I'm losing my mind Sup Forums

I'm losing my mind Sup Forums.

A few months ago I started following a girl that went to the same private school as me. Since she's a couple of years younger than me we never really talked or anything. I'd say I haven't seen her irl since 2011.

Anyways, she followed me back and she's always watching my instagram stories and liking all my shit. Then a couple of weeks ago we matched on Tinder and got to talking.

She's a little boring and basic tbh and we talk mostly about small shit. She always replies to my messages (not unenthusiastically i must say) but she never texts me first. Last time we talked on friday i told her we should hang out some time next week (this week) and she said she'd let me know on sunday because they were gonna assign her a day off or something (allegedly it's not the same every week, she works at a clothing store)

I played it cool by not texting her since friday, hoping she would text me first but she didn't. She posted a story today with some girly romantic along the lines of "make my life sweeter" and i responded to it by sending "i would but you playin" or some shit like that. She just responded with 3 nerdy emojis. Wat do?

Give me some advice Sup Forums. All i want is to have her delightful, slightly plump body writhing and squirming on top of me.

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Just don't be autism. Maybe ask her to clarify or ask if your assumptions about the emojis (hint hint wink wink) are correct. Proceed from there

Uh is this my girlfriend

You're having feelings for a fat bitch?

You must surely be autistic if you haven't porked that chunky slab of beef.

Just go gay.

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No but seriously is this my girlfriend. Your description sounds on point. What’s her first name? Or something identifying

Ask her out for coffee and see if there’s a connection

I was thinking of asking her again when we could meet up but im afraid of seeming desperate

Tbh i have the blackest intentions.

My plan is to do the whole “wine and dine” approach because she doesn’t strike me as a hoe

But really i just want to smash

Her name’s Danielle

Overthinking amd misunderstanding is the bane of relationships

Fuck it, i just asked her what they told her at work

I normally don’t overthink this much but i don’t want to fuck this up

Y’all ever wanted to shag someone this desperately??

post pics

if you add me somewhere I will literally tell you what to say every time and I can bet she'll want to smash, something like kik or shit would work

>My plan is to do the whole “wine and dine” approach because she doesn’t strike me as a hoe
>But really i just want to smash
Holy shit bro, go out on a date, tell her that she's attractive and you want to bone. That's literally all it takes for a bitch on Tinder. She was looking for men, you're familiar, holy shit just ask her out.

Honestly. Just get to the fucking point.
Pussy ass boy.

Aight what’s your kik b

Forget about it. She’s not into you, only keeping you leashed in her friend zone.


falseflag, I forgot my kik so had to make a new one give me a second

ask her if shes like the shadman and you can fart in her face

add DumbassMcAnon