>this is the best movie this year
prove me wrong
>this is the best movie this year
prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
*blocks your awards*
>girl is in boy's body
>boy is in girl's body
>instead of a deep exploration of each other's lives and bodies we get a vague love story with constant booby grabbing
>deep exploration of each other's lives
that's just taking the easy way out
>constant booby grabbing
>just one scene
>I'm a giant infantile weeaboo faggot, and I think anyone fucking cares.
wtf it was like 3 at least
It happens at least 3 times.
They didn't even get any mileage of her being in his body, not even her discovering a new way to piss.
happens 3 times and it's a running gag
even the normies in the theater were laughing at it
>This is the best movie this year
>Prove me wrong
Well, for starters, it didn't come out this year, dumb fuck
>STILL no bluray
>STILL no screenings in Germany
>jrock intensifies
I just wanted an hour of the girl masturbating using the boy's body.
That shit would be A++
Studio Ponoc will save anime
Has Shinkai, dare I say it, surpassed Miyazaki as the greatest anime creator of all time? Now it goes
all anime is trash no exceptions
Do they even kiss in the movie? I thought the sake was set up for tasting her kiss or something. Anyway it sucked on the story front.
>Best anything
Name your top 45 movies
If any of them are objectively bad your opinion is forever nullified and you'll be banned from posting on /tv.