I’m bored
I’m bored
>I’m bored
Hey bored im dad
Post tits or gtfo.
Knife between your tits with a timestamp
Kill yourself and the boredom will pass
put that knife over your , boring
Put the tip of the knife on one of ur nipples and time stamp
Blow nose
Post results
Op is a fag
Post tits you stupied bitch, cut them tits
If I post tits will I get famous?
You will be famous to me at least. Unleash the tits.
Yes, not tits the more famous you get.....REEEEEE
Will certainly not be less famous
People love Chan girls that post nudes
Kill yourself
I can see the copypasta threads already: Where were you when knife-chan posted tits?
It’s my first night here though.
I ... just want friends ;(
Hi bored I'm Anonymous!
Man this site has fucking dropped
20 BTC says knife-chan here is a trap
Mental illness.
sand dunes
Show dick, you fucking fag.
Do you have friends irl?
Trap is trap
This place is great. Everyone hates themselves and everyone else. I'm just here to laugh.
Ill be your friend but i gotta see your tits first witha time stamp
Tits not legs you bumb bitch
we live in a society
Guys I promise (I) Knife Chan is not a
I’m trying to upload a new Pic but Sup Forums says it’s too big ??
Dout it do another one then
Take sock but replace K with society
that's cool, send more
Tits time stamp or gtfo
stick knife in pussy
stick knife in heart
Go buy a nice steak. Cook to rare and use that knife to cut it up.
breesto wants sharpie in pooper
Epic cringe style
op is being a faggot so sure why not
Who stole her chin ?
Timestamp your legs
seriously, what's up with that
you need to learn about filenames friend
Time stamp coming soon
Guys that’s not lipgloss
It’s spit
sure thing champ
does it still hurt to cut yourself?
send nudes
alright guys I'm running low on cutslut
op is a faggot so I'm gonna dump a couple more and bail
stop cutting yourself
Could you make a kissyface?
looks like a productive hobby to me
fuc u
literally who cares?
You're a pathetic unlovable piece of skank rotten gash trash and you'll die alone.
show your pussy
Carve time stamp on titties
No dont listen to him. I would hug you.
I fucking despise what this site has become, i remember a time of crusades against pedos and social and pc. I remember raids and hacks for no cause just for the complete lolz and circle jerks.
I watched this site get invaded by attention whores, and reee new fags, over time they become the old fags.
I hoped we would revive like the pheonix and reclaim our birth right as what we once stood for, i fought and bleed pure autism in the great meme war.
now i just look at this site and wish we went out with a wimpier then let it come to this.
keep going, more cuts
>we went out with a wimpier then let it come to this
this is solid copypasta and I will save for future use
Stop being fucking a massive faggot champ
We stand on the brink of another meme war and our opponents are pedos that will stop at nothing to destroy our way of life yet, here we stand and jerk off. I tell you fags and annons this if we do nothing all will be lost. Every inch of our master work of toxic and vile will be destroyed. I can not wish it to be saved, so i welcome the end with open arms. Cut slut fag op, do this site a favor and kill your self so this fucking site can die in honor we all know it will, or get the fuck off this site and check your self into pysc ward.
Get a haircut, shave that pathetic goatee. Shaggy looking ass.
mfw you're this retarded for attention.
leave now or you'll end up in a gang bang, paid for with bit coins by all mighty neckbread bronnies.
I am not joking and depending on the board it will be neck bread bronnies, or a group of aids filled blacks.
Mmmmm this reeks with notice me senpai
I'll be your friend
Aw, what a cute girl. Hello, cute girl. owo
Do you need help little thingy?
We must halp this poor womans Sup Forums
let's all erp
this me n dog
show tits, good timestamp
no tits no verify
please bury your head in a tub of lye so I will never have to see you post again. Better yet jump from the top of op victim hood complex, to your own iq.
this look fake
yuo fake dis ting y here
Can I please get one without the cross? You have gorgeous lips.
My nails ripped the fucking paper
pants loudly, his little pink tongue lolling out from between his lewd lips.
free nudes
https ://discord gg/CuZUkJH
boring girls with no personality cut themselves.
Whats your reason did daddyuncle touch you or was he just not around at all
Okay re uploading to say I KNOW I RIPPED THE PAPER SORRRYYY
okay awesome, but where are your tits