Alcoholics of Sup Forums

Alcoholics of Sup Forums
what are some fun drunken activities?

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If you're truly an alcoholic then nothing is fun anymore


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eat a large bowl of beef stew
drink two bottles of apple schnapps

go to sleep lying on your back

Beat wife and kids. That's my go to.

learn the rubiks cube. work your way up to 17x17x17

trying to run around a high school track in the dead of night without breaking your shit
also, not entirely boozey but passing fourteen joints around a bonfire while sipping a rum and coke is extremely fulfilling

This, we don't drink to have fun anymore, we drink to cope and to feel anything at all. We drank the fun out of the bottle years ago.

Source: functioning alcoholic.

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I like to think about killing myself

Browsing Sup Forums, then trying to jerk off but giving up because you’re too drunk to finish.