God I love my underage transgender boyfriend so much. His pronouns are he/him and you will respect that

God I love my underage transgender boyfriend so much. His pronouns are he/him and you will respect that.

Attached: 20191210_194208.jpg (380x573, 130K)

Good for you, OP. I'm just glad you boys are happy.

>God I love my underage transgender boyfriend so much.

Excuse me wtf

Thank you user, very cool
You heard me.

Imagine being this much of a retard

wow bro, what's his name

Imagine caring about such childish insults.

Attached: shit bait.jpg (600x600, 18K)

His name is Logan and he is best boi

so does this mean it hasnt idenfied with its genetials? like i only sorta understand the pronoun shit. a dick means male(boy, he) a vagina means female (girl, she)


is there some sort of miscommunication between eyeballs and genital area? like to confirm the gender.

He has a vagina. He identifies as male.

why do people like this exist? what went wrong with our evolution to create this breed of boygirl hybrids that are unable to identify with what their organs are. i mean its one or the other

oh so hes a girl then, ok got it

No you simpleton he is a boy with a vagina

why cant she be a girl with a vagina doesnt that make more general sense?

right, masculine pussy, got it. just as real as the feminine penis

What makes sense isn't necessarily reality.

this would open up the existential debate of reality yes but when it comes to the human body its one or the other

Sentience was an aberration of evolution. we chose the wrong the path and soon will be extinct.

yes because biology