Lesbian/gay romance films

>Lesbian/gay romance films
>Interracial romance films
>Still no Mother and son romance films

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Baba thread?

fuck off kike

now a Baby Babba thread

wots baba up to these days?



can some babanon pls dump some webms pls?

baba kino

only have three tho. 1/3



Womb with Matt Smith and Eva Hreen

comfy baba

highest kinetic baba kino. thx fellow babanon

Jesus fucking Christ kek

you're most welcome, senpai

Why is this little dude so violent?

quick rubdown on baba?


Wasn't there that bates motel show?

Classy baba

>dat black velvet three piece suit

Manlets. When will they learn?


I love how belligerent he is. It's like he's a chihuahua and doesn't know how big he is.

is that luc besson

as the king of roaches, he has a lot of pressure from his people because Erdoğan is an incompetent idiot.
gas those who insults baba

although baba sized he has the heart of three angry giants

man baba looks comfy af

he would look cool with a serbu shorty

and other giant "part" if you catch my drift


Dem socks tho.

You just don't know where to look.

I had my first wet dream in 3 years last night. it was weird

you are asking for this, infidel

Those jammies.

>Super Bowl
>35 Greks


Turkey Chainsaw Massacre baba

great minds post the same

>35 Greks


"Sleep tight, baby Baba"

needs more webms


>trusting that mad turkroach with a gun
i'd rather trust kim-jong un with nukes

dat filename top kek

top keksals


dat trigger discipline

Sleep tight, baby Baba.

We all know who's in control here.
Erdogan fears the Baba.

Manlet rage


He's retarded. Which makes him of average intelligence for a Turkish man

Erdogan answers to Baba.

I fucking love Eva Green. She represents the best that France has to offer in a million different ways.

What did you mean by this?

Sleep tight, Baby Baba

She's very talented, she has a banging body, and her films cover a number of fringe fetishes.

Oh ok I thought you meant toy was like France to the extreme or something. Like all their best virtues or something.

I will be very sad when Koksal Baba dies. I wish I could be his friend.

When you think about the best qualities of the French, or at least idealized version of them - like artistic, romantic, sophisticated, and uninhibited - she embodies those qualities. At least to me. Anyway, she's fucking great.

Kovol, you need to come stateside.

Is is Kosvol?

Kovsol, pls.

>like artistic, romantic, sophisticated, and uninhibited - she embodies those qualities.

He's a Turkish mob boss.

it's koksal m8

all of us babanons are his friends.
if he saw this thread he would proclaim us friends forever and then chase us with a knife for the top keksals

Kokesaul, is that you?

No they didnt follow through with it

Murmur of the Heart
Spanking The Monkey.




Sleep tight, Baby Baba.

Sleep tight baby baba