the majority of Americans are too concerned about "winning" or "losing" like it's some fucking game to look at their own party's corruption and hypocracy

God I hate the childishness of my countrymen

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Seems like every politician does that tho? Why single DJT out?

the larp is strong with this one

only way Trump is getting 4 more years is if the DNC rams Biden through and make him the candidate in 2020. Which seems like their plan, at this point

>Tfw people excuse the shitty deeds of one person because someone else did shitty deeds
Yeah, it's weird how everyone is ignoring Biden using his position to stop an investigation into his son's business deals just because Trump tried to start an investigation into Joe Biden. Also weird how everyone is excusing Pelosi's attempt to get her direct political superior ousted (she's third in line for the Presidency, if you didn't know) by investigation just because they're upset about Trump wanting an investigation into Joe Biden. It's almost as if everyone is playing a game of "accuse someone else of what you yourself are doing right now".

you know damn well as soon as trump is out of office, and all of his crimes are laid bare, all these little Trumpettes are going to deny they ever supported him

>it's weird how everyone is ignoring Biden using his position to stop an investigation into his son's business deals

that literally didn't happen, it's just some dumb conspiracy Trump made up. The British were investigating Burisma and the Ukrainians stopped the investigation. Biden then went to the Ukraine to try to convince them to let the investigation move forward, but they refused.

stop believing every stupid thing on Fox news

>It's Over

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>Abuse of power.
Top kek as if. You could impeach every government official on that one.
Obstructing congress?
Thats not even a thing.

34% minority support and growing.
Ahead in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Yup it's over.
He has this.
But don't worry.
Joes got hairy legs that turn.
They turn blonde in the sun.
Kids like rubbing them in the pool.

....did you know he knows all about roaches,?

If you think Trump will be affected negatively, you need to expand your news sources. This is helping him because people see it for the farce it is.

>the Ukrainians stopped the investigation
They stopped the investigation into Burisma after Joe Biden withheld aid to the country. Something that he bragged about on camera.
This doesn't prove anything, but it's enough to justify asking the question, why did Ukraine close the investigation.
If you read the transcript of the phone call, that is all it contains, Trump asking the President of Ukraine to look into the reason as to the investigation being stopped, whether it was legitimate or due to corruption. Nothing was asked for in return
>Reddit spacing
pic related

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what obstruction of justice?


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I wonder what the next excuse to waste taxpayer money for irrelevant investigations is going to be? I wish someone would mention this in the hearings, you butthurt niggars are like a Niger you beat up and keeps getting up to fight, just stfu and accept your defeat...

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Indeed. There's rampant hypocracy in the minds of Americans.
"Trump did nothing wrong by implying he would withold aid to coerce another country into giving him dirt on a possible opponent, because Biden also fucked Ukraine over for personal reasons"
They are both shit and should be fined. Not even going to talk about all the obscene shit the Clinton's are doing.
None of this would be an issue if their parties weren't cucks/shills, or if the populous cared enough to actually look past their biases and stop watching Fox/cnn. I have no fucking clue how the same information can be completely distorted to fit the worldveiw of the presenters just to push whatever their agenda is and get more veiws.

The whole thing is fucked.

When is someone going to fucking shoot Pelosi and send a message?

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Benghazi. Emailgate. Pizzagate. FISAgate. You wanna keep bullshitting about money spent on stupid fucking Investigations?

he's going to jail, either now, or after 2020. the Cohen check exists, there's enough evidence to get him for felonies

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It's literally their election strategy
The only way any of their candidates win the election is historic voter turn out
What drives voter turn out more than anything else? Outrage
This investigation will go nowhere. In fact, it has to.
If they conclude anything, even if it gets some political enemies behind bars, it would be a negative outcome

Best case scenario for them is for this to go on without conclusion up until election day. It looks like their only chance at winning
But if this outrage thing doesn't work out, they will find some other way to "impeach" Trump

What is Reddit spacing? Sorry I'm an oldfag

Progress? On what? the democrats case is nothing. The intel committee hearings were a kangaroo court. The only abuse of power that is factual is during the Obama administration the DOJ, FBI, and CIA. They all illegally spied on Trump and his associates on fabricated and flimsy "evidence" Turns out it was Hillary that colluded with Russian intellegence (she paid for the dossier through cutouts, but clear money trail) and Biden did tie foreign aid to personal political money favors. He even bragged on it on camera.

reddit spacing is a meme

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>he's going to jail
>there's evidence

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You mean Democratic fuck ups? Those aren't investigations those are just facts

Trump didn't actually withhold aid based on investigating his rival. None of those accusations amounted to anything other than a rushed and botched impeachment attempt. But Biden DID get a prosecutor fired for investigating his son's company.

Everybody with 2 brain cells knows the reason why this shit is happening is that the democrats don't think they can beat him in 2020.

None of those were federal investigations...
Benghazi was one hearing, and was over
Take your meds as prescribed schizo


>vid related lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

So what you're saying is that those pedo commie democrats are just going to change the subject or topic to something else and completely forget the many hours of man power and taxpayer money they just used for months on end and just pretend like it never happened?

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Oh,it happened, trumptard loser.

You just like that sorta stuff.

It's been over since Nov 2018.

You mean just like they did with the OTHER TWO articles of impeachment? Yes

ya know I hope that 90% of the 46 of posters here are just messing around and shitposting because this is the last place to have a real debate about politics.

One hearing and how many Investigations? 10 last I heard. Are you fucking dense?

ohh boy here we go

>democrats have nothing
-transcripts of phone calls, trump admin. actions to not turn over documents and witnesses, witness intimidation during the hearings, Hell, Rudy IS IN UKRAINE right now.
here we go again. same old line: but obama. it's 2019 bud...Obama has nothing to do with this. besides wire tapping someone whos colluding with russians is kinda important to national security
>but Hillary
there we go again.
>Biden did bad do do
when where proof? I doubt it.

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Oh I just use Google Voice to Text like a mongoloid after it came out a few years ago

The American People have voted against trump in every election.

Overridden by EC in 2016
Swept Dems to victory in 2018 & 2019.
Nine governorships have flipped.

The American People have indeed spoken.

>that literally didn't happen,
Maybe Joe shouldn't have bragged about it then.

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Jebus save us all, I can see a likely Civil War if he is not reelected, and we all know what side is going to lose and be forced into slavery, for a change for once. Plus more than half of their side will be dead before it's even over which will make the whole process a lot easier

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>denial of reality

>how many Investigations? 10 last I heard
well in that case you are hearing voices
you are legitimately insane

>-transcripts of phone calls, trump admin. actions to not turn over documents and witnesses, witness intimidation during the hearings, Hell, Rudy IS IN UKRAINE right now.
That's a whole lot of nothing. Witness intimidation? Are you serious?

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It doesn't matter if he's guilty or not
The Senate won't remove him from office, period.

You need to stop listening to CNN. Rudy is talking to witnesses that had their visas blocked by the adminstrative state. The transcripts pretty much say the opposite of what is accused. The phone records were a big joke despite the illegal unmasking did not show any sort of conspiracy. None of the people in the hearing were witnesses. Hearsay evidence would be laughed out of any real court not run by dumb fucks.

As for documents and witnesses. Ask Obama and Eric Holder about how much fucks they gave... Executive privilege is a thing fucktard.

>oh god he doesn't know!

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Where's bribery? Guess they couldn't prove it.

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I mean if you have to use propaganda and sneaky techniques to bus in voters to help your cause along with letting violent criminals vote, who are the real good guys?

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You are literally as braindead as every other fucking Cult 45 dipshit. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Investigation_into_the_2012_Benghazi_attack

so a written transcript, people testifying to that fact and multiple actions to cover the call up and hide it from the american people aren't enough?

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>investigation into his son's company
It wasn't Hunter Biden's company. Biden was one of several Americans and other foreigners on the board of the company. Why do you reckon Trump specifically singled out that particular company for investigation, even explicitly mentioning the Bidens by name? Surely it couldn't have been an abuse of power for his own political gain.

I can't wait until he's re-elected and you continue to be divided, Shia.

True, but it's still fucking embarrassing. The most powerful man in the world breaking the balls of some second world country that has Putin knocking on their door, just for dirt on some guy who is barely coherent at this point.
This impechment that may have had some validity was squandered to try to make him look bad, because ofc nothing is going to come from it, due to the shit politicians who care more about their party and position than doing their fucking job.
It was rushed and botched which makes the whole thing look as credible as the idiots trying to do something with it, who have been looking for any excuse to imoeach him since he was elected.
It waters down the whole process, sets an annoying precident to find any reason to impeach an opposing party president from the start of their term.
They even bitched out with the charges levied.

This could very well be true, but, that pretty much means they need to win their own re-election with the fact they allowed a tyrant with ample evidence against him to stay in office. They could very well be sacrificing their own jobs in doing so ensuring an all blue house, senate, and president in 2020.