Yo calling actual adults; is there anyway I can make this not just taste like shit? All I hvae is Snapple and Water...

Yo calling actual adults; is there anyway I can make this not just taste like shit? All I hvae is Snapple and Water. But drinking it straight is fucking disgusting

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Bailey's is delicious stop being a bitch and drink your sweet flavored alcohol.

Put it in your coffee

Got any ice cream?

put it in coffee with some other flavored regular creamer it was pretty good with pumpkin spice (yeah know basic af) or french vanilla

Mix it with cola bro

Coffee. How i used to do it at work

Black coffee is the only way to do it, mate.

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Yeah mix it with cola, just like you do with cpt morgan or something.

Bailey's is creamy and sweet as fuck
how much more sugar do you want dipshit?

Drink it pure, dont be such a massive pussy

Are you brain damaged?! That shit's practically syrup and you suggest to mix it with even more sugar?

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Dont mix it with cola lol, you'll start a chemical reaction creating a solid.

Buttchug it, wont taste a thing

A mate recently introduced me to baileys and milk. Sounds disgusting, tastes great.


>Or grow some balls

Thanks m8s, gonna try out coffee

Lol is that dangerous?


as said, coffee is the way to go.

Why are you such an underaged massive cuck? Learn to drink proper stuff

Choocy milk my dude

No but it will curd and fuck up the drink

lime juice - make cement mixers

Beer bong it up the ass

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Pick one.

Also, you must have grabbed this from under your parents sink bc nobody would buy this to drink straight. Baileys is for alcoholics to put in their coffee and cereal (along with rum charta). Just drink it faggot, I’m guessing you’ve never had any other alchohol before if you think Baileys tastes like shit.

Yea I just got it from my roommate. Out of Vodka unfortunately

>can't even handle baileys
just stop drinking

Mods y'all can delete this thread. Just kinda turning into cancer lol

Baileys is pretty good straight imo that said, a great cocktail is a "blind russian" like a white russian. I do 1 shot Baileys, 1 shot fresh made Coffee, 1 shot Vodka, big ice cubes.

It's dank. You're welcome.

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>1 shot

you can pour the booze heavier but its not supposed to kill you

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Throw it away and drink bourbon like a man

I was getting more at a shot isn't a measurement. Just say 1 part or ounce. Otherwise it sounds like a good drink. I do like white Russians, just sometimes just seems to heavy (like the thickness) even when doing 2 parts vodka to 1 part cream and 1 part khalua. The blind Russia sounds a little easier to drink if your going to have more than 2.

oh I misunderstood ya. I figured op was not exactly a connoisseur so I said shot rather than part to ensure he understood. I used to be a bartender. That cocktail tastes fantastic, especially if you use high quality coffee. Most people cheap out on the coffee and then its only ok.

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I appreciate the tip user.

youre welcome fuckface

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nice trips, how are you liking the Supreme Court?