I am the 'Fairy of the Future', I grant you whatever you want to happen for you tomorrow. Just make your wish

I am the 'Fairy of the Future', I grant you whatever you want to happen for you tomorrow. Just make your wish.

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I want to magically have halo master collection in my steam library

I want a really close friend so we could do anything together, and rely on each other when it's needed

I want to find and win a ~100% telework job that pays enough to buy a cheap beach house.

A fairy to stick her feet up my ass until I cum

I'd like my grandmother to feel better

I wish to inherit a million dollars.

Cookies in the break room tomorrow would be great.

Grant me my ultimate wish, a real fairy knows what it is, peer into my mind

Global Thermonuclear War

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I want my finals to be okay, I hope my family gets the money they need, and I finally become happy. If i only get one of those, make sure my family gets what they need, I love them to death.

I wish that I had 10 million of my country’s dollars in my bank account


I wish J would contact one of us and we could be with her

I want a 10/10 jap gf with a high sex drive

I want to die.

I wanna feel loved.

I want bones. Like, deer & bovine bones for decorative crafting purposes.

O want to feel alive again. O want Haaillih to be with me again.

I want a hundred dollars so I can buy a car and a two story house for my mum

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I want a real job, I just want to be independent

I just want some work to do where I can suit up and get on with it. I hate having nothing to do all day.

I wish that my mother would not be sick anymore

I wish to legally fuck a child

I'd like to die painlessly in my sleep and at the same time all my hard drives fail.