Im trying to swallow the bluepill back again. But what the fuck?

Im trying to swallow the bluepill back again. But what the fuck?

Don't abandon the redpill.

You need your next dose.

>how many gay people in the US have been killed by their parents

I actually can't think of a single example


If it's happened, it was probably done by paki immigrants

wow don't u even read blog posts about the trauma and abuse poor innocent gays have suffered at the hands of there parents

Eh the super religious used to do like electroshock and stuff but its still a different mentality

someone on the internet told me it's true, really makes you think.

I hate how they insist that if we "understood" Islam more, that we'd be open to the idea of converting. They never try and make their case either, they just insult your intelligence.

If you can't see the clear hypocrisy in her posts then I could care less about you gook

really makes you think............

>trying to go back

Shut the fuck up, he just used that meme, you literally just repeated it.

>how many gay and trans children in the US have been killed by their parents?
I didn't realise it was such a widespread problem. Oh, because it isn't.

>Have super liberal cuck friend who defends Islam
>Says they can't rape people according to the Quran
>Give them a quote saying that you're allowed to rape slave girls and that it's okay to have slaves
>"Yeah but they don't have slaves"

As one of my favorite rappers said: kek

Also, check 'em

Any infidel can be taken as a slave.


>Im trying to swallow the bluepill back again.
Ahahahaha. Good luck faggot, you can't unlearn truth.

>Shut the fuck up, he just used that meme, you literally just repeated it.
Huh, really makes you think...

Well there was that one story about some kid being killed for being gay in the US.

>Shut the fuck up, he just used that meme, you literally just repeated it.
>Huh, really makes you think...
woah.......really makes you think huh.............

>using twitter
>on tumblr

>ignorance leads to intolerance
>implying I didn't become an extreme Islamophobe the moment I started reading Islamic sources
>implying the Koran isn't a treatise on intolerance
>listening to vermin

I need to go back ok
>be really fucking redpill
>starting on super liberal school in 5 weeks
>i Literally cant hide my power level for a second
I just need to get a gf to have white children and all girls are liberal af. Plus teachers will fuck me bad because of my views.

no they wont. i took soc and anthro courses (aka cultural marxism 101) for ge's when i was just beginning the path of the red pill.

if you are informed and present well reasoned arguments injected with a bit of humor your teachers wont love you but they certainly wont fuck with your grades. plus, going against the grain of the class and dropping subtle red pills will make many a panty wet.

forgot to mention, i attended one of the most liberal public colleges, in one of the most liberal towns in new york. you'll be fine.

Da'wah is almost like an art form to Muslims. You will find hundreds of YouTube videos online with a regular every day Muslim (not exploded) asking random Christians and Atheists to debate with them. When the infidel gets tired from trying to refute the confirmation bias of the Muslim, he either just shrugs, says "ok i guess so" or leaves.

Cue the vid being titled "Muslim Shows Atheist the True Way" and one thousand comments in Arabic going mashallah for converting the kuffar.

They kind of jack off to it, in Islam it is said if you convert somebody you automatically go to Heaven and are guaranteed paradise. The Muslim student association at my college recently tried to do this one with a film camera in the quad. I got interviewed myself. It was a bunch of feel-good questions like "do you see islamophobia in daily life" or "what are your thoughts to the religion and would you convert for a day?"

Since I'm autistic my answers were pretty short, but when they started asking me if I thought Islam preaches violence, I said yes. Immediately the hijabi quoted like ten different Suras she handpicked and memorized beforehand, and I told her the striking of the neck one that Muhammad ordered. She said that was a bullshit verse and open to interpretation. Literally told me that Muhammad might have meant just choking infidels and not beheading them.

Did she just quote yoda?

Let me guess, she's also wearing the hijab because it's a cultural sign of modesty.
So that must mean girls who don't wear a hijab are sluts that deserve rape.

Really mages me think. Still i want to do it as an experiment


Wow I didn't know this was an actual tactic they used. Every muslim I've debated with would always jump through incredible hoops to try to prove some irrelevant point.

I don't know what soc or anthropology classes you took, but in mine they were literally 75% women, tumblrinas with issues.

My anthropology class had a required discussion that you had to go to every day to talk about your feelings. It was literally graded on how many times you talked about your personal life and related it to the subject matter. When we were covering the Papuan tribes one tumblrina quite literally said that the Papuan tribes are patriarchal because of European contact. I intervened and told her that these tribes have always designated men as the superior clan chief. She pulls out some bullshit statistics from one African (!) tribe that was supposedly matriarchal back in the 1500s. Entire class started cheering her on. From that point on every time I raised my hand they called me the privileged white boy. Teacher said nothing about it.

Soc was different. They were a lot more passive. I was dropping redpills left and right about black crime rates but one tumbrlina said the source of my information, the FBI and the DOJ, is a racist white supremacist organization. Everybody then started speaking up about how whites are treated differently than blacks.

No panties got wet, I assure you.

Also being gay is not publishable by law in any even semi-secular state and honor killings are way less prevalent in advanced countries.

yeah, my classes were mostly tumblrinas and black people.

the only time i ever got corrected on anything was when i referenced some jap term and a blue haired weeb girl said exactly what i said with one minor clarifying detail.

guess it kinda of helps that i'm reasonably good looking/confident and I dressed super metal in college so no one really fucked with me with that white privilege nonsense.

panties got wet, i assure you.

>pic related

i had yellow fever...sue me.