Anyone got the vid of that twitch thot getting knotted by her dog?

Anyone got the vid of that twitch thot getting knotted by her dog?

Attached: bd8.jpg (640x480, 23K)

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I needa see it now

Th-the what,, user??

The only thing that happens is that it sniffs her rancid cooch while she is doing yoga

There's gotta be a vid of her taking the knot

Seriously would you rather fuck a chick who fucks dogs or one that's been BLACKED?


yeah she fucks it.

lol rent free

Whats the difference?

she's definitely been mounted, dogs don't continue to act like that unless they've gotten a taste

It's a female dog

At least the dog doesn't get uppity when you take its food away

>Both are basically bestiality
Nice try schlomo faggot.

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Think she's had dog cum in her?

Oh her little pussy has been destroyed by that huskies fat knot hundreds of times I can promise you

Lesbian dog?

Wish we had the tape of her takin the knot

Zoophiles get birdshot

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you fags should get a room

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You guys are fucking retarded. That bitch has something wrong with her snatch.
Havent you seen those dogs that can sniff cancer?

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Random question COMPLETELY unrelated to this thread, but like a day ago, or two days ago- been a long week can't remember- but Sup Forums banned porn. I got into a lot of arguments over faggots who actually thought it was gonna stick but I'll admit to be a crossposter from Sup Forums so I only came to see what the fuss was about-

Was it all a ruse or did they legitimately TRY to ban porn and fail spectacularly?

Maybe you should stop using your dog to clean your snatch on twitch


>mfw she uses this as an excuse

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One mod decided to cause a flame war for lulz so he banned porn on Sup Forums. Twas fucking amazing

HPV induced cancer is a real thing. That dog is trying to save her

Wasn't that amazing. I saw a lot of people actually supporting it and it fucking pissed me off.

Ok coomer

Who said anything about love? We're talking about dog fucking

I just wanna hear a woman moan like a whore while being her dog's bitch

I'd trade places with doggo

Sfw beast thread?

Syphilis isn't worth it

Who said this was a blue board?

Beast is illegal post it threads die


Not trying to kill thread questionable is ok still

Idk that's curable just go to clinic every 2 weeks

Not clicking that - fuck that cocksocket.

>I saw a lot of people actually supporting it and it fucking pissed me off.

Aww, baby can't use the internet to click on Pornhub? It's ok little baby - your porn is back.