Repost, join me in mutiny

repost, join me in mutiny

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leaving would probably be the best thing for you. For any of us really.

Give it up man, it's over, we're just gonna have to accept it

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Bye, Felicia.

Coomers man

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yes start going to reddit instead

Shit, I'm posting MORE porn threads now.

You're posts are worse than the log poster


Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

He probably is one of the log posters.



Remember, you're here forever.

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>n-no! Sup Forums is for le epic troll threads
>porn isn't random!


I was testing to see if your paying attention

Bye newfag

bye nigger

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thank you highschool newfag pornfags for keeping the thread bumped so mods can see this - if enough of us leave, Sup Forums can't possibly make enough off ads to cover costs, its nearly half the userbase.

holy fuck. lol...


oh yeah, the porn ads that most people already have blocked with adblocker anyway

If they cared they would get rid of the log posters

>Nobody cares

Read a book, nigger.

If the 6 niggers whining about the porn threads are half the user base, Sup Forums has bigger problems than I realized.

leave then dumpass

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>threatening to leave
ylyl is finally good

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this. Me realizing that Sup Forums is nothing but reposted porn makes me realize that it's time for me to leave. Apparently all the other people that made it interesting are already gone, since there's only porn now. It's time bros.


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nobody gives a shit whether any of you leave. go back to fucking reddit newfag

I honestly think this is the plan. I have some inklings that its big websites like reddit trying to gain more users by making their competition shit by flooding shitposts.

Bye fag

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Oh shit we gettin old Sup Forums back?
a little porn was ok but the way its been is just to much

See ya don't let the door hit you on the way out. Give reddit a try plenty of different subreddits for you or literally hundreds of other chans not to mention many boards on here other than Sup Forums

learn english faggot

i wasn't talking to you, shit for brains

I've been whining about this board being infested with too much porn for years, but take it from an oldfag: you don't fucking know how Sup Forums works, newfag scum.

Last night a mod cleared all of Sup Forums of porn and log posts...was interesting for awhile, but if I really cared, I would just hang out on /bant/

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this 100%

the pornposters are literally 17 year olds, and dont have a creative bone in their bodies.

This /bant/ isn't half bad let's go there if enough of us migrate it'll be alot better

Why don't you start posting interesting and quality OC?????? Plenty of shit on Sup Forums isn't porn and there's tons of conversation and arguing and drama going on. MAKE INTERESTING POSTS then you fucking retarded faggot and quit cluttering up the board with this whiny bullshit faggotry.

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You're missing the point. Leaving here (and reddit or others) would be the best thing for any of us to actually be happy.

Leaving here shouldn't imply going to some other porn ridden website. It should let us be free of this nonsense and get on with our lives.

You literally have no way of knowing what i have or have not posted

I know you posted this thread and instead of this crybaby gonna take my ball and go home bullshit you could be a rockstar creating OC threads on here that isn't porn. your mom needs to be shot then fucked.

Then why are you all here bitching about it instead of actually leaving? You really think making boards demanding they delete the porn from Sup Forums is gonna do anything?

Ur about 3 months to late for that yellow train hoss

Sup Forums was never good and always filled with porn. Also, don't forget, you're here forever.


If the mods arent high, yes. I did the homework and the math, legitimately. If we band together and leave, considering we make up even only 40% of the userbase, they will only be able to cover about 75% of the bandwidth cost from ads, and that's a generous percentage considering they have other sources of income

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

1. You are not a mod
2. You don't dictate content here
3. STFU you fucking control freak faggot

if you think Sup Forums was always porn, you're 100% a newfag

checked and keked


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>or we leave
if you give up, the coomer plague wins. I would rather see Sup Forums deleted entirely and cumbrains forced to move to porn boards than to see Sup Forums simply become coomer general forevermore.

Leave and prove it.

I miss the creative shitposts, don't you?

Remember the visual image games?

The anontalk bot?

The milhouse memes?

if we leave, coomers win, then Sup Forums loses, then coomers lose.

If most of this board is pornposting, exactly how many people do you expect to follow you?? How can you do the math with no real numbers to back it up?

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People who refuse to vote have never in the history of anything been the ones to change policy.

THEN POST THAT SHIT you flacid useless piece of shit. that's the beauty of Sup Forums, anyone can post anything. no one is stopping you from making a creative shitpost or visual image or milhouse meme or whatever. don't sit around and expect that shit to be handed to you, you god damn cunt weasel.


he can't
that's the joke

Been here since 07, so yes, I am a newfag.

Hello faggot.
Sorry, I actually meant to say goodbye, faggot.

Overly obvious word choice in phrasing of insult. Also lacks length. And post a suitably horrible image to pair with the image, you useless sparklecunt.

not that user but I've been here since 2006. How come I can't remember anything except for kind of wanting to fuck Boxxy?

Oh no, don't leave!'t....shtaaap....

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>post OC
>it's instantly buried to page 6 under the constant flood of coomer threads that should be on one of the dozens of dedicated porn boards instead of Sup Forums in the first place
So this... is the beauty of Sup Forums.

I couldn't find your mom's taint

not our problem if your shit sucks.

is this a new word your your abusive PE Coach taught you yellowfag

i blame NO FAP for all this "coomer" hate.

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it doesn't suck tho
it's so much better than this decadent porn you keep trying to cockblock my superior talent with

the entire point is that it doesn't fucking matter you dumb cumbrain. it could be the most interesting shit to ever hit Sup Forums and it would be buried under the mountain of coomer threads that porn addicted virgins like you just can't stop posting and bumping with "SAUCE WHO IS THIS PLEASE TELL ME PLEASE POST MORE OMG SO HOT WWYD LMAO"

>being this much of a cumbrained newfaggot

nofap and coomers are literally the same group of incels, so in that context yes nofap is partly responsible.


No Fap and cumbrains are two sides of the same coin, user.

Better You didn't use that stupid faggot word again.

Then the vast majority of Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about your awesome meme, Bruce.

Seriously, give it up. Your shitposts really are not as incredible as you think they are. If they were they'd get traction. Nobody. Cares.

how the fuck do you faggots jack off to the same three threads for years on end

Not really i made a thread that stayed getting steady responses and no porn was posted. Nobody's fault but your own that you are a boring cunt try making a thread thats not garbage then

>it could be the most interesting shit to ever hit Sup Forums
your shit isn't tho

look faggot it's tough out here, i guarantee you are NOT posting the most interesting shit to ever hit Sup Forums, and you probably don't have the dedication or motivation to force OC like the log guy did. just get with OP and leave.

Sorry brother, the coomers have won. They aren't going to stop and no one is going to fucking stop them. It's fucking pointless.
I'm leaving this shithole site and they can just wallow in their filth. I'm taking suggestions for where we go from here.


what are you gonna do about it, cumbrain? screech autistically into the void? go complain to your coomer buddies in another coomtard thread about pics you shouldn't share or random fully clothed women you saved from instagram? write up an angry essay on your reddit hugbox about how mean those racist misogynistic 4channers are?

you don't have to go home but you can't stay here!!! GTFO

When you avoid fapping for several months you have no idea how incredible the orgasm is user. Why are you so afraid of your animal side? Embrace it.

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I enjoy porn so