Are there any good internet forums left? Do people still participate in them or did social media kill them? Discuss

Are there any good internet forums left? Do people still participate in them or did social media kill them? Discuss

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There were a few but they all died. Totse was the last good one.

yes, still good ones around.
no, I don't post them here. the cancer would kill them.


Most of them either died or are now ruled by SJWs. Even something awful is on the decline and ruled by them.

Honestly I really prefer forums compared to reddit.
The format is way more organized and with reddit I'm way too lazy to scroll through things

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This is an Opie and Anthony forum, right


>now ruled by SJWs
This. Used to love various guitar and recording forums. Now you make one off color joke and you get banhammered like you're a pinata full of reddit gold.

FYAD just got shut down and both my accounts banned so no this is the last good site.

There are plenty. You just have to search for them on that there Google.

What happened to lulinks?

Rip totse, you gave me a lot of terrible advice.

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forums are not a good way to go. they require each user to associate some personally identifying information that the admins can use to tie you to specific posts and content which could be subpoenaed if you post, let us say, questionable content. i would stay away from that potential legal mess.

None because you can’t use the word faggot or else you’ll be banned

Does anybody know what's up with these weird ass posts? I'm not googling that term but i'm just curious what the fuck it is they keep spamming for

yeah see. you can't even do that. i had a reddit account a long time ago and they track your posts and ban for hurting fee fees. it's crazy.

There are plenty of decent forums. Usually they're for very specific topics.


Forums are only good if I can call everyone niggers!

Don't got nothing to hide.

Totse was a great site and summed up the era of the internet back then being the wild west.

My niggas

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I am not sure what ruined the internet more SJWs/every moron being on here now, the governments destroying our freedom and anonymity, or money becoming so important.

It's all good. Stop resisting.

It's the number of people honestly. The earlier people on the internet had a pretty broad spectrum of political beliefs from religiousfags to libertarians to commies to regular conservatives or liberals. But they were all nerds who were actively involved in their smaller communities.

>every moron being on here now
Affordable broadband, smartphones, and social media.
We'll never be able to go back

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I have car enthusiast forum. Won't say which one tho

Tossing up some pictures to explain things.

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I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to share good forums on Sup Forums either.

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checked, satan


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