I was semi talked into buying an iPhone. Can I not fucking watch webms on it? I hate my life.
I was semi talked into buying an iPhone. Can I not fucking watch webms on it? I hate my life
it just works!
Nigger make sense when you talk!
download vlc you fucking retard.
I did it doesn’t work. It just says “download file” when I click on webm faggot
I don't understand buying an iPhone when you can get an Android for half the cost with all the functionality. I have an iPad so I can compare the two OS's... It just doesn't seem like it's worth the price tag. Cool marketing and status symbol I guess tho
>I did it doesn’t work.
>suck this dick
>but it's a PREMIUM dick. what are you, poor?
ha ha sucker
I’ve only had it a week and I hate it. Android is superior and I wish I could go back in time.
>buying apple products
tits or gtfo whore
it just works?
its a pain in the ass i know, but you have to download it and open it, then press open in vlc
another thing you can do is look into sideloading The Chan
it just works
>had a week
return it user?
especially if you're got the money to blow for an iPhone, I would get the Google Pixel if I were in the market. I've always wanted to get that phone.
Thanks dude I’ll try that
I already tried only way out is to pay it off. I got it at a $200 of sale so it was actually cheaper than most phones there. But I can’t stand it
Why return it if it just works?
take it to an apple repair tech so they can charge you 700 dollars for water damage and install an app for you
why are you so angry?
because you could warn a million people that iphones are trash but 999,999 will still buy them keeping a busted ass company in business.
just got done helping a friend build a PC because his "just works" apple laptop he wanted for video rendering failed on him 3 times and the last time he took it to the geniuses they told him he water damaged it.
idiots like OP are keeping apple afloat similar to bethesda.
But why do you care what phone someone else uses? It literally doesn’t affect you at all, retard.
>spends thousands on nonfunctioning equipment
>calls other people retard
ok moron
>raging and needing BP meds because of someone else’s decisions
ok cuck
>posted from an expensive needs more work iphone
Lol ok cuck
>cuck is a word with emotes and full etymology on iphone
Lol ok cuck
celebrating your favorite word today? does your iphone keep thinking you want to call your wifes bull?
Lol ok cuck
Lol ok cuck
Lol ok iphonefanboy
Will you two just fuck already
Sorry I don’t fuck niggers
Lol, ok cuck
have you read the thread? I clearly stated I hated the phone so how does that make me a fan boy, you pretentious little shithead?
>reeee stop making fun of my phone IT JUST WORKS!!!
nigga you spent hundreds of dollars on a barely functioning piece of shit because you probably saw an ad for it that showed it spinning in a black background
you permanently lost the right to call anyone pretentious
But why does that rustle your jimmies so bad? It literally does not affect your life.
Lol, ok cuck
Laugh out loud, okay cuckold.
What a retard with absolutely nothing better to do. Anyway I got what I needed so no more wasting time with mad little cucks like you. Later mad faggot :)
Loling out Loud, very well ANTIFA
lol dumb bastard gonna figure out he can't delete threads on his cuckphone
Roflcoptering, alrighty then fagola
LMFAOBBQ, solid copy then canadian
Its 2019 and dumb bitches still buying Iphones? holy shit
it just works tho
So you don't know how capitalism works in the real world? Given enough hype and celebrity endorsements you can almost always find enough stupid people to buy any overpriced item. Because of this, the price of any similar item doesn't have to reflect that items actual value, it just have to cost less then the overpriced hyped item. In the case of smart phones, iPhone is that overpriced hyped item. Without iPhone either another phone would have to step in to the overpriced hyped market (but no other smartphone curently has the same hype cache as iphone) or phone prices would drop more to reflect costs closer to actual value because no particular phone wants to be stuck with too high of a price gap for "just as good but much cheaper" strategies of other companies unless they are ready to position themselves as the "new thing" to be hyped. So yes iphone affects him because they help prop up costs of all phones.
nice blog
>download VLC
>see Webm
>hold finger until options come up
>select copy
>open VLC
>select network stream
>paste link into there
>have fun watching shitty webm
Finally someone who isn’t a retarded faggot. Thanks.
Well OP definitely wasn't going to satisfy those requirements.
>buying an iPhone
that's your own goddamn fault
No shit, you fucking dumbass nigger
Die mad about your $500 tracking device, doublenigger
Come into a thread an hour later and say the same thing that’s already been stated captain dickface
Will do, applefaggot. Keep saving webms and playing them on a third party app.
Keep getting butthurt about it, dicklet
fuck off googoo shill
Samsung android here, everyone I know that has crapple hates it but their locked in because of proprietary music and pic stuff they can't swap to another os