How old are you user? What do you work as and what does it pay?

How old are you user? What do you work as and what does it pay?

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I'm 22, starting to learn about web development, dont really work yet so cant answer your question, sorry about that. And you?

16, ecomm ab 2k profit a month rn

ecomm? Could you elaborate on what you do?

About $55000yr
Project manager for a small fence company

E-commerce, I have a shopify store, run ads through facebook and instagram

27. Security officer on a third world shithole. 1,200 USD plus benefits I squish as much as possible.

42, 64k/year vehicle wrapping.

Vehicle... wrapping?

42, 70k Independent courier

38, photographer and I make 3- 5 grand a gig. Good year I'm 300k bad year maybe 80k

what is an independent courier

1,200 usd per what?

So scammer.

vinyl wrap

yeah designing and installing artwork for trucks vans buses cars whatever. you got a shitty brown car and want it to look like shiny chrome? I can do that. it's basically making and applying giant stickers all day long.

Nigger stomped

28 in two weeks.

Softwarefag. 80k USD

28, physician assistant, 110k

12 an hour

29,Oilfield, 243k/y

33 , Clinical Analyst, 113k


Holy fuck

Banker 25. 38k plus commission


I work in the air national gaurd, pic related thats me. Dont believe me just insta me. I'm not not affraid of some new fags

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28, I dangle from ropes on buildings, bout $50,000 a year. But it's seasonal so I don't make that much because I'm fucking lazy.

LOL are you retarded? Roughneck makes mmmmaaaayyyybbbbeeeee $80k that's when it was booming.
Nah, I'm a directional driller. I'm the Michael Jordan and they are austic kid that watches your highschool basketball team play

Mechanical (design) engineer. 25... 60k/yr

I'm 20. I work as a Doordash delivery person and usually make about 10 bucks an hour.

Per month you freaking cunt, that's more than enough to live a more or less decent live when the minimun wage is 300 USD per month.

You nigger are dense sometimes. And by the way, if you retire and come over don't be a freaking cunt, just because you come from a 1st world country doesn't mean you won't get hanged from a banana tree if you are an uppity cunt.

I own the delivery van I'm a subcontractor for a company. Like Amazon prime delivery.

29 Software Dev, 170k ish

I'm 9999 and I work as an immortal juggalo and I make $5 per 50 years

I mean if you’re gonna live forever that’s still infinite money, well done

Seems like you're pretty angry about your wage. I would be too if I was doing a security detail and getting stingged on pay.

15, host 15/hour

40. Network security admin. Just under 90K. I may never be rich, but I genuinely love what I do.

It is pretty depressing

28, financial auditor, £26,000p/y

Itt; people Larp.

24, Corrections Officer, roughly $50,000 a year including benefits. Only a part timer right now but getting full time benefits.

You must be a liberal arts major.

Desktop Support/on site IT Guy for a small hospital
$24ish an hour

34, consultant, $140k last year. boss said im getting a "substantial" raise this year so fingers crossed Sup Forumsros

I know you cheated! tell my current girlfriend

23, software dev intern, like 24k a year