Why did this make me laugh so hard
>wild wild west starts playing
If I remove that apparatus, will you perish?
B..... Bane?
Sorry, it's my first day at the agency, nerves am I right? Haha
I would dire it most unpleasant.
Thou don't get to bring mates.
Tis not be the time to bring companions, M'lord Pavel.
You're a strapping gentleman
For thou
He had such a promising life ahead of him
But like all good agents do, he fell into the abyss.
underrated post
You're a Young guy
CIA looks like THAT?
dead meme that only mentally challenged retards still enjoy and post.
Then show me your dead body
>Dissing on people who have a lotta loyalty
hot damn...
>above average cranium temperature
BRRAAPPPPPPPP* What have they feeding you at the agency cafeteria? *BAAAARRRFFFFFPPPPPPFPFPFPFPPFPF* *sniff* Is that, French cheese? Who knew they served such exquisite cuisine *BRRRRFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAARRRPPPPP* And yet you remain such a small guy *BRRRAAAAAPAPPPFPPFFPFPFP*
looks just like my step brother.
>Pray tell what events does thoust see unfold hence forth?
Ceasing the aeronautical operations of this vessel with nary a soul salvageable.
Thy inferno ascends!
BRRAAPPPPPPPP* What have they feeding you at the agency cafeteria? *BAAAARRRFFFFFPPPPPPFPFPFPFPPFPF* *sniff* Is that, French cheese? Who knew they served such exquisite cuisine *BRRRRFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAARRRPPPPP* And yet you remain such a small guy *BRRRAAAAAPAPPPFFPPFFPFPFP*
>this dossier I acquiesced with the constabulary permits myself, my armed chaperone, master pavel, though only one of yourselves. The first to divulge his secrets will be allowed to venture on my aerocraft