get cancer and die, faggot
I’m immune, fairy ;)
Either smoke a cigarette or a real cigar faggot
1. nobody is immune to cancer
2. if you were actually cool instead of smoking you'd know how to turn that lighter into a flamethrower and how to make the cigs disappear and then come out of your nose, I can do that shit easy, either get cool or get cancer and die
I want a REAL mahn!
>living solutions lighter
Below nigger tier lighter
Ok wannabe wafflez
they make talons in a hard pack now? wut?
Tier is never going to happen pitohead
Idk why but this picture has so much aesthetic to me. Thanks op
Great shit ma’am
Wrong board ;)
I used to transfer all my talons into old hard packs when I still smoked. Fucking jelly
They package crack head lighters
You personifiedingmebro
do you even inhale talons?
I was one of the first
you can but they suck to inhale
i tried cheyannes once they sucked. havent tried talons
Drugs are for degenerates, imagine being addicted to nicotine of all drugs lol
Where can I buy those in socal
So is AIR
I live in Indiana so no clue
Corner of bum fuck and you got a perddy mouth?
being poor is rough huh?
ya sure