Yo wtf i thought mods and jannies were getting rid of porn shit on Sup Forums

yo wtf i thought mods and jannies were getting rid of porn shit on Sup Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


Turns out it was a joke.

A few hours of trolling the coomers and a few days of trolling the incels.

Should've stayed banned, Sup Forums is "Random" but it's not random it's just full of coomers

Attached: emus.jpg (500x350, 49K)

Did Sup Forums mods turn their backs on us?
if they did then goddamn this board is going to explode

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LIsten you fucking shit. Stop telling other posters what to enjoy or do here. I'd literally beat the fuck out of you and resurrect you if you lapsed into a coma and beat your ass again and again.

this tbh
no one beyond the same like 30 coomers want these hundreds of porn threads

Infinite chan
/bant/ /r9k/
Plenty of other places to go

this is bait right?


>cope is only response cumbrain can come up with

And nobody but the same 15 faggots want this continuous spamming for the return of a Sup Forums that never existed. It's a porn board. Live with it.

there are probably only like 4 janitors and 1 mod left wtf.

It was a troll.

>random board
>porn board

Let's raid something

I’ve heard ostriches are ornery birds. I bet one would put up a satisfying fight as I clock it in the dome, wrestle it to the ground and rape it on the far side of the field so nothing can hear it’s cries.

you're an idiot. go neck yourself, wanna-be edgefag

Oh here’s the thing. Apparently you were a retard

Yeah, a whole board full of this shit. That would be awesome.

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You ain't porn niggers are literally retarded

all in favor of having an actual porn ban in the future, reply to this post with "fuck coomers"


fuck coomers

Considering youre a filthy coomer, I assume you mean beat him off? Sounds like a good time.

Use the appropriate boards, why post on Sup Forums? Why can't you just go to a porn board you filth?

im going to start posting porn here just to spite you crybaby faggots