The shower jew

when did you finally quit the shower jew?
your skin produces natural oils that shield your body from bacteria and prevent body odor, and when you shower you wash them all off, causing you to have to shower constantly to try to temporarily get rid of the odor (and pay more money to your water bill)
i havent showered in probably two weeks now and i dont smell bad at all (even asked my gf if I did and she said no). only thing i use is a bit of deodorant for my arm pits but nothing else other than that

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Incredible slide thread kike filth!

Hello r9k still larping to have a gf huh?

This is actually truth, but you should scrub with water. Dont use soap except once a week

im not a kike
you should keep an open mind

It's not showering that's bad it's using bar soap every day that will dry out your skin

Nigger take a shower.
Also sage.

I had to stand behind one of you fuckers at the store yesterday.

You smell like shit. Bathe you fucking mongrel

1: You stink.
2: Girlfriend my arse.
3: Wash. Seriously, you stink.

Natural soap its not bad but shower ((( gels))) now thats is something to worry about it destroys your skin
Soap always leave your skin smooth
Women love hard hands and smooth skin

The jokes on you, I bath with buckets of rain water and smell like a Goddess.

this. you can get by showering every 3 days or so and not cause any problems. if you are sweating a shit load though probably best to take one.

this thread is a jewish plot to get whites fired by making them smell bad.

>french-canadian detected

I just came out from a shower, feeling comfy now

nasty ass canadians

>gypsies smell bad
>why not smell like one user?

Next you will quote
Kikes and their endless kikery

not wrong. I read an article about that topic. It said, at first you stink but after 2 weeks the bacteria adjust and it doesn't smell anymore.
They described a woman who made a "sweat angel" on the ground of the gymn but she didn't smell bad.
hey even sell bacteria spray for that

Is that why homeless people smell so good? This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve read all year. Congrats OP.

not all of us are gross female here I shower twice a day in the morning and at night different soaps
morning I smell like froot loops
night I smell like vanilla

>only thing i use is a bit of deodorant
>using toxic chemical skin products because "water is unnatural"


Your dick must smell like a fucking cheese shop.

Probably looks like a mouldy baked bean.

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And don't forget about the "avoid-the-sun-jew" anons

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Using the deodorant jew

theres degrees to it
obviously you have to shower
do you have to shower every single day? absolutely not

I use soap for armpits. You can't get rid of the seat odour any other way.

But I only soap pits, neck and groin area bc I don't wanna smell like shit and shampoo once a week

>Natural soap

No such thing exists, it's man made chemicals even if it's made with only naturally occurring chemicals.
Crude oil is also naturally occurring, doesn't make kerosene natural.

It's also pointless, you only need clean water to get clean.

Leafs confirmed for smelly NEETs that don't shower

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And remember the “stop smoking it’s bad for you” Jew. Seriously Jews have infested our medical institutions and spread anti-smoking propaganda.

When did leaves become synonymous with Jews?

Go take a shower you disgusting maple nigger.

Came here to post this, based Pasha.

>falling for the “natural oil” jew

You think the oil from your skin is natural? That shit is literally man made

did you know our showers instead of water spray pure maple syrup treemonkey

Naturally occurring means natural, brainlet.
Everything is chemicals so by your retarded reasoning, nothing is natural, not even you. Kill yourself, faggot.

For fucks sake, bathe you degenerates. This is one of the most NEET hipster contrarian pieces of dipshit logic things I've ever seen.

It's called staphylococcus, you freak. You may not reek of pitstink but you will eventually smell like bacterial death.

I smell bad and oily in 36 hours

I'm on day 60 of /noshit/, have you guys rid yourself of the toliet jew?

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Hmmmmm maybe it's bc this nigga is a JEW!
Die Jew cunt die

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id rather kms the shit outta a bag or in a jug to be honest

>Stop showering, conservative goyim! We should become known as pioneers for NoShower!

You know natural soap is made with animal fat right?

Bast and stinky pilled

Learn how to write proper english Pajeet. Make sure to bathe beforehand though.

Imagine being this stupid. Fucked saged.

sup shill

You stood behind someone who showers but forgot their deodorant.

homeless don't shave,don't change clothes pissed, shitted clothes,they drink alcohol ,they're old,smoke,don't have deodorant and so on and so forth


I’m sure your boyfriend loves that

going on 40 days here. No smell it is all true
>Babies with deficient immune systems at birth are said to not be bathed.
>Your body doesn't absorb water, water in your body is actually made through blood
>Animals do not bathe naturally, it is not good for us either
>Toxins in water such as chloramine, 10,000 ties more toxic than chlorine you breathe it and absorb every day
>Your skin is literally an open gateway on a level they don't want you to understand

The leaf is partially true but you have to clean the pits, feet, dick and ass frequently. The rest can be cleaned with soap less frequently to preserve your natural skin flora

According to (((science)))

>you're not actually dirty
>dry skin
>dry hair
>ruin manicure
>waste water
Why do we let women have opinions?

Doctor mercola has been saying this for 10+ years at this point. Jews must hate him

remember youll never be white treemonkey. and your kids belong in cages
yeah he does but still only wants to fuck once a week cause ssri… I want to fuck three times a day.... men are fucking dumb

>posts on Sup Forums
>never showers
Only girlfriend you have is a robotic one. Otherwise she would have vaginosis because of a dirty ass dick.

please don't use public transport

I've been detergent free for over 2 years. I only use soap in bar form and that is monthly. I also have an unshaven beard.

>smell like a Goddess
Show bobs, bebe.

yes washing everyday is bad for your skin and hair ( especially for hair ) . also water has Chlorine ( unless you get a filter ) . i usually wash once or twice per week .

Europoors or should I call them EuroPoos? who doesn't shower and smell like shit, are not better than niggers. So much for being "civilized"

Maybe OP is a French Canadian. I can sense his smell from here.


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Whatever makes you sleep at night, maple nigger. You probably look as bad as you smell.

The jew literally fears the shower. That's why they cut off their foreskin.

There are little electric Jews, Probably running around and highfiving eachother at 6 million times a second to run my PC, as well as other things that require electric.

Not political, but seriously go wash yourself leaf!

redpill me on showering

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Oh shit! We're back to being Sup Forumstards. Aggggghhhhh!!!

Imagine being so poor you can’t afford shower water and have to justify not shower because of it

>prevent body odor
I've gone months without showering, and my balls stank like hell. Don't fall for the meme.

when i was little i sorta developed acuagenic urticaria, which basically means ur allergic to water. It made me hate showers, and even today, even though i dont have it anymore, i can spend months without showering, so I'll spill my thoughts on this.
The smell doesnt go away, you can use deodorant or wet wipes, but it wont go away naturally, and even if you use them, it comes back in around 8 hours, so what faggot OP said is pretty much bullshit, he just abuses deodorant.
Now, even if you dont care about the smell, be ready to have your body covered in grease. Maybe you wont notice it if you dont change clothes, but the moment you go to scratch your back you will be absolutely disgusted. My back gets really fucking greasy around 1 week of no showering.

this thread is fake because nobody who even knows what Sup Forums is has a stable relationship

On a side note, I once broke my leg and had to spend around 2 months i think in the hospital, obvioudly no showering, just wet wipes. When i got home and healed enough to shower, the fucking water turned brown (keep in mind I didnt move from my bed so it was all from my skin) and every place I scrubbed dead skin would come off, really disgusting and satisfying at the same time.