First I was a libtard NPC, then I became a aannabe woke Sup Forumstard right winger

First I was a libtard NPC, then I became a aannabe woke Sup Forumstard right winger,
And now I'm a democratic socialist and can only laugh about my edgy past.
One day you'll hopefully get there soon, brainlets.

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>is mad does not make money so yells about rich people.

wait until he discovers anarchism and sees how cringe he is today

wow ur super gay get fucked faggit

Ahh you remind me so much of my retarded past, user. Keep going, I feel nostalgic

its strange too, because most of the losers on this site would benefit under a communist government.

Their lifes are already miserable as fuck so they rather try to own some lefties on the Internet instead of improving the system/their life.

>first I was a libtard
>now I am a libtard
>look how much I've grown Sup Forums

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except that it's kinda true. A lot of CEO's get overpaid in this world, wages have been stagnant with costs rising up, and a lot of the effects of our economy just isn't felt among the working class. Yes, job utilization is up but it's pretty normal to see that they usually juggle about 2-3 jobs per parent for families that didn't go to college or immigrated here. It just gets obfuscated by the hate we have for each other for nothing other than they're not "us"

you're not going to make me read a manifesto translated from the russian are you

So you went from an npc to still being an npc? Trump is a shady nigger yes but the shit the dems are doing is incredible. Just watch the impeachment hearings these niggers wont even answer the questions that are being asked because the shit they are doing is so evil. They wont address any facts. It's the twilight zone.

Youiterally could say that about kingdoms too. The working people were just jealous they weren't noble...

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State the evidence nigger. They have nothing but hearsay, impeachments are a scam.

Wait where did I say I identify with the denocratic party? They're miserable, chaotic and fucked by coprorate interests. Bernie is the only hope

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Read us some more talking points, user. We're starving for them.

Orange Man Bad isn't good enough for you? Are you some kind of traitor?

I liked bernie but like the rest he bows down to the near nazi level SJW ideology. I would literally rather vote trump than anyone who cowers down to that weak shit.

Even if you're right, there's nothing wrong with pursuing your rational economic self-interest.

Lmao in every other modern country Trump would be locked up already and you faggot ask for evidence

>rational economic self-interest.
rational economic self-interest is eating the rich

Locked up on what evidence? There are a lot of "civilized" countries that might lock him up for his political views, but the USA is not one of them.

mmhmm, valid yes, but it comes from a place of anxiety as social safety nets are kind of janky in the US. You might not feel it, but quite a lot of other people do. Someone who just has $20 bucks in their pocket literally has to choose between food or clothes that are falling apart because they don't know how much money they'll have next time. Now let's pretend that person is a child. That child is poor and can't make money yet a lot of the time we pretend not to see that kid starve with his family. Most likely that kid is going to stay poor too. But hey, same thing happened in kingdoms too right? Except, you know, I kinda thought America was better than kingdoms from ages ago, that we took care of our own and were proud of it. Instead we've got the old working more, the poor and middle class struggling, and the rich hoarding their money.

oof the sarcasm hurts so bad. It's like Thanos is snapping me out of existence...or like Josh Brolin being the same actor for two characters in the same franchise...

Sounds like you bought a never ending ride on the carousel of fucktard-ery.
>congratulations, retard.

please elaborate

homosexual detected

you can't respect or support trump and look at his penis at the same time, fag

I finally listened to AOC last night and holy shit do I find her voice annoying as hell. what she said was actually not as bad as fox news made me believe.

I like your impeachment worthy evidence.
Every other first world countries are doing much worse you retard.

your local public radio station isn't that bad either if they get service from NPR. Usually gets few opinion pieces and just spits out news most of the time. It's nice.