So I did some research on acid and apparently it could be used for therapeutic purposes...

So I did some research on acid and apparently it could be used for therapeutic purposes. Any b/ros had any experience with acid? Was it positive or negative? Also if you have tried mushrooms, how does it compare?

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I've been dropping once a month for a year now. Its an extremely interesting experience and I've carried a meaningful increase in empathy out of it.

You're going to get out of it what you have, mostly. If you're in a bad place mentally you're going to likely be in a bad place tripping. Be ready for that, bad trips aren't all that fun.

No shrooms, i have smoked salvia though also, which is a blast and pretty short.

Acid is a chemical and shrooms are natural go with shrooms if anything fuck it take five grams and call me in the morning

booth great, different types of hallucinations with shrooms feeling almost more cartoonish as acid is more creative,deeper thought and overall enjoyment of the world but as the other user said its gotta be used with a good environment and mindset or its not very beneficial

Micro dosing cured my depression. Along with studying philosophy and psychology.

They both

Lysergic Acid is from a fungus as well. One that can kill you unfortunately. Natural doesn't always equate to better anyway.

iits all chemicals man

This is what I fear the most, bad trips. Do you have any bad trips stories and/or experiences and how to avoid them?

A yes i have taken shrooms twice before. Never the full regular dose("took less than a no less than 2 grams i think "). It was pretty fun, thing is... years of smoking cigs, drinking and other drugs have fucked up my stomach and given me anxiety. Shrooms are kinda poisonous and last time i took them i got an upset stomach, if i take them now the anxiousness would probably give me a bad trip.

This is very interesting! Pleaseshare any insights that you learned.

Nice! I think acid would is more what i am looking for. Definitely going to need a sitter.

OP, you're referring to microdosing, basically giving a person about a 10th of a single dose of acid to boost creativity and serotonin production. Basically like a feel good pill.

The only problem is that psychedelics have kind of been a taboo in science, thus the full effects on your mind/consciousness aren't fully known.

From what I've been able to gather, LSD doesn't affect the body in a negative way. It can be hella dangerous for the mind tho, depending on the dosage, set and setting.
If you decide to take psychedelics, only do it in a place you feel comfortable at and people you feel comfortable with. But most importantly, never take psychedelics when you're in a bad mood or are struggling with mental illnesses.

In my personal experience, acid can be a very fun drug, intimate if you take it with your partner, and it will definitely have an impact on your view of life.

Shrooms are the better alternative tho, if you can get your hands on mushrooms, I would highly recommend them over acid. I've only taken shrooms twice, and it was a lighter dose (about 2 grams), and while my optics weren't that amazing, I laughed like a retard for like 3 good hours.

TL;DR - Psychedelics are cool under the right circumstances, shrooms better than acid

Psychedelics are a double edged sword.
Yes, it provides therapudic effects in regards to trauma as a sense of transcending it and even forming different perspectives about the events. However, it does pose a risk of being used as an escape rather than that of a treatment.
It's likely that something that so heavily influences the brain's neuron firings can also play a part on the accociated glands. We're largely unaware of the effects due to the absence of peer reviewed research.
In regards to the consumed product, I'd say acid has a more clean and intense feel. The bad trips are easier to endure.
Mushrooms on the other hand have a wild and organic feel to them. If it goes south, it goes south. If it's good, it's good. Either way, if you can handle your shit, you'll come out alive and without much trouble.
Enjoy your adventures.

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Be comfortable and noncritical of yourself. I've only had two, one much more severe which was hard to describe but was like being trapped in my own head coupled with paranoia and unpleasant visuals and auditory hallucinations.

The more minor one i got stuck looping through some thoughts and felt the walls closing in, with a repetitive sound like a cd skip playing in my head. It was a weird one because the peak was incredible but as i came down my sunburn from earlier in the day started to hurt and it just turned south for a bit.

I've dropped heroic doses of shrooms and acid as well as more reasonable doses. It did expose me to more thoughts and feelings that have had an impact on my life, however at the end of the day it's just a drug. Imo if you want to do it, do it alone or with a tripsitter the first time, depends on how you feel about psychedelics in general. If you're in the mindset where you think you might have a bad trip I wouldn't recommend either, as the paranoia about having a bad trip will increase a hundredfold on acid. Shrooms is more like being in the drivers seat and acid will punish you for not going with the flow. Also, if you do decide to trip, put on some Shpongle near/during your peak, it's amazing.

Ahh... This might be a problem for me. I suffered panic attacks onced and have anxiety. Add that a healthy dose of ADHD and you have an me.

Thank you very much for the well informed answer! I know theres not much info but in your opinion, If i take my anxiety meds with acid would it help control the negative affects? Or make it worse?

Yes that double edged sword thing is the reason why i barely ever(twice actually) tried psychedlics. Ive tried a bunch of different drugs but alwaysAlways been kinda scared of a drug that could make me feel... not in control?

> I'd say acid has a more clean and intense feel. The bad trips are easier to endure.

Think this is what im looking for. Thank you for the well informed answer!

>Be comfortable and noncritical of yourself. I've only had two, one much more severe which was hard to describe but was like being trapped in my own head coupled with paranoia and unpleasant visuals and auditory hallucinations.

Damn that sounds like sleep paralysis while having a nightmare.

>The more minor one i got stuck looping through some thoughts and felt the walls closing in, with a repetitive sound like a cd skip playing in my head. It was a weird one because the peak was incredible but as i came down my sunburn from earlier in the day started to hurt and it just turned south for a bit.

Can mildly imagine how it must feel. Damn it all sounds pretty surreal and intense.

Definitely getting a sitter! I have sitted for friends before. And have seen them try to walk of the fire escape.

Acid make you wanna kill people its some evil shit
also awesome at times terrible at others literally set and setting is the most important shit ever

No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride... And if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.

One more thing I forgot to mention (more of a personal thing), is to turn off and try to not engage with your phone. You can send some wild shit to people that will be a lot of fun to deal with when you come down. Other than that if you have a good friend who knows how to handle people on psychedelics, you're going to 9/10 have a fantastic time that will deepen the bond between y'all, have fun and stay safe.

>Acid make you wanna kill people its some evil shit
lol ok this is one vote against.

Thank you Sup Forumsro will do!

Man, you all are either fucking pussies or teens who've smoked pot once that they got from their older brothers who are now getting raped in prison.
Seriously. What is this amateur fucking cuntish shit? Take a few tabs, trip out of your mind, and fucking enjoy.

>forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.
You know what, that's so true. That will be my mantra if i get a bad trip.

>Natural = merit

This is false

Delusional schizophrenic detected

i took mushrooms about six months ago and while i was tripping i took all my drugs, flushed them down the toilet, traveled three hours to my grandma's house, helped her out around her house all weekend, came back home, convinced my brother to get sober as well, and then applied to go back to college. i had mental visions of all the terrible things i had done over the last ten years because of drugs and i had visions of some sort of neo-confucianism or something where a productive and just society starts with personal responsibility, then responsibility to family, then to society. i decided i would rather be apart of that. been sober since and have a 4.0.

for me, mushrooms are more spiritual, intuitive and internal; acid is more analytical and externally oriented.

i personally prefer mushrooms because they feel like home, but acid is a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything too.

There was a time where I thought like this too. Nearly od once because of it, and a second time nearly drowned in my own vomit. It's not a dick swinging competition. After a while, you just learn to be careful.
If its your first time with a certain drug, please be cautious and research as much as you can.

This is inspirational as fuck. Sometimes in the right conditions, at the right time, a trip will just change you for the better. This is what I am looking for. Thank you user

Interesting, Thanks for the insight.

Fuck you man, I'm more sane than you. What, you puffed on a joint once and think your some hot fucking shit, sucking off your dad in the shed. Lol okay man whatever you say. Idiotic fucking betas nowadays, think they know the world cuz pots legal and shit, HA.

Acid was awesome. Stopped taking all drugs years ago. Definitely worth the adventure in the right setting and friend circle. Shrooms are a little more unpredictable imo. Prefer cid over shrooms for sure.

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i think i read on leddit that that mushrooms = fantasy and acid = science fiction, which is a gross oversimplification but kind of true.

mushrooms give me a genuine appreciation for things like the stars. i took one of those constellation apps outside while tripping balls on mushies and gazed at the stars for hours listening to thievery corporation and it felt like i was spiritually connected to everything.

acid always makes me analyze things and i tend to feel connected to everything as well but in a way that is more analytical; i feel like i am apart of a system as opposed to gaining an immense spritual appreciation. but acid is cool too.

for me, shrooms = spiritual appreciation at their best moments and acid = analytical understanding.

physical effects, i get waves from subtle waves of pleasure that flow throughout my body on mushrooms. i feel a kind of electric pleasure on acid.

The appealing to nature fallacy. I hear this one far too often. Who in their right mind would think that just because something is "natural" that it's good for you? There of plenty of awful and harmless things found in nature and there are plenty of awful and harmless things synthesized in a lab. Just because something is natural or synthetic is no indication of whether or not it is good or bad for you.

Way to prove my point fucking lunatic. So deluded you’re a loser faggot

I've tried tripping twice, once on 160ug, and a few days later on 240ug. The first time I kept a log. I'm confident what I took was LSD, not a research chemical.

The first time taking acid was kinda neat. I found my brain would form very uniform fractal patterns out of otherwise random visual textures, ie a granite counter top, stucco, drywall, carpet.

I also witnessed things like wood grain, veins, wire mesh... basically anything made up of parallel lines would slowly wave. Wrinkles in my hands would appear to multiply at 90 degrees to one another until they made their own patterns, dark spots seemed to flow though my veins (that's a good time to remind yourself LSD only alters perception) looking like leeches. This was all quite novel until I peaked there.

I never hallucinated any object of being that didn't exist, rather, re-worked existing visual chaos into order.

I also noted it became extremely hard to maintain a clear train of thought without becoming distracted. Completing multi-step tasks like making food required discipline. It felt like I had just contracted some form of ADD.

I also became too paranoid to explore the great outdoors as you may have noticed given my above examples.

I found myself getting bored, and even annoyed with these mild visuals, as I seemed to peak quite shortly after dosing and maintained a nuisance-level trip for another ten to twelve hours thereafter.

I'm curious what others' experiences have been, and what I might be able to do to get more than fractal drywall and a headache out of the experience.

as someone whos done acid like 6 times dont listen to all the gobbledygook, avoid acid there's the risk of lifelong psychological damage, ive done a shitload of drugs and by far the one i most regret is acid. sick and tired of all these retards who claim acid is extremely safe because it potentially ruin someones life

Loser faggot, ouch. That one hurt. Lol, what a fucking poser wannabe. Fuck, our world's gonna be fucking ruined cuz of brainlets like this

Acid is beautiful. The doors of perception- cleansed. As if a way from reality actually existed. It exists. Exiting the game to enter into another game. Imagine all the people- hellish, heavenly thoughts and smiles. Images and mages I thought, but know there's no thing such as, this thing. Thinking of a thought that thinks of a thought where reality is nothing but today lived tomorrow in a world where world's didn't exist except for in a thought thought of a thought though though in a thought of another thought in thots of thots on thots to thot

I remember tripping on acid a long time ago. My dad and I never had much of a relationship. He is very introverted and I never made time for him as a kid as I should have. I was a kid and he was just... not interesting to a kid.

But when I took this acid I began to laugh as I remembered all the times that he used to walk me around the woods that I was fortunate enough to grow up in and all the sacrifices he made to get my stupid self through childhood. I started to cry during the trip because I never made time for him as a kid as I started to get older. I realized he was a sad and lonely man (his dad, my grandpa, was terrible to him growing up) who just wanted people to love him.

I decided to make more time for my dad. We get together every Sunday and watch football all day and we talk about politics, just stupid stuff. But it's important and we have a good time. I also help him with his business when I can now. I love my dad, he is a great man.

Acid allowed me to see that it would be the biggest regret of my life if I didn't make an effort. He is very old as he had me very late in life and I am glad that I made this effort. I only wish I had done it ten years ago.

I also believe his genetics endowed me with a nice, 6.5 inch penis, so I am grateful for that too :)

Why is some nigger talking about his dad's dick on acid

Bump to save thread from porn infested Sup Forums

thats the thing, unless you want to tread into some dark territory and do more to the point where its harmful, a mindfuck and some stupid visuals are the extent of what acid has to offer. In my opinion acid is dumb and not worth it at all

yes the trip was extremely powerful. i had been reading about confucianism for a few weeks and then i watched twin peaks season 3 while tripping, specifically last half of episode 17 (which is one of the most ridiculous/absorbing sequences of television/film i have ever seen btw) and it was just very dramatic and intense and sad and then when episode 17 ended, BAM, like a fucking freight train. full on vision about what was wrong with my life and then an antidote presented right after.

Acid and mushrooms are fun, but the therapeutic value is vastly overstated by people who think that taking hallucinogens is magic.

LSD is like a clean laser, one chemical one effect. Mushrooms are more of a rounded experience. Neither is more positive.


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what do you mean by rounded experience? ive only done acid and im curious what mushrooms are like?

Like being sick and tripping

Vastly overstated, sure, but I have seen multiple people positively turn their lives around for the better the day after a heavy trip. So the potential is there. Depends on what kind of guy you are.

thats lame dam

It helped me alot during a depression/existential crisis.
I can't really tell you what answers I got but it gave some sort of understanding

Yeah makes you wanna vomit although if you got through it. It’s actually amazing you feel better about tripping like youre one with the earth n shit

Yeah. Imagine being on acid but your stomach feels like shit and all you can think about is the frailty of you biology. Then you hurl.
That's shrooms.

No, more body high rather than all head

Acid tends to be more lucid at common doses. It can -feel- like intellectual steroids (it's not). Your vision seems more acute. It kind of raises awareness for things around you.

Mushrooms are dreamier. I would argue they tend to lower the awareness of your surroundings.

You're doing it wrong

To quote Russell Brand “LSD is delightful to annihilate concept of self, the construction of self, biochemical tapestries stimulated by a culture, formulated in memory. To see that thing bust apart by hallucinogens is a glory to bold. To experience oneness, to experience connection, to know that in truth we are all one"

What do you consider a common dose of acid?

Midsommar has the most realistic depiction of doing shrooms, along with the people you’ll be with. If you didn’t have a friend who wouldn’t shut the fuck up, it was probably you

100-300 micrograms

If you do happen to have a bad trip, ask why you're so anxious and why you're worrying. It'll be a hellish experience but you'll might come out of it a bit better off.

You can try cutting down on the meds a slight bit for a week or two beforehand to get comfortable in the headspace.

Coming at this from the opposite angle, don’t put so much weight and ceremonially around it and just walk around a little bit and you should be fine. You’re getting fucked up with your mates not getting married.

Usually lurker here but I did 7 grams of some potent stuff in a heroic setting and it changed my life. Went from being double depressed for an extended period of time (it's a term look it up) and after coming back I was completely freed from the demons that plagued me. The world was born anew for me and if you're the right type of individual I would highly recommend if you seeking guidance to utilize them appropriately. Don't be stupid with them.

Eh, I'm a big fan of "less is more" so I personally like 100-250 ugs.

But a common dose when I was using drugs more was anywhere from probably 200-400 ugs. We never ate less than two "hits" (and lord knows how much was on there, but it was clean... the days before research chems were everywhere).

I would say that 200 ugs (or two hits roughly and ideally) is the standard common dose. I would say 100 to 400 ugs is a pretty standard range.

Though I see the kids nowadays only eating one "hit" (around 75 to 150 ugs likely), which is interesting and what I would agree with more, assuming it is acid.

But yeah, 100-400 ugs is probably pretty common.

Alternatively just take your SSRIs bud

I have done around 200 tabs in total, it has changed me for sure. I’m not brain dead tho. Colors are more vivid, music sounds better, every small thing in life is more immersive (this is all permanent) It truly is a thinking mans drug.

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That stuff doesn't work for everybody, if you were in the boat of it working for yourself or someone you knew then fantastic I hope they / you continue to do well in your own lives. Alternatively for those whom it doesn't have impactful results or long lasting results I would still recommend this for them.

wtf, Sup Forums move this slow now?
holy fucking shit.

it's was glorious yesterday but again it's all fb/ig/celeb shit threads

All psychedelics open new persceptions. You'll feel, hear smell touch, taste, think, view and dream in ways you would have never known were possible. I've had good and bad experiences. Had a pretty horrific experience when I took a few blotters and thought what would happen if we all became the static dots in a tv with no signals. I felt what it would be like and freaked out. Comfort was out the window. But as I'm not a pussy, I dealt with it and it became good again.

>misspelled per(s)ception
>thinks he's a good source for drug usage

man, the turn over post/image limit for the most popular threads here used to be less than 30 minutes. I'll bet ya faggots are even "bumping" nao.

>get beaten
A psychedelic jumping in. Throw your mind into thunders one nigga

Lurk moar faggot

It's awful for your heart and kidneys.

I have Tourette’s and used to bark and all kinds of shit. I started experimenting with psychedelics around age 17. All ticks are nearly gone. All I gotta do is trip once or twice a year and I’m good. Still have trouble with impulse control but at least no one is staring at me like wtf.

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Psilocybin is a chemical just like LSD is a chemical. Your logic makes no sense.

>lurk moar in order to compare Sup Forums against 2009
that was actually pretty based because I indeed should. But I won't because this place is shit now.

Shrooms = serotonergic
LSD = serotonergic and dopaminergic

>dark spots seemed to flow though my veins (that's a good time to remind yourself LSD only alters perception)

Yeah definitely don't start looking at your veins on psychedelics

>Acid and mushrooms are fun, but the therapeutic value is vastly overstated by people who think that taking hallucinogens is magic.

I was suffering from autism, ADD and complex posttraumatic stress disorder and you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

One of my favorite Psychedelics, but damn are shrooms 100 times better. Acid was just rainbows for me, but Shrooms is where you seem some real shit though. Shroom visions are so vivid and realistic, it's a complete blast. You always gotta do that shit outdoors or in a forest. You get the best visuals that way.

I don't see it mentioned yet that you pretty much can't get acid anymore. What you get is a synthetic called 25i-nbome, and is totally untested and could very well cause brain damage.

Mushrooms are still safe.

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>this place is shit now.
Sup Forums was always shit. That's the fun of it.

Aw damn, I thought the anti-porn shit was legit. That would have been awesome.

you see, when you're comparing the texture of shit it's still all good. But when you start digressing about the color, especially in grades of yellow and green, and the viscosity of it. Well, it's still all shit but the latter already past the point of being unbearable.

But that's the point of this shit of a site. It's either bearable or not at all. If you can bear it, embrace the shit. If you can't, fuck off and find some other shit to consume. In sure there was some brighter greener/browner shit you might enjoy over on Reddit and Instagram

ive had a couple bad trips myself and it was always cause i tried to do a trip with people(or the setting) i wasnt totally comfortable around but also ive noticed that having a general idea of what youll want to be doing during the trip helps

nah, i'm the can never leave type of idiot.
And i finally grew past my antagonism of plebbit and started lurking there... after a long time. I never knew they had good porn there (yes, I was that adamant in never visiting that place)

Thanks for proving my point. Fuck off back to your easily consumed shit pile, we'll enjoy ours. Faggot.

>look mommy I won on the chinz. i-I swaer I did!

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Why are you so angry? Chill out, he's some anonymous person you'll never hear from again after this thread. Grow up.

what are you looking for in terms of therapeutic use?

OP Here. Thank you everyone so much for your answers!

don't feed the hate bro

>dark spots seemed to flow though my veins (that's a good time to remind yourself LSD only alters perception) looking like leeches.
Holy shit that wouldve freaked me out thanks for the tip bro!
> It felt like I had just contracted some form of ADD.
Wonder what it would do with my already existing ADHD.

Please explain your negative experience user. Also, if acid was so bad why do it 6 times instead of stopping at the first?

You got some serious anger issues brother. I hope you find some peace, somewhere, somehow. We are all looking for that.

+1 vote for acid!

>Acid allowed me to see that it would be the biggest regret of my life if I didn't make an effort. He is very old as he had me very late in life and I am glad that I made this effort. I only wish I had done it ten years ago.
>I also believe his genetics endowed me with a nice, 6.5 inch penis, so I am grateful for that too :)
Im really glad that you reconnected with your father bro! Also glad for your inherited penis! Go get that coochie!

>LSD is like a clean laser, one chemical one effect.
Interesting multiple people have said that acid is cleaner and more analytical. When you say clear laser what do you mean?

Gotta face the demons to beat em i guess. Thanks for the tip bro!

>I did 7 grams of some potent stuff in a heroic setting and it changed my life.

Not even on the deep web?

Those were the days... Sup Forums really went to shit when some shooting(i dont know which one there are so many in the US) happened that got all the attention to Sup Forums so the mods had to mood which means only shit threads from then on. Migrated to infinity chan but that got banned from the clearnet after another fucking psycho shooting. Sup Forums b is shit now, but its all we got i guess.

you can get lsd easily that dude is retarded
nbome is common but if i can find real L you can too. always test it, a test kit is $20 and will tell you all you need to know