Contrarians will defend this

>contrarians will defend this

comfy kino

it's slow burn

It's only offence is that it has to constantly shoehorn in Breaking Bad characters to try and draw in that audience.

That's why I can't respect the show. It's such a cheap pandering move.

As long as they stick all that shit into mike's reddit-baiting storyline I'm fine.
Brotherly rivalry kino is GOAT as far as I'm concerned.

Well I mean it was going to happen considering it's a spin off but I think it had gone overboard.

name one besides the old guy and the chicano drug dealer

When is jimmy finally going to realise that chuck is never going to love him?

It's an intense examination into the Byzantine world of lawyering, showcasing a wide range of perspectives, as well as respectful consideration towards the source material, including a few delightful callbacks and Easter eggs.

this season, when he rats him out

Tuco, No Doze, Gonzo, the arrogant stock broker, the weapons dealer, Krazy 8, the twins and Gus Fring is going to be in this season.

It's actually great do. Even the BB pandering is kept to a minimal and doesn't really distract.

Will jimmy finally fuck kim or what?

I'm pretty sure he fucks her on a daily basis

Didn't that already happen?

It moves too slowly, Saul is an absolute cuck and is taking way too long to realize his brother hates him, too many BB references or appearances, and a lot of the legal aspects are obscenely unrealistic.

>taking way too long to realize his brother hates him
Please actually watch the show and give it your full attention

>contrarians will defend this
Yet it's a critically acclaimed show.
So by Sup Forums logic, those shitting on it are once again the contrarians.

You faggots are worse than the Fly Episode defenders

why would anyone want to fuck that hag

she looks like shes aged 15 years since last season

All I remember in Season 2 was a bunch of boring workplace drama

>OH NO! Jimmy didn't tell his boss!
>Jimmy tries to get fired from his well paying job!
>Jimmy's girlfriend wants a different firm!

Plus given how its a prequel, it ruins all the suspense. I don't know if Saul was the right character to give a prequel to.

Fly is unironically terrible but bcs is a genuinely solid show, eat a dick

Is Mike still alive in the show?

>on the next episode of AMC's Better Call Saul

>Jimmy may or may not be in trouble with Chuck

>Kim does some tedious paperwork scenes

>There's a call back to BRB

>Meanwhile Mike spends 35 minutes checking the tire pressure on his car.

this show is so fucking comfy that i feel like sinking into heaven while watching.

shit taste btw user

I just don't understand it. They took the comic relief character, gave him a spinoff, but didn't make it funny.

>I don't know if Saul was the right character to give a prequel to

he wasn't. he was a funny scum bag lawyer, he doesn't need season upon season of boring backstory. this whole show is undeserved and would have worked better as just a light comedy about saul and his lawyer antics.

>not agreeing that the fly is the one of the best Breaking Bad eps
normal fag get out!


Mike gets an oil change on an all new episode of Better Call Saul

this will be the last season anyways if the ratings are any indication

Fly's a great episode despite it obviously lacking the budget of the other episodes of that season.
It shows that ultimately Jesse and Walt aren't good partners for one another and that Jesse is a continued annoyance to Walt, like a fly.

It also ruins the drama given how fun Saul is from BB.

I mean, I highly doubt anything terrible is going to happen to Chuck or Kim.

At least the Fly episode had some character development

BCS had a 6 minute intro that developed literally nothing to the plot or the characters

i really dont know what the hell vince was thinking when he was writing this. he takes a character known for being the funny jackass side kick and write his backstory as this elaborate drama about boring office lawyer crap and how his brother is a mental case that is trying to ruin his life

like....what the fuck? its just so fucking unnecessary

you're worse than trash you pleb

>it's incredibly slow and barely anything happens, so it must be really good!

Sure is 2001 in here

I just think he's lazy and overrated. Most of the S3 premiere was people doing mundane shit like working at Cinnabon or taking apart a car for 10 minutes straight leading up to something actually important happening, as if the previous pointless 9 minutes made the happening more impactful. There's just nothing going on and he's dragging it out.

Wexler feet. It's all I want on my television.