Annual drinking thread: Shitface Tuesday Edition

Annual drinking thread: Shitface Tuesday Edition

Come talk about whatever and drink

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Alcohol is toxic.

so is breathing polluted air and drinking jew tap water

Im drunk on Scotch, its 4am here and I should have studied today and now sleep to get up im 4 hours to study again. fml. I just stuffed myself with cheese and desserts. really fml.

anyone up for a bit of a conv.?

Where the fuck is everyone

just vibin rn my dude

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what are you drinking my man?

Not drinking, just can't sleep and don't have work tomorrow. Something sprinted across my backyard and woke me up.

Love Tullamore Dew, I stand by it when I say it's the most drinkable middle shelf Irish, miles better than jameson. Try the 12 year, it cost as much as a normal bottle of Johnny Walker.

i was blessed to find tully, man. I stuck to jack daniels and jameson for wiskey, but it goes down so much smoothjer

Nothing more faggy than a bunch of drinkers talking about what drink they're drinking. You guys are fucking losers.

I will man, I wanted to get a new bottle of Whiskey tomorrow anyways

Im dont drink that often and am more of a beer guy normally, but somehow a glass of whiskey just feels quite good currently.

Do you guys ever drink single malt?

there's a trap and nigger thread waiting for you bud head that way

Well, tell me whats your opinion of what I should do rn?

ITT: Losers who have no friends so they talk to each other about the only thing they have in common with each other.

I'm sure you'll head that way after your aged bourbon cask 6 year single malt reserve you cuck.

Grow a pair and make up your own mind instead of acting like my wife. You're a man drinking alcohol like a big boy, aren't you?

Figure that one the fuck out.

Pussy in here drinking alcohol and still can't make up his mind.

Ever try the highland scotch? The really peaty stuff like Laphroaig? I have a bottle of peaty goodness saved up for Christmas.

It's not good, it's perfect.

so in other words, you only go on here to call other people a looser, that shows that you really are a fucking looser, damn

i drink gin

Nicee one...Elon.

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