Have you ever fallen in love with someone you've never met?

Have you ever fallen in love with someone you've never met?

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what are you Björk?

I just want to hug her and sniff Taylor's stinky feet. Fuck you.


Imagine killing yourself over what is effectively the sound of a goose stranging to death. How fucking embarrassing.

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No, but I've fallen in love with someone I have met when they're far away. Don't recommend

Wouldn’t say loved...maybe a little obsessed lol.

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tay is best girl

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Yes, a couple of times
Thankfully my autism isn't strong enough to keep me from learning my lesson(eventually)

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Several times. You can become intimately familiar with someone under the right circumstances.

I watched that dumb-assed "Enchanted" movie when it came out and pretty much fell in love with Amy Adams.

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Im 100% gonna go watch that gay ass Cats movie just for her. I hope she appreciates it. Its the best I can do for her.

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i've been fapping to Taylors feet since i saw the safe and sound video like 8 years ago and if someone is going to sniff those it's gonna be me

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She as two, we can share!

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for any of you morons who think you have all you've done is confuse "love" with obsession.

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Yes buy my lack of social skills and fear of women and vernal autism and the bullies fucked it up for me.

They told me not to talk to her she all I could do was send her messages on Facebook. She ended up getting pregnant the getting an aborition and after that she went out with the bully. Like is grand

Physical attraction is the entire basis for human procreation so it stands to reason love at first sight is perfectly viable.

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yes- Met her in my dream and was super bummed about it the whole morning

I remember having a very vivid dream where I was in my house with my two daughters and was getting ready for work. I remember every aspect of that house and every imperfecion of my wife's face. It felt so real I was actually suicidal when I woke up and realized it didnt exist.

I know that feel :(

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Taytay is C U T E

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What the fuck is /b obsession with this chick. Can someone explain it to me? In my experience girls that know that they are desirable or popular in this sort of mainstream way are nice to everybody but she would clearly see all of you guys as subhuman, in her mind. Whereas there’s lots of other celebs that would at least be amused by our antics. Why debase yourselves like this?

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I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Annie Edison from Community, but since she's imaginary I guess I'm in love with Alison Brie by default.

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Some of the girls I fap to I would worship for eternity and that's why we need Holoemitter Technology.

She really does look like a girl you might meet by your sheer dumb luck.

Imagine your gf making this face after asking you to let her piss in your mouth.

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she's a fuckin ugly inbred like all whites

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Oh gosh, I adore her too

there is only one taylor, the rest deserve to be raped to death

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I'm in love with Barbara Dunkelman

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ive always wanted to fuck stephanie tanner not the actress the character

not met irl?
fictional / unknown to me?
Still, don't repeat my mistake.

Healthy relationships need physical contact.
Long distance relationships might work if you can manage to meet each other periodically, but if you're separated beyond your travel range, do not commit to it / break up.

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