A couple weeks ago one of my friends played a prank on me and laced my vape pen with meth dabs...

A couple weeks ago one of my friends played a prank on me and laced my vape pen with meth dabs. Now I'm having real bad nerve pain all over my body. I don't do drugs at all and threw the pen away. But my body just hurts all the time now, and sometimes I feel like I'm going to start having seizures. What do I do Sup Forums. Don't suggest a doctor I'm poor and would never nark on my friend.

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Do more meth

Holy shit, my friend litterally died because of this exact thing. You need to see a doctor or you will fucking die.

this should work just as well

this. ur addicted for life now. good luck.

Lol meths l
Dabs???? Do u even know how meth is smoked ? Nice try faggot

you can't dab meth

Amphetamine withdrawals are ass. Even from small short term use.

Source: go pills in military and ritalin and Adderall in college

I don't do drugs user's never will. It's Hip to Square...

Attached: 1575188952052.gif (517x328, 1.69M)

Lol. Meth dabs.

That’s not a thing, op. As in, that doesn’t exist. Hahaha