DeepNude Thread

DeepNude Thread
To get a good result have:
-girl facing camera
-in bikini or similarly revealing clothing
-only one person in the photo
-good enough lighting
-girl not too close to camera
-girl standing up
-nothing blocking breasts

If you don't get a reply, this ^ is why.

Attached: Example (21).jpg (2252x1920, 1023K)

Attached: 339.png (756x945, 1.16M)

Should I repost pics you didn't get done last thread or can I just wait?

Attached: 20191211_000901.jpg (659x1172, 598K)

If they're good pics that follow the formula, just link their post in this thread by copying the post number. No need to completely repost them.

Attached: ABB782FE-B4DD-492B-AFC3-D4E23076EB8A.jpg (361x1199, 327K)

Attached: tit.jpg (480x640, 103K)

Prolly wont work

Attached: image0-2.jpg (1440x1440, 209K)

Attached: 340.png (659x1172, 1.44M)


Attached: StorySaver_florperaza26_78829285_769674313507280_3461527796600005006_n.jpg (1080x2137, 91K)

Attached: 12328086t.jpg (262x858, 38K)

Attached: VideoCapture_20190903-182608.jpg (720x1280, 78K)


Not facing the camera. Won't work.

Attached: 341.png (512x512, 413K)

Last one... thank you user

Attached: 20191210_235728.jpg (552x982, 288K)

Attached: Screenshot_20191211-000954_Instagram.jpg (745x1477, 469K)

Attached: 20190920_113847.jpg (1063x1063, 561K)

Attached: 4770136730076824277.jpg (604x453, 54K)

didn't work

Attached: 342.png (720x1280, 1005K)

Attached: 18581058_414402558945843_8088610006162735104_n.jpg (1080x1080, 240K)

Attached: StorySaver_mayaniin_50342231_114924579619319_8441668741477460337_n.jpg (1080x1921, 161K)

Attached: rb (19).jpg (750x932, 259K)

Attached: 343.png (756x756, 1.02M)

Attached: nik3.png (902x901, 1.32M)

Attached: 1.jpg (746x497, 57K)

Attached: vsco5b2cfa5b43d4f.jpg (1536x1235, 302K)

Attached: 344.png (552x982, 800K)

Attached: JIM_4894-Edit.jpg (1154x1732, 356K)

Attached: 37720843t.jpg (537x1079, 156K)

Thank you, you're a god among men

Attached: aubs9.png (370x1064, 743K)

didn't work

Attached: 345.png (512x512, 548K)

pliss annon

Attached: 1574404296871.jpg (720x1220, 68K)

how about this? since the last post didn't work

Attached: 141430554.jpg (1080x1131, 89K)

Attached: 13774462t.jpg (1080x1080, 363K)

Attached: 22582752_1975032339442362_3598048434919047168_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.02M)

Attached: StorySaver_alisonsosa_67129015_1278474485658541_7313122358880264782_n.jpg (1024x1821, 148K)

didn't work

Attached: 346.png (512x512, 396K)


Attached: 822021F7-81DA-44FE-81B9-C02C3F994477.jpg (720x960, 45K)

Can you do either?

Attached: 03478B4A-EF51-482D-A605-AC4BA9EB1EE7.jpg (706x968, 343K)


Attached: f69us2tsscd31.jpg (1077x1284, 848K)

Any chance?

Attached: 3AE01B63-F97A-4BC8-BF1D-D2A97D7F50A2.jpg (828x1000, 177K)

Attached: 1576041305016m-picsay.jpg (1024x1024, 337K)

Big maybe ? Thanks

Attached: 8ADC23B9-3E9F-45EC-9495-818FBEB53562.jpg (750x743, 443K)

I said last one but then I found one with face visible and no sunglasses... also, you are correct sir, "dem teeth tho"

Attached: 20191211_001931.jpg (1080x1342, 584K)

no dice

Attached: 347.png (1080x1131, 1.11M)

Attached: 53EE827D-9C26-41D9-A9D1-9B8561357D58.jpg (1107x1280, 672K)

Attached: BF915AA7-52C4-46F8-95C1-48416147C77D.jpg (768x960, 141K)

Do justice

Attached: 1575900122817.jpg (313x632, 24K)

Attached: 64995203_2074036849565210_5019290567738606358_n.jpg (1080x1350, 316K)

Please brother

Attached: 142BAE7E-0B50-4E50-BE4C-867D116C2EBE.jpg (828x1021, 382K)

If you can

Attached: Screenshot_2015-04-14-23-40-54.png (1440x2560, 1.65M)

no dice

Attached: 348.png (720x960, 585K)

Attached: 75516645_157528205606144_1483286121534141715_n.jpg (1080x1334, 303K)

How bout these?

Attached: 1574944311156.png (1080x1342, 1.01M)

Attached: 13327472_10209773846971778_5278671322552899641_n.jpg (960x960, 191K)

Attached: 182BEBCA-28C5-4B37-A46E-60730644097D.jpg (748x871, 233K)

That's awful.

damn nice milkers, user

Attached: 349.png (754x899, 1.08M)

Attached: 109F5A51-538A-4BD6-AAB4-1B9661061479.jpg (1238x1477, 383K)

Attached: 18175_403184100594_8118555_n.jpg (404x604, 40K)

Attached: 51E65B0D-F7E8-4325-8841-5325B05BDA75.jpg (927x1025, 237K)

if that ones no good maybe this one

Attached: 10400823_74370485594_982_n.jpg (604x453, 52K)

Communism is those tits

Attached: 26BC99C4-8C18-4F92-9B15-A4B16D5EF98C.jpg (750x575, 177K)

Attached: 59244158_626122774466235_1014767239196925237_n.jpg (1080x1350, 187K)

Poor thing. Hardly an A cup.

Too dark huh?

Attached: af9to1_1280.jpg (960x1280, 233K)

didn't work
it worked but not good enough to post

Attached: 350.png (1080x1342, 1.8M)


Attached: 351.png (512x512, 451K)

Attached: DF7699D7-7A4D-453E-8105-0726C8A6B949.jpg (1536x2048, 848K)

Attached: 41447263_1014654182040250_4463329484488547705_n.jpg (1080x1080, 294K)

While we await our hero, can anyone explain to me what exactly deep nudes are besides photoshop?

Attached: 20751_469254300120_5558567_n.jpg (453x604, 61K)

hope this works

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-12-10 at 8.59.29 PM.png (754x860, 1.2M)


Attached: 352.png (512x512, 461K)

didn't work

Attached: 353.png (1080x1334, 1.36M)

Attached: 8D01100F-0122-4AE7-AAD9-B851907CCC0E.jpg (678x957, 168K)

Attached: 13517862348.png (1092x1176, 1.75M)


Attached: 0AA879AA-40FA-4C72-AFBD-34405A04F2F6.jpg (814x1037, 260K)

Attached: pc25.png (913x1050, 1.47M)

Attached: Screenshot_20191210-235831_Instagram.jpg (1439x1421, 395K)

no dice
yeah, they don't always work
too close to camera
neither worked
too close

Attached: 354.png (1080x1350, 1.92M)

Attached: Capture5.jpg (236x605, 27K)

Attached: rect5a.jpg (1101x955, 138K)

too close
too close
I already did yours, user. It's a deep-learning AI that guesses how tits look based on real before and after pictures.

Attached: 355.png (512x512, 312K)

Attached: 20180423_065521000_iOS.jpg (750x1334, 246K)



Attached: 356.png (1439x1421, 1.24M)


Attached: 5BFC7699-1BFA-43FC-BBB8-BBFB28910F87.jpg (750x769, 436K)

Attached: 36880726_623518958006409_4831234193864261632_n.jpg (540x960, 57K)

maybe this one?

Attached: 18175_403184630594_2306055_n.jpg (138x323, 14K)

Attached: 18579519_1705717639728646_1238900440565809152_.jpg (583x1079, 161K)

Attached: 2060B2C7-0662-46A1-8884-DE72ED98895C.jpg (720x960, 243K)

Attached: F35428CD-CC55-41C6-A70C-FD84D11CA2A3.jpg (750x987, 191K)

Attached: 18579519_1705717639728646_1238900440565809152.jpg (568x1080, 117K)

Attached: CD93133D-476D-4862-9116-41C95CA623C3.jpg (720x960, 151K)

Attached: 11287860_814920375265865_647108420_.jpg (385x612, 82K)

What about

Attached: 56D1BAB8-2002-42B8-BCB8-33AFDF847DBC.jpg (828x1447, 233K)

Attached: 1004558_847465748636604_784360856918876682_n.jpg (528x960, 88K)