Favorite cereal, Sup Forums?

Favorite cereal, Sup Forums?

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Anything with cinnamon


Product 19

i get bullied for eating weetbix

Kix. Hated em as a kid but it turns out they're fucking rad. That said the millennium Cheerios were dope as hell.

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There is no better cereal than Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That's not an opinion, it's an objective fact

you ever tried krave?

Weetbix, because I'm a true blue Aussie weetbix kid.

Krave is good, but cinnamon toast crunch btfos everything else

i can respect that

I'd agree with you if it were like a decade ago and it still had all the sugar it used to, but they cut way back on it in the 2000s because everybody was getting health conscious, and because the only good thing about it was the sugar, it indisputably fell off the charts.

Honey Smacks

Cinnamon Toast Crunch, original Chex, fruity pebbles, cocoa pebbles, blueberry morning, banana nut crunch, cinnamon life. All of these are tied for #1. I fucking love cereal

Unironically rasin bran.

There's nothing wrong with raisin bran

There's just nothing right with it either

Anybody else remember the cinnamon bun cereal? Not the cinnabon stuff but the old old cereal? Breakfast crack right there.

Count chocula

straight up plain oats

Cap'n Crunch. stays crunchy even in milk

I remember one halloween apple jacks had these pumpkin shaped pieces, but they weren't puffed like the rest of the cereal, they were dense, almost felt like chewing on uncooked pasta, but holy shit they were good.

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A full bowl of raisin bran with just enough milk to wet the flakes is fucking bueno. That's a stout breakfast.

Any quisp lovers here?

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honey smacks, cinnamon toast crunch, golden grahams, honey bunches of oats.

>Cap'n Crunch. stays crunchy even in milk

fuck that shit, man. if you want to feel like you were eating broken glass for the rest of the day eat that garbage

Crunchy Nut Cornflakes


Trix but back when it was actual shapes. I swear to fucking god the shapes make it taste better even though I know it's the same grain mash.

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Yeah I bet you love that salty milk

get out

Special K with the strawberries

They're doing shapes again

Reeses peanutbutter puffs =3

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Holy shit they are.

I'm going to go get some Sup Forums don't let this thread die before I get back.

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cracklin oat bran

>inb4 b8
>inb4 dirty hippie
loved this shit since I was a kid.

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I can't buy that stuff, I end up eating the whole box in a couple hours and then I want to go buy another box.

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I like the texture at first but after like half a bowl by jaw starts to ache. Other than that, delicious and underrated.

They did it boys, they brought back the shapes

I'm going to eat a bowl right now

Thanks to this cereal my jaw has the muscular fortitude to permit me to chew a Buick in half. The Navy uses my turds to anchor aircraft carriers in particularly choppy waters.

Pic of shapes wedged in ass crack

Cinnamon Toast Crunch, French toast crunch or crispix

Are you kidding? I'm not wasting one kernel of this, it's literally just as good as I remember

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raisins bran

Fuck you that looks tasty. But it's ten fuckin degrees out and I don't wanna go out and get some.

Trix are for kids you underage faggot

God I wish I were a kid again. The cashier gave me the weirdest fucking look too because it was all I bought.

The most impressive part is that it actually tastes exactly like the last time I ate it when it had fruit shapes, which was probably more than ten years ago. You'd think General Mills would have fucked up the formula, but it's like stepping back in a time machine.

Apple Jack's, honey smacks or grapenuts. Chocolate Malt-O-Meal if it's hot

Honey Bunches of Oats


You're not making this any easier. Guess I need to go to the store tomorrow.