How do we purge all the pedophiles off this board? Maybe point them to the new 8ch that opened up? thats where you freaks are actually welcome
How do we purge all the pedophiles off this board? Maybe point them to the new 8ch that opened up...
Other urls found in this thread:
as long as they don't post cp or harm any children i couldn't give less of a fuck.
The issue is they now resort to spamming wickr links here so they can share cp off site
The pedos have been here a lot longer than you faggot
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
I dont frequent that shithole, thank you very much
Literally just go to a work safe board on
What's not to like, OP? Just because you're not getting any isn't any excuse for your transparent envy.
never saw those spams, maybe don't enter their threads? pornfags are much worse tbh.
what state is that?
isnt it abit hypocritical for right wingers to ever complain about trans kids if this stuff is happening lol
kys pedonigger
Cuckservatards constantly shift blame onto others is why and never acknowledge their own faults which are a lot worse
im gonna tear ur daughter's hymen and shes gonna love it
You know how.
imagine being mad because twitter knows how bad you small minority of incels are
weebs have always been insufferable faggots. I first started coming here at 16 because Sup Forums was where you went to bully and shit talk weebs.
Shes right regarding transphobia and racism, thats not really arguable. Just take a peek into myanimelist forums, also most normie forums I frequent everyone fucking hates loli. so I dont think it has a pedo problem.
>I started going to a weeb website to bully weebs
I'm sure your trolling was very epic user
Can somebody explain what OP's image is even talking about?
What do you mean highest rate of child marriage?
It's 0 everywhere in the US?
honestly with the level of autism that happened here back then, I could've done better. There was also a huge anti pedo sentiment and stuff that gets tolerated now doesn't
one google search shows its quite a big thing in america still
OP's image is fake ("social experiment").
Kill all Jews and no more pedophiles will exist.
it's not the jews, it's the christians so no
Looks like NY. Lots of ultra orthodox jews marry off their daughters as children because they are garbage people. Note I have no problem with Jews in general just the ultra orthodox trash that are nazi level racist and shitty humans in general.
Where's the new 8ch?
Nice try kike JIDF shill but no. Christians kill pedophiles. Jews praise them like rabbis eating foreskin and sucking baby cock
the highest child marriage states are white christians, you must be seething so damn hard right now lmao.
>Replace the trap and IG threads with teen ones
>have teens under 19 in it and nude
>have old Sup Forums from before 2015
Agreed. Jews are the biggest pedophiles next to Muslims and should be killed off for the betterment of all societies. Ppl who disagree are simply closet pedos or pedophile advocates
Moot selling this place lead to its downfall
It's from a "what would you do" type of video, you fucking morons
>It's the jews
Well they have to keep their Jew masters happy you retard
>It's the christians
>Being this delusional
NJ just banned child marriage within the last year. The ultra orthodox communities were the most vocal opponents.
fuck off moralfag
If you ever whine about trans kids or w/e, just remember it's you that are the ones pushing for child marriage. You are the pedos of America and we need to protect our kids from you.
Christfags literally worship a divine Jew. They're just the Jewish underclass.
Right? I just filter the loli pedo threads and I’m fine. Would prefer they weren’t here at all but I’ll take what I can get
You're wrong again JIDF shill. It's Jewish media Pushing for pedophilia in western civilization. Anytime a Christian says no to your pedophilic ways you label them a nazi... Nice try kike puppet
True Christians are basically Jews that hate pedophilia
There are more Jews in the Catholic church than I thought.
age of consent is 16 and marriage is 18, why are you so OBSESSED with jews?
It’s not
Their god raped a 13-year-old girl. They worship a child rapist. Christians are massive pedos.
you're right, it's only a big thing in red states
Lmfao now I know you're just trolling trying to get a rise.... You inherently know Jews are pedos...but you're willful ignorance will get you thrown into an oven ... Fair warning. Also doxxing the fuck out of you. Pedophiles like you need to be exposed.
Because he was right
Sup Forums the site for fucking children
K schizo. Absolutely none of that incoherent schizo babble is even remotely true. Christian communities objectively have the highest concentrations of pedophelia in the world all the way to the Vatican where these secrets have been locked away for centuries. It was actually described as an epidemic when shit started to hit the fan 20 years ago about. You truly are a retard who’s never done a shred of research and blindly follow made up memes by other paranoid schizos.
This picture makes "To Catch A Predator" absurd imo
>Christian communities objectively have the highest concentrations of pedophelia in the world
You're only wrong here, it's the highest concentration of pedos in the western world. It's still pretty bad in the middle east where this stuff is happening out in open.
In my country, 16 is legal, years before 13
Nope, try again. You can do it. Google search how many adult males are married to girls 12 and under, then come back with the results. Just humor everyone here so we can all see how common this is
16 years people is not kids, this is a american concept
child marriage is child marriage, quit trying to downplay it pedo
Age of marriageability in christian canon law is 12 for girls just as in jewish law. Good luck with that doxxing mr hackerman.
Nope. Wrong a 3rd time. Not a pedo, stupid people are a pet peeve of mine. Pedophile is the attraction to prepubescent children. OP clearly states pedophelia is popular in the US when that is factually false.
However you are wrong, you have seen a couple of stories regarding some Yemeni tribes that are against the Yemeni government and some pockets of villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan that have married chidlren.
The rest of the middle east has laws in place, people have been beheaded in Saudi Arabia for child abuse and hung in Iran for the same. Also hung in Iran when people have killed homosexuals which isn't as widespread as some sources would lead you to believe.
All it takes is a quick look at sources and actual figures that are available easily through easy web searches to find it.
The US has the highest concentration of underage brides in the world, 15 and under. 15 for parental consent and under 15 for Judicial consent.
Texas for example was the highest before it stopped it at 80k+ children since 2000. Since 2000 through the US (apart from 4 states that wouldn't give their data over) over 220k children have been married.
Literally noone besides you would actually argue child marriage isnt pedophilia. You are disingenuous.
Who cares? This place is shit anyways. Always has been.
That doesn't mean you're welcome here you faggot.
Duh. This fucking guy amirite?
You're the one disingenuously equating 17 year old marrying her 19 year old sweetheart with pedophilia.
Why are you talking in 3rd person pedo?.
I'm sure those 3rd world countries keep excellent records of child brides while they can't even get clean drinking water to their population.
Epstein approves of this marraige
my thoughts exactly
You are just assuming based on a couple of stories like I said in my post, so you automatically think everyone does it. That is the typical American mindset of things they don't understand.
However the numbers available in the US is from actual government sources. There is no denying that.
child marriage is based and redpilled, and the leads to the formation of strong healthy societies
pedophilia, by contast, is a degenerate jewish practice that harvests the souls of children to sacrifice to Moloch
Doesnt matter. The loopholes with child marriage is the issue here. Even if 1% of marriages are 10yos, this shouldnt be happening at all. I dont care if it's 17yos marrying their sweethearts, marriage should be bumped up then and not let kids be married.
I don't care to have you banning the marriages you disagree with, thank you very much.
bro you need to chill with your retarded ass crusade. a few 10 year olds getting married here and there isn't a big deal. quit being such a stuck up pedophobe.
you're a pedo and a retard who can't do proper research. you should do everyone including yourself a favor and eat a bottle of ambien with a bottle of vodka chaser.
If it's a 10yo being auctioned off to some old fuck, yes it is big deal.
Her parents know better than you. However much you froth won't change that.
can you prove that they're creepy old men and not just regular dudes with underage wives
Can we all just accept the fact that some people think differently that you, and things you may find wrong may not be to others
Im really not that bothered, only the backwards flyover states back this shit anyway and more states are banning it
This is in euro you dumb fuck, no one cares
Can we all just agree that RELIGIOUS BELIEFS seem to be the driving force behind this shit?
Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, what the fuck ever - it's all the common thread if you ask me.
Yes, BUT. In America it is dominately christians backing these laws. No doubt all of them benefit from it still.
Not necessarily. It’s not a red state/blue state thing. Legal age in Massachusetts is 16, in New York it’s 17, and California it’s 18. Legal age in Alabama is 16, while it is 18 in Texas.
The top 20 highest child marriage states are all red
well Muhammad married a nine year old, but Jesus never sexually touched a girl or woman at all, from what the Bible says.
No, we can't agree to that. People have this inclination naturally, banning it is a modern aberration, and irreligiosity is a modern fad too. This is all they have in common.
idk man, i've read that sea otters rape baby seals to death and even keep the corpses as fuck dolls. that's like all the bad things in one place. then again i think i've seen pics of otters with prayer hands so maybe you're onto something
so is calling teenagers children
"child marriage" =/= 15 year olds getting married
self righteous faggot
It's all the same shit - invisible man wants you to do his bidding, and claims to be "good" - supports ideals like wife-beating, child-rape, and slavery.
The perfect bandwagon for gullible dumbasses to jump on, in any case.
Sure I can believe that, you display your sang froid remarkably by posting in b incessantly about the topic.
Define “child marriage”. How young are we talking?
this is true
yeah whatever the fuck, bunch of motherfucker millennials
Those two are actually good though.
Feminist globohomo functions just like a religion. Violating their narrow definitions of consent, or even daring to question them, is tantamount to sacrilege.
>from what the Bible says.
King James version, no doubt
You realize they took a lot of "artistic licence" with their "translations", right?
>People have this inclination naturally
Yes - sick fucks.
There's nothing natural about wanting to fuck kids, pedo.